< Exodus 16 >

1 The whole Israelite community left Elim and went to the Desert of Sin, between Elim and Sinai. This was on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had left the land of Egypt.
Na ka turia e ratou i Erimi, a ka tae te huihuinga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira ki te koraha o Hini, ki waenganui o Erimi o Hinai, i te tekau ma rima o nga ra o te rua o nga marama o to ratou haerenga mai i te whenua o Ihipa.
2 There in the desert they complained to Moses and Aaron.
Na ka amuamu te huihui katoa o nga tama a Iharaira ki a Mohi raua ko Arona i te koraha:
3 “The Lord should've killed us back in Egypt!” the Israelites told them. “At least there we could sit down beside stewpots of meat and eat bread until we were full. But you had to bring all of us out here in the desert to starve us all to death!”
A ka mea nga tama a Iharaira ki a raua, E, te mate atu ra matou i te ringa o Ihowa i te whenua o Ihipa, i a matou e noho ana i te taha o nga kohua kikokiko, e kai taro ana, a makona noa! na korua nei hoki matou i kawe mai ki tenei koraha kia kohu rutia ai tenei whakaminenga katoa ki te matekai.
4 The Lord told Moses, “Just watch! I'm going to rain down bread from heaven for you! Each day the people are to go out and collect enough for that day. I'm going to test them by this to find out whether they'll follow my instructions or not.
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Nana, ka uaina iho e ahau he taro i te rangi ma koutou; a ma te iwi e haere, e kohikohi i to tenei rangi, i to tenei rangi, kia whakamatau ai ahau i a ratou, e haere ranei ratou i taku ture, kahore ranei.
5 On the sixth day they are to collect twice as much as usual and prepare it.”
A, a te ono o nga ra, ka taka e ratou ta ratou e mau mai ai; kia takiruatia ta ratou i kohikohi ai i etahi rangi ake ka rite ki to tenei.
6 So Moses and Aaron explained to all the Israelites, “This evening you will have the proof that it was the Lord who led you out of Egypt,
Na ka mea a Mohi raua ko Arona ki nga tama katoa a Iharaira, Ka ahiahi, na, ka mohio koutou na Ihowa koutou i arahi mai i te whenua o Ihipa;
7 and in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord displayed as he responds to the complaints he's heard you making against him. For why should you be complaining to us? We're nobodies!”
A i te ata, na, ka kite koutou i te kororia o ihowa; e whakarongo mai ana hoki ia ki a koutou amuamu ki a Ihowa: tena ko maua, he aha maua, i amuamu ai koutou ki a maua?
8 Then Moses continued, “The Lord is going to give you meat to eat this evening and as much bread as you want in the morning, for he has heard your complaints against him. Why are you complaining to us nobodies? Your complaints aren't directed against us, but against the Lord.”
I mea ano a Mohi, Ka mohio koutou, ua homai e Ihowa ki a koutou he kikokiko hei kai i te ahiahi, a i te ata he taro, a makona noa, no te mea kua rongo a Ihowa ki a koutou amuamu e amuamu na koutou ki a ia: ko maua ia, hei aha? kihai koutou i amua mu ki a maua, engari ki a Ihowa.
9 Then Moses said to Aaron, “Tell the whole Israelite community, ‘Present yourselves before the Lord, because he has heard your complaints.’”
Na ka mea a Mohi ki a Arona, Mea atu ki te huihui katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, Whakatata mai ki te aroaro o Ihowa kua rongo hoki ia ki a koutou amuamu.
10 While Aaron was still speaking to all the Israelites, they looked toward the desert and saw the glory of the Lord appear in a cloud.
A, i a Arona e korero ana ki te huihui katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, na ka tahuri ratou whaka te koraha, na, ko te kororia o Ihowa e puta mai ana i roto i te kapua.
11 The Lord told Moses,
Na ka korero a Ihowa ki a Mohi, ka mea,
12 “I have heard the complaints of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘In the evening you will eat meat, and in the morning you will have as much bread as you want. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’”
Kua rongo ahau ki nga amuamu a nga tama a Iharaira: korero atu ki a ratou, mea atu, Kia ahiahi ka kai koutou i te kikokiko, a i te ata ka makona i te taro; a ka mohio koutou ko Ihowa ahau, ko to koutou Atua.
13 That evening quail flew in and landed, filling the camp. In the morning dew covered the ground all around the camp.
A i te ahiahi, na, ka puta mai te koitareke, a kapi ana te puni: a i te ata kua takoto te tomairangi i te nohoanga, tawhio noa, tawhio noa.
14 Once the dew had gone, there was something thin and flaky on the desert, looking like frost crystals on the ground.
A ka mimiti ake te papanga tomairangi, na, he mea ririki, potakataka nei, kei te mata o te koraha, ririki, me te haupapa, i runga i te whenua.
15 When the Israelites saw it, they asked each another, “What is it?” because they had no idea what it was. So Moses explained to them, “It's the bread the Lord has provided for you to eat.
A, i te kitenga o nga tama a Iharaira, ka mea ratou tetahi ki tetahi, He aha tena? kihai hoki ratou i mohio he aha ranei. Na ka mea a Mohi ki a ratou, Ko te taro ra tena ka homai nei e Ihowa ki a koutou hei kai.
16 This is what the Lord has ordered you to do: ‘All of you shall collect as much as is needed. Take an omer for each person in your tent.’”
Ko te mea tena i akona mai ra e Ihowa, Kohikohia mai i reira e tera, e tera, kia rite ki tana e kai ai: he omere ma te tangata, kia rite ki to koutou tokomaha: kohikohia e tera, e tera, ma te hunga i tona teneti.
17 So the Israelites did as they were told. Some collected more, while others collected less.
A pera ana nga tama a Iharaira, na kohikohia ana, ta tetahi he nui, ta tetahi he iti.
18 But when they measured it out in omers, those who had collected a lot didn't have any left over, while those who had only collected a little still had enough. Each person collected gathered as much as they needed to eat.
A ka mehuatia e ratou ki te omere, kihai i hira ta te tangata i te wahi nui, kihai hoki he hapa o tana i te wahi nohinohi: rite tonu ki te kai a tera, a tera, ta ratou i kohikohi ai.
19 Then Moses said to them, “No one is to leave any of it until the morning.”
Na ka mea a Mohi ki a ratou, Kaua e whakatoea tetahi wahi o tena ki te ata.
20 But some didn't listen to Moses. They did leave some of it until the morning, and it was full of maggots and smelled bad. Moses became angry with them.
Engari kihai ratou i whakarongo ki a Mohi; a whakatoea ana e etahi tetahi wahi o taua mea mo te ata, a muia ana e te kutukutu, a piro ake: a riri ana a Mohi ki a ratou.
21 So each morning everyone collected as much as they needed, and when the sun became hot, it melted away to nothing.
A kohikohia ana taua mea e ratou i tenei ata, i tenei ata, rite tonu ki ta tenei tangata, ki ta tenei tangata, e kai ai; a ka mahana te ra, na, kua rewa.
22 However, on the sixth day, they collected twice as much of this food, two omers for each person. All the Israelite leaders came and told Moses what they had done.
A i te ono o nga ra ka takiruatia te taro i kohikohia e ratou e rua hoki nga omere ma te tangata kotahi; a ka haere mai nga rangatira katoa o te huihui, ka korero ki a Mohi.
23 Moses replied, “These are the Lord's instructions: ‘Tomorrow is a special day of rest, a holy Sabbath to honor the Lord. So bake what you want, and boil what you want. Then put to one side what's left and keep it until morning.’”
Na ka mea ia ki a ratou, Ko ia tenei ta Ihowa i korero ra, Ko apopo te okiokinga o te hapati tapu o Ihowa: tunua ta koutou e tunu ai, kohuatia hoki ta koutou e kohua ai; a, ko te toenga, waiho ma koutou, rongoatia mo te ata.
24 So they kept it until morning as Moses had ordered, and it didn't smell bad or have any maggots.
A rongoatia atu ana e ratou mo te ata, i pera ano me ta Mohi i ki ai; kihai hoki i piro, kahore hoki i whai kutukutu.
25 Moses told them, “Eat it today, because today is a Sabbath to honor the Lord. Today you won't find anything out there.
Na ka mea a Mohi, Kainga tena i tenei ra; he hapati hoki tenei ra na Ihowa: e kore tena mea e kite e koutou ki te parae i tenei ra.
26 You can go out collecting for six days, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, it won't be there.”
E ono nga ra e kohikohi ai koutou i tena mea; a i te whitu o nga ra ko te hapati, ko reira kore ai.
27 However, on the seventh day some people still went out collecting, but they did not find anything.
A i te whitu o nga ra ka haere atu etahi o te iwi ki te kohikohi, a kihai i kitea.
28 The Lord told Moses, “How long are you going to refuse to obey my commands and instructions?
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Kia pehea te roa o koutou e kore nei e pupuri i aku whakahau, i aku ture?
29 You need to understand that the Lord has given you the Sabbath, so on the sixth day he will provide you with food for two days. On the seventh day, everyone has to stay where they are—no one needs to go out.”
Titiro, no te mea kua hoatu e Ihowa te hapati ki a koutou, koia i hoatu ai e ia i te ra ono he taro mo nga rangi e rua; e noho koutou e tera, e tera, ki tona wahi ano; kaua tetahi e haere atu i tona nohoanga i te ra whitu.
30 So the people did no work on the seventh day.
Na ka noho te iwi i te ra whitu.
31 The Israelites called the food manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers with honey.
A huaina iho e te whare o Iharaira te ingoa o taua mea, he Mana: tona rite kei te purapura korianara, ma tonu; tona reka kei te papa honi.
32 Moses said, “This is what the Lord has ordered: ‘Keep an omer of manna as a reminder for future generations, so that they can see the food I used to feed you in the desert when I led you out of Egypt.’”
I mea ano a Mohi, Ko te mea tenei i akona mai nei e Ihowa, Whakakiia tetahi omere ki taua mea, ka rongoa ai ma o koutou whakapaparanga; kia kite ai ratou i te taro i whangaia ai koutou e ahau i te koraha i taku whakaputanga mai i a koutou i te w henua o Ihipa.
33 So Moses told Aaron, “Take a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the Lord to be kept as a reminder for future generations.”
A ka mea a Mohi ki a Arona, Tangohia tetahi oko, whaowhina hoki he mana ki roto, kia kotahi whakakiinga o te omere, ka whakatakoto ki te aroaro o Ihowa, rongoa ai ma o koutou whakatupuranga.
34 Aaron did so and placed the jar in front of the Testimony, to be preserved just as the Lord had ordered Moses.
A whakatakotoria ana taua mea e Arona ki mua i te Whakaaturanga rongoa ai, pera tonu ia me ta Ihowa i ako ai ki a Mohi.
35 The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to the land where they would settle down—they ate manna until they arrived at the border of Canaan.
A e wha tekau nga tau i kai ai nga tama a Iharaira i te mana, a tae noa ki te whenua tangata; he mana ta ratou i kai ai, a tae noa ki nga rohe o te whenua o Kanaana.
36 (An omer is a tenth of an ephah.)
Na, ko te moere, ko te wahi whakatekau o te epa.

< Exodus 16 >