< Exodus 19 >

1 Two months to the day after they left Egypt, the Israelites arrived at the Sinai desert.
No te toru o nga marama o te haerenga mai o nga tama a Iharaira i te whenua o Ihipa, no taua rangi ano, ka tae ratou ki te koraha o Hinai.
2 They had set out from Rephidim, and after they entered the Sinai desert they camped there in front of the mountain.
A, i to ratou haerenga atu i Repirimi, ka tae ki te koraha o Hinai, ka noho iho ratou i te koraha; a noho ana a Iharaira ki reira, ki te ritenga atu o te maunga.
3 Moses went up the mountain to God. The Lord spoke to Moses from the mountain, and told him, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob, the Israelites:
Na ka piki a Mohi ki te Atua, a ka karanga a Ihowa ki a ia i te maunga, ka mea, Kia penei tau korero ki te whare o Hakopa, tau kauwhau hoki ki nga tama a Iharaira;
4 ‘You saw for yourselves what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles' wings, how I brought you to myself.
Kua kite koutou i nga mea i mea ai ahau ki nga Ihipiana, i taku whakawahanga hoki i a koutou i runga i nga parirau ekara, me te kawenga mai i a koutou ki ahau.
5 Now if you really obey what I say and keep the agreement with me, then out of all the nations you will be a special people that belong to me. While the whole world is mine,
Heoi ki te ata whakarongo koutou ki toku reo, ki te pupuri hoki i taku kawenata, ka waiho koutou hei taonga moku, motu ke i nga iwi katoa: i ahau hoki te whenua katoa:
6 for me you will be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.’ This is what you are to tell the Israelites.”
A ka waiho koutou e ahau hei kingi, hei tohunga, hei iwi tapu hoki. Ko nga kupu enei e korero ai koe ki nga tama a Iharaira.
7 So Moses went back down and summoned the elders of the people, and presented to them everything the Lord had ordered him to say.
Na ka haere iho a Mohi, ka karanga ia ki nga kaumatua o te iwi, a hoatu ana e ia ki to ratou aroaro enei kupu katoa i akona nei e Ihowa ki a ia.
8 Everyone answered, “We promise to do everything the Lord says.” Then Moses took the people's answer back to the Lord.
Na ka pa katoa te iwi ki te whakahoki, ka mea, Ka mahia e matou nga mea katoa i korerotia mai na e Ihowa. A kawea ana e Mohi nga kupu a te iwi ki a Ihowa.
9 The Lord told Moses, “Look! I'm going to come to you in a thick cloud so the people will hear me speaking with you and as a result they will always trust you.” Then Moses reported to the Lord what the people had said.
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Nana, ka haere atu ahau ki a koe i roto i tetahi kapua matotoru, kia rongo ai te iwi, ua korero ahau ki a koe, kia whakapono ai hoki ratou ki a koe a mua tonu atu. A korerotia ana e Mohi nga kupu a te iwi ki a Ihowa.
10 The Lord told Moses, “Go back down and prepare them spiritually today and tomorrow. They must wash their clothes
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Haere ki te iwi, ka whakatapu hoki i a ratou akuanei, apopo hoki, kia horoi hoki ratou i o ratou kakahu,
11 and be ready on the third day because that is when the Lord will descend upon Mount Sinai in the full view of everyone.
Kia takatu hoki mo te ra tuatoru; ta te mea hei te ra tuatoru a Ihowa haere iho ai ki te aroaro o te iwi katoa, ki runga ki Maunga Hinai.
12 Set up a boundary for the people all around and warn them, ‘Watch out! Don't try to go up the mountain—don't even touch it! For anyone who touches the mountain will most certainly be killed. Don't touch any person or any animal that has touched the mountain.
A whakatakotoria e koe he rohe mo te iwi, tawhio noa, tawhio noa, ka mea atu, Kia mohio koutou kei piki ki te maunga, kei pa ranei ki tona taha: ko nga tangata katoa e pa ana ki te maunga, ina, me whakamate.
13 Make sure they are stoned or shot with arrows—they must not be allowed to live.’ Only when there is a long blast on the ram's horn can the people come up the mountain.”
Kaua te ringa e pa ki a ia, engari me aki ki te kohatu, me wero ranei ki te tao; ahakoa kararehe, ahakoa tangata, e kore e ora: ka kukume roa te tangi o te tetere, ka haere mai ai ratou ki te maunga.
14 Moses went down the mountain and prepared the people spiritually and they washed their clothes.
Na ka haere iho a Mohi i te maunga ki te iwi, ka whakatapu ia i te iwi, a horoia ana e ratou o ratou kakahu.
15 He instructed the people, “Get ready for the third day, and don't be intimate with a woman.”
A i mea ia ki te iwi, Kia takatu koutou i te toru o nga ra: kaua e whakatata atu ki te wahine.
16 When morning came on the third day there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud covered the mountain. There was the very loud sound of a ram's horn, and everyone in the camp shook with fear.
A ka taka ki te toru o nga ra, i te ata, na, ka puta mai nga whatitiri, me nga uira, me te kapua matotoru i runga i te maunga, me te tangi o te tetere, tona nui na! a wiri katoa ana te hunga i te puni.
17 Moses led the people out from the camp to meet God. They stood at the foot of the mountain.
Na ka arahina atu te iwi e Mohi i te puni ki te whakatau i te Atua; a tu ana ratou ki raro i te maunga.
18 Smoke poured out over the whole of Mount Sinai because the Lord's presence had come down like fire. The smoke rose up like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain shook furiously.
A he paowa kau Maunga Hinai, no te mea kua heke iho a Ihowa ki runga, i roto i te ahi; a kake ana tona paowa, ano he paowa oumu, a wiri pu te maunga katoa.
19 As the sound of the ram's horn grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him in a loud, thunderous voice.
A i te mea ka nui haere rawa te tangi o te tetere, ka korero atu a Mohi, a ka korero a reo tangata mai te Atua ki a ia.
20 The Lord descended on the top of Mount Sinai, and he called Moses to come up there. So Moses went up,
Na ka heke iho a Ihowa ki Maunga Hinai, ki te tihi o te maunga: a karangatia iho ana a Mohi e Ihowa ki te tihi o te maunga; a piki atu ana a Mohi.
21 and the Lord told him, “Go back down, and warn the people not to force their way across the boundary to try to come to the Lord or they will die.
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Heke atu, kauwhautia te iwi ra, kei wahi ake ratou ki a Ihowa ki te matakitaki, a he tokomaha o ratou e hinga.
22 Even the priests, who come before the Lord, must prepare themselves spiritually, so that the Lord does not punish them.”
Ko nga tohunga hoki e whakatata ana ki a Ihowa, kia tapu ratou, kei auta atu a Ihowa ki a ratou.
23 But Moses said to the Lord, “The people cannot come up Mount Sinai. You yourself warned us, ‘Set up a boundary around the mountain, and treat it as holy.’”
A ka mea a Mohi ki a Ihowa, E kore e ahei i te iwi te piki ake ki Maunga Hinai; nau hoki i kauwhau iho ki a matou, i mea, Taiepatia te maunga, whakatapua hoki.
24 The Lord told him, “Go down and bring Aaron back up with you. But the priests and the people must not force their way to come up to the Lord, or he will punish them.”
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a ia, Haere, heke atu; ka piki mai ano koe, korua ko Arona: ko nga tohunga ia, me te iwi, kei wahi mai ratou, kei piki ki a Ihowa; kei auta atu ia ki a ratou.
25 So Moses went down and explained to the people what the Lord had said.
A heke atu ana a Mohi ki te iwi, korero ana ki a ratou.

< Exodus 19 >