< Exodus 15 >

1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: “I will sing to the Lord, for he is supreme! He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.
Shu chaghda Musa bilen Israillar Perwerdigargha medhiye oqup munu küyni éytti: — «Men Perwerdigarni medhiyilep küy éytay, Chünki U karamet ulughluqini körsetti; U at we min’güchini déngizgha tashliwetti.
2 The Lord gives me strength. He is the theme of my song. He saves me. He is my God, and I will praise him. He is my father's God, and I will honor him.
Méning küchüm hem méning küyüm Yah Özidur; U manga nijat boldi; U méning Tengrimdur, men Uni ulughlaymen; U méning atamning Xudasidur, men Uni aliy dep medhiyileymen.
3 The Lord is like a warrior. His name is the Lord.
Perwerdigar jengchidur, Yahweh Uning namidur.
4 He threw Pharaoh's chariots and his army into the sea. Pharaoh's best officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
Pirewnning jeng harwilirini hem qoshunlirini déngizgha tashliwetti; Uning aliy leshker bashliqliri Qizil Déngizda gherq qilindi.
5 The flooding water covered them. They dropped down into the depths like a stone.
Chongqur sular ularni kömüwetti, Ular xuddi tashtek déngiz tégige chöküp ketti.
6 Your power, Lord, is truly amazing! Your power, Lord, crushed the enemy.
Séning ong qolung, ey Perwerdigar, Qudriti bilen shan-sherep tapti; Séning ong qolung, ey Perwerdigar, Düshmenni kukum-talqan qiliwetti.
7 By your majestic power you destroyed those who opposed you. Your anger blazed out and burned them up like stubble.
Öz ulughluqungning heywisi bilen özüngge qarshi chiqqanlarni nabut qilding, Sen otluq ghezipingni ewetting, U samanni köydürgen ottek ularni yutuwetti.
8 You blew and the sea piled up. The waves stood straight like a wall. The depths of the ocean turned solid.
Dimighingning nepisi bilen sular döng bolup örlidi, Jushqunlighan dolqunlar döng kebi tik turdi, Déngizning otturisidiki chongqur sular qaturup qoyuldi.
9 The enemy bragged, ‘I will chase them and catch up with them. I will divide the plunder. I will eat them alive. I will swing my sword. By my hand I will destroy them.’
Düshmen dédi: «Men ularni qoghlaymen, yétishimen, olja élip üleshtürimen, Ulardin derdimni chiqirimen, Qilichimni sughurup, öz qolum bilen ularni nabut qilimen».
10 But you blew with your breath and the sea swept over them. They sank down like lead in the swirling waters.
Lékin Sen nepising bilen püwliding, Déngiz ularni kömüwetti; Ular jushqunluq sularda qoghushundek chöküp ketti.
11 Who is like you among the gods, Lord? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, awesome in wonder, doing miracles?
Ilahlarning arisida, ey Perwerdigar, Kim Séning tengdishing bolsun? Pak-muqeddeslik ichide Öz heywitingni körsitidighan, Hemd-medhiyiler arisida dehshetlik turidighan, Möjize-karamet yaritidighan, Sendek kim bolsun?
12 You acted, and the earth swallowed the Egyptians.
Sen ong qolungni uzitishing bilen, Yer-zémin ularni yutuwetti.
13 You led the people you saved with your trustworthy love. You will guide them in your strength to your holy home.
Lékin Özüngge hemjemet qilip qutquzghan qowmni rehimdilliqing bilen bashlap chiqting; Sen ularni Öz muqeddes makaninggha qudriting bilen hidayet qilip yétekliding.
14 The nations will hear what has happened and will shake with fear. The people who live in Philistia will experience agonizing distress.
Yat xelqler buni anglap, titriship ketti; Filistiyede turuwatqanlarni tolghaqtek azab tutti.
15 The Edomite chiefs will be terrified. The Moabite leaders will tremble. The people living in Canaan will melt away in panic.
Andin Édomning emirliri dekke-dükkige chüshti; Moabning palwanlirini bolsa, rasa titrek basti; Qanaan zéminidikilerning yüriki su bolup aqti;
16 Terror and fright will fall on them. Lord, because of your great power, they will be as still as stone until your people pass by, until the people you bought pass by.
Qorqunch we dehshet ularni basti; Bilikingning heywiti bilen ular xuddi tashtek midirliyalmay qaldi; Xelqing ötüp ketküche, i Perwerdigar, Özüng rene tölep hör qilghan xelqing ötüp bolghuche.
17 You will take your people and plant them on the mountain that you own, the place that you, Lord, have prepared as your home, the sanctuary that your hands have built, Lord.
Ularni bashlap kirip, Öz mirasing bolghan taghda köchettek tikisen, Öz makaning qilghan jaygha, i Perwerdigar, Öz qolliring teyyarlighan muqeddes jaygha, i Reb, ularni élip barisen.
18 The Lord will reign forever and ever!”
Perwerdigar ebedil’ebedgiche padishah bolup höküm süridu!
19 When Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen went into the sea, the Lord brought the water rushing back over them. But the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground.
Chünki Pirewnning atliri, Jeng harwiliri atliqliri bilen bille déngizgha kirip boldi; Perwerdigar déngizning sulirini ularning üstige yandurdi, Lékin Israillar bolsa déngizning otturisidin quruq yerdin méngip ötüp ketti».
20 Miriam the prophet, Aaron's sister, picked up a tambourine, and all the women followed her dancing and playing tambourines.
Andin Harunning hedisi peyghember Meryem qoligha dapni aldi, barliq qiz-ayallarmu qoligha dap élip, ussul oyniship uninggha egeshti.
21 Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the Lord, for he is supreme! He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.”
Meryem ulargha jawaben mundaq küyni oqudi: — «Perwerdigarni medhiyilep küy éytinglar, Chünki U zor ulughluqini körsetti; U at we min’güchini déngizgha tashliwetti!».
22 Then Moses led Israel away from the Red Sea and into the Desert of Shur. For three days they walked in the desert but couldn't find any water.
Andin Musa Israillarni Qizil Déngizdin bashlap, Shur chölige élip bardi. Ular uda üch kün chölde yürüp, su tapalmidi.
23 When they arrived at Marah, the water there was too bitter to drink. (That's why the place is called Marah.)
Andin ular Marahqa yétip keldi; lékin u yerning süyi achchiq bolup, süyini ichkili bolmaytti; shunga u jayning nami «Marah» dep qoyulghan.
24 So the people complained to Moses, asking, “What are we going to drink?”
U waqitta xalayiq: — Biz néme ichimiz? — dep Musadin aghrinip ghotuldashqili turdi.
25 Moses called out to the Lord for help, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. When he threw it into the water, it became sweet. There the Lord gave them rules and instructions and also tested their loyalty to him.
U Perwerdigargha peryad kötürdi; Perwerdigar uninggha bir derexni körsetti; u derex yaghichini élip, sugha tashliwidi, su tatliq sugha aylandi. U yerde Perwerdigar ulargha höküm-belgilime békitip, ularni sinap, mundaq dédi: —
26 He told them, “If you pay attention to what the Lord your God says, do what is right in his sight, obey his commands, and keep all his regulations, then I will not make you suffer from any of the diseases I gave the Egyptians because I am the Lord who heals you.”
«Eger siler köngül qoyup Xudayinglar Perwerdigarning sözini anglap, Uning neziride durus bolghanni qilip, emrlirige qulaq sélip, barliq hökümlirini tutsanglar, undaqta, Men misirliqlarning üstige salghan késellerdin héchbirini üstüngge salmaymen; chünki Menki silerge shipaliq bergüchi Perwerdigardurmen».
27 Then they traveled on to Elim, which had twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees. They set up camp there beside the water.
Andin ular Élimgha yétip keldi. Shu yerde on ikki bulaq bilen yetmish xorma derixi bar idi; ular shu yerde sularning boyida chédir tikti.

< Exodus 15 >