< Exodus 17 >

1 Then all the Israelites left the Desert of Sin, going from place to place as they followed the Lord's commands. They camped at Rephidim, but there wasn't any water for the people to drink.
Gırgın İzrailin cəmə'ət Sin eyhene sahreençe yəqqı'lqa qığeç'e. Rəbbe manbışik'le uvhuyn xhinne manbı ulyoozar-ulyoozar avayk'an. Manbı Refidim eyhene cigeeqa qabı çadırbı g'iyxə. Maa'ad milletın ulyoğasın xhyan eyxhe deş.
2 Some of them came and complained to Moses, saying, “Give us water to drink!” Moses replied, “Why are you complaining to me?” Moses asked. “Why are you trying to challenge the Lord?”
Mançil-allar manbışe Mısa t'yats'axal hı'ı eyhen: – Şas ulyoğasın xhyan hele! Mısee manbışik'le eyhen: – Nya'a şu zak'le cuvabbı eyhe? Nişil-allane şu Rəbb siliys ı'xı'yxə?
3 But the people were so thirsty for water there that they went on complaining to Moses, saying, “Why did you have to bring us out of Egypt? Are you trying to kill us and our children and livestock by thirst?”
Milletıs xhyan ıkkan eyxhe. Mançil-allad manbışe Mısa t'yats'axal hı'ı eyhen: – Nya'a ğu şi Misirğançe qığav'u? İn ğu şak, şinab, yişin uşaxarıb, həyvanarıd xhineka gyatt'asdemene hı'ı?
4 Moses cried out to the Lord, “What am I going to do with these people? A bit more of this and they're going to stone me!”
Mısee Rəbbilqa onu'u eyhen: – İne milletık zı hucoone ha'as? Manbı zalqa g'aye gyooğa'asınçıl qepxha vob.
5 The Lord told Moses, “Go ahead of the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with you. Take with you the walking stick you used to hit the Nile, and just go on ahead.
Rəbbee Mısays inəxdun alidghıniy qele: – Vakasana sabara milletın ağsaqqalar qopt'ul milletne ögiyl hoora. Nil eyhene damays ı'xı'yn əsayid xılyaqa aleet'e.
6 Look, I will stand there beside you by the rock at Horeb. When you hit the rock water will pour out for the people to drink.” So Moses did this as the elders of Israel watched.
Maane Xorev eyhene ganzıl Zı yiğne ögiyl ulyozaras. Mane yiğne xılene əsaaka ganzıle k'ena it'umda ı'xe, mançeençe milletıs ulyoğasın xhyan qığeç'es. Mısee İzrailyne ağsaqqalaaşine ögiyl həməxüd ha'a.
7 He called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites argued there, and because they challenged the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord with us, or not?”
Mısee mane cigaynıd do Massayiy Meriva (siliys ı'xı'y, cuvabbı uvhiy) giyxhe. Ma'ad İzrailybışe cok'le cuvabbı eyheva, «Rəbbir şakaniyxan deşxhee, de'eşdaniyxanva» uvhu, Rəbbir siliys ı'xı'va man do giyxhe.
8 Then some Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim.
Mançile qiyğa Amalekar Refidimeeqa abı İzrailybışika suç'ookanbı.
9 Moses told Joshua, “Choose some of men and go out and fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I'll stand on the top of this hill holding the walking stick of God.”
Mısee Yeşuayk'le eyhen: – Hark'ın milletıke insanar g'əvxe, yişdemee Amalekaaşika saç'uvkecen. Zı g'iyqa Allahne əsaaka tepayne q'oma ulyozarasda.
10 Joshua did what Moses told him and fought the Amalekites, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of the hill.
Yeşueeyid Mısee uvhuyn xhinne ha'a, hark'ın Amalekaaşika siç'ekkvana. Mısa, Harun, Xur hapk'ın ılqeebaç'enbı tepayne q'omaqa.
11 As long as Moses held up the walking stick his hands, the Israelites were the ones winning, but when he lowered them, it was the Amalekites.
Mısee xıleppı ooqa qı'ımee İzrailybı ğamebaxhenbıniy, mang'un xıleppı ozzur avqa qeetxhamee, ğamebaxhe giviyğalanbı Amalekar.
12 So when Moses' hands became heavy, the others took a stone and put it under him for him to sit on. Aaron and Hur stood on each side of Moses and held his hands up. In this way his hands were kept firmly up until the sun went down.
Mısayn xıleppı oyzaranbı, mang'usse xıleppı orzuliyvalike ooqa qa'as dəxəmee, Haruneeyiy Xuree g'aye abı Mısa çilqa gya'a. Mang'un sa xıl aqqaqqan Harunee mansad Xuree. Məxüd verığ k'yooçesmee, manbışe mang'un xıleppı xəə aqqaqqa.
13 As a result Joshua defeated the Amalekite army.
Məxüb Yeşuee Amalekbı cune g'ılıncıke alğaa'a.
14 The Lord told Moses, “Write all this down on a scroll as a reminder and read it out loud to Joshua, because I'm going to completely wipe out the Amalekites so nobody on earth will remember them.”
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – İnsanaaşe yik'el aqqecenva kitabeeqa ok'ne. Qiyğad Yeşuayk'le eyhe, Zı Amalekaaşin docad ç'iyene aq'vale hakkal ha'asın.
15 Moses built an altar and called it “the Lord is my banner of victory.”
Mısee q'urban ablya'an ciga ali'ı çin doyud YAHVE Nissi (zas Rəbbee ğamxhesda guc hoole) gixhxhı,
16 “Hold up the victory banner of the Lord!” Moses declared. “The Lord will go on fighting the Amalekites for all generations!”
eyhen: – Zı Rəbbilqa k'ın g'iysar, Rəbbee Amalekaaşikana dəv'ə ç'əv ha'as deş.

< Exodus 17 >