< Exodus 19 >

1 Two months to the day after they left Egypt, the Israelites arrived at the Sinai desert.
Israel ca rhoek Egypt kho lamloh a nong phoeikah, hla thum dongah a om khohnin ah, Sinai khosoek la pawk uh.
2 They had set out from Rephidim, and after they entered the Sinai desert they camped there in front of the mountain.
Te phoeiah Rephidim lamloh hlah uh tih Sinai khosoek la pawk uh. Khosoek kah a rhaeh uh vaengah Israel tah tlang dan ah pahoi rhaeh.
3 Moses went up the mountain to God. The Lord spoke to Moses from the mountain, and told him, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob, the Israelites:
Te vaengah Moses tah Pathen taengla cet. Te dongah BOEIPA loh anih te tlang lamloh a khue tih, “He he Jakob imkhui te thui pah lamtah Israel ca taengah puen pah.
4 ‘You saw for yourselves what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles' wings, how I brought you to myself.
Egypt taengah ka saii te na hmuh uh coeng. Nangmih te atha phae dongah kam phueih tih kamah taengla nangmih kang khuen.
5 Now if you really obey what I say and keep the agreement with me, then out of all the nations you will be a special people that belong to me. While the whole world is mine,
Te dongah ka ol he na ngai rhoe na ngai tih, ka paipi na tuem atah pilnam cungkuem khui lamloh kamah taengah lungthen la na om uh ni. Diklai pum khaw kamah kah ni.
6 for me you will be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.’ This is what you are to tell the Israelites.”
Te phoeiah nangmih te kamah taengah khosoih ram neh hlangcim namtu la na om uh ni. He ol he Israel ca taengah thui pah,” a ti nah.
7 So Moses went back down and summoned the elders of the people, and presented to them everything the Lord had ordered him to say.
Te phoeiah Moses te mael tih pilnam kah a hamca rhoek te a khue. Te vaengah BOEIPA loh amah ol a uen boeih te amih mikhmuh ah a phoe pah.
8 Everyone answered, “We promise to do everything the Lord says.” Then Moses took the people's answer back to the Lord.
Te vaengah pilnam pum loh huek a doo tih, “BOEIPA kah a thui te boeih ka saii uh ni,” a ti uh. Te dongah Moses loh pilnam kah ol te BOEIPA taengla a mael puei.
9 The Lord told Moses, “Look! I'm going to come to you in a thick cloud so the people will hear me speaking with you and as a result they will always trust you.” Then Moses reported to the Lord what the people had said.
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses taengah, “Kai tah nangmih taengah cingmai khomai neh ka pawk coeng he. He kong nen ni kai neh nang m'voek uh vaengah pilnam loh a yaak eh. Te vaengah nang soah khaw kumhal duela n'tangnah uh bitni,” a ti nah. Te vaengah Moses loh pilnam kah ol te BOEIPA taengla a puen pah.
10 The Lord told Moses, “Go back down and prepare them spiritually today and tomorrow. They must wash their clothes
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Pilnam taengah cet laeh, tihnin neh thangvuen ah amih te ciim lamtah a himbai te til uh saeh.
11 and be ready on the third day because that is when the Lord will descend upon Mount Sinai in the full view of everyone.
A thum khohnin ah tah sikim la om uh saeh. A thum hnin ah BOEIPA tah pilnam pum kah mikhmuh ah Sinai tlang la ha rhum ni.
12 Set up a boundary for the people all around and warn them, ‘Watch out! Don't try to go up the mountain—don't even touch it! For anyone who touches the mountain will most certainly be killed. Don't touch any person or any animal that has touched the mountain.
Pilnam te a kaepvai ah rhi suem pah lamtah, ‘Nangmih te tlang la luei neh a rhi te ben ham khaw ngaithuen uh, tlang aka ben boeih tah duek rhoe duek ni.
13 Make sure they are stoned or shot with arrows—they must not be allowed to live.’ Only when there is a long blast on the ram's horn can the people come up the mountain.”
A soah kut loh taek boel saeh. Tedae dae la dae saeh lamtah kap khaw kap saeh. Jubilee la a sol vaengah tlang la aka cet te tah rhamsa khaw hlang khaw hing boel saeh,’ ti nah,” a ti nah.
14 Moses went down the mountain and prepared the people spiritually and they washed their clothes.
Te dongah Moses te tlang lamloh pilnam taengla suntla tih pilnam te a ciim phoeiah a himbai te a til uh.
15 He instructed the people, “Get ready for the third day, and don't be intimate with a woman.”
Te vaengah pilnam te, “A thum hnin ah sikim la om uh lamtah huta taengla mop uh boeh,” a ti nah.
16 When morning came on the third day there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud covered the mountain. There was the very loud sound of a ram's horn, and everyone in the camp shook with fear.
A thum hnin kah mincang a pha tangloeng vaengah rhaek ol neh cingmai a thah loh tlang soah om. Te vaengah tuki ol te bahoeng tlungluen tih rhaehhmuen kah pilnam khaw boeih lakueng.
17 Moses led the people out from the camp to meet God. They stood at the foot of the mountain.
Pathen doe ham Moses loh pilnam te rhaehhmuen lamkah a khuen tih tlang yung ah pai uh.
18 Smoke poured out over the whole of Mount Sinai because the Lord's presence had come down like fire. The smoke rose up like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain shook furiously.
BOEIPA te hmai neh a rhum dongah Sinai tlang khaw a pum la khuu. A hmaikhu te hmailing hmaikhu bangla luei tih tlang khaw a pum la muep lakueng.
19 As the sound of the ram's horn grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him in a loud, thunderous voice.
Tuki ol khaw ha thoeih tih bahoeng len. Moses loh a voek vaengah Pathen loh a ol neh a doo.
20 The Lord descended on the top of Mount Sinai, and he called Moses to come up there. So Moses went up,
Te vaengah BOEIPA tah Sinai tlang kah tlang soi la ha rhum. Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te tlang soi la a khue tih Moses khaw cet hang.
21 and the Lord told him, “Go back down, and warn the people not to force their way across the boundary to try to come to the Lord or they will die.
Tedae BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Suntla lamtah pilnam te rhalrhing sak, BOEIPA hmuh ham koengloeng uh vetih amih te cungku uh khungdaeng ve.
22 Even the priests, who come before the Lord, must prepare themselves spiritually, so that the Lord does not punish them.”
Khosoih rhoek pataeng khaw BOEIPA taengla aka mop rhoek tah ciim uh saeh. Amih taengah BOEIPA pung ve,” a ti nah.
23 But Moses said to the Lord, “The people cannot come up Mount Sinai. You yourself warned us, ‘Set up a boundary around the mountain, and treat it as holy.’”
Te phoeiah Moses loh BOEIPA taengah, “Namah loh kai he nan rhalrhing sak tih, ‘Tlang te suem lamtah ciim laeh,’ na ti coeng dongah Sinai tlang la pilnam a yoeng ham a coeng moenih,” a ti nah.
24 The Lord told him, “Go down and bring Aaron back up with you. But the priests and the people must not force their way to come up to the Lord, or he will punish them.”
Te dongah BOEIPA loh amah te, “Cet laeh, suntla lamtah namah khaw Aaron khaw namah neh ha puei uh. Tedae khosoih rhoek neh pilnam tah BOEIPA taengla caeh ham koengloeng uh boel saeh. Amih taengah pung ve,” a ti nah.
25 So Moses went down and explained to the people what the Lord had said.
Moses te pilnam taengla suntla tangloeng tih amih te a thui pah.

< Exodus 19 >