< Exodus 14 >
Kemudian TUHAN berkata kepada Musa,
2 “Tell the Israelites to turn back and set up camp near Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. You are to camp beside the sea, opposite Baal-zephon.
“Perintahkanlah umat Israel untuk kembali dan berkemah di tepi laut di Pi Hahirot, yang terletak di antara kota Migdol dan Laut Merah, berhadapan dengan Baal Zefon.
3 Pharaoh will conclude about the Israelites: ‘They're wandering about the country in confusion—the desert has blocked them from leaving.’
Nanti raja Mesir akan berkata, ‘Umat Israel sudah tersesat dan terjebak di padang belantara.’
4 I will give Pharaoh a stubborn attitude so that he will chase after them to get them back. But I will gain respect through what happens to Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” So the Israelites did as they were instructed.
Aku akan mengeraskan hati raja sehingga dia mengejar kalian. Saat itulah Aku akan dimuliakan, ketika Aku mengalahkan raja Mesir beserta seluruh pasukannya, dan orang Mesir akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN.” Maka umat Israel berkemah di sana sesuai perintah TUHAN.
5 When the king of Egypt found out that the Israelites had left in a hurry, Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds about what had happened and said, “What have we done? We have let all these Israelite slaves go!”
Sewaktu raja Mesir diberitahu bahwa umat Israel sudah melarikan diri, raja dan para pejabatnya berubah pikiran lalu berkata, “Mengapa kita membiarkan umat Israel pergi?! Sekarang kita kehilangan budak!”
6 So Pharaoh had his chariot made ready and set out with his army.
Dia pun menyuruh supaya kereta perang disiapkan, juga para tentara yang akan ikut bersamanya.
7 He took 600 of his best chariots along with all the other chariots of Egypt, each with their officer-in-charge.
Dia membawa 600 kereta perang pilihan bersama semua kereta perang lain yang ada di Mesir. Setiap kereta perang dikendarai oleh seorang perwira.
8 The Lord gave Pharaoh, king of Egypt, a stubborn attitude so he chased after the Israelites, who were leaving with their fists raised in triumph.
TUHAN mengeraskan hati raja Mesir sehingga dia mengejar umat Israel, yang sudah pergi keluar dengan gagah berani.
9 The Egyptians set out in pursuit—all Pharaoh's horses and chariots, horsemen and soldiers. They caught up with the Israelites while they were camped beside the sea near Pi-hahiroth, opposite Baal-zephon.
Seluruh pasukan Mesir, termasuk semua pasukan berkuda, kereta, dan pengendaranya, mengejar umat Israel, dan mereka berhasil menyusul sampai perkemahan Israel di tepi laut dekat Pi Hahirot, di depan Baal Zefon.
10 The Israelites looked back and saw Pharaoh and the Egyptian army approaching. They were absolutely terrified and cried out to the Lord for help.
Ketika umat Israel melihat raja Mesir dan pasukannya mendekat, mereka sangat ketakutan dan berseru-seru minta tolong kepada TUHAN.
11 They complained to Moses, “Were there no graves in Egypt that you had to bring us out here in the desert to die? What have you done to us by making us leave Egypt?
Kata mereka kepada Musa, “Apakah di Mesir tidak ada kuburan, sehingga kamu membawa kami untuk mati di padang belantara ini! Kamu sudah mencelakakan kami dengan membawa kami keluar dari Mesir!
12 Didn't we tell you back in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone so that we can go on being slaves to the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to be Egyptian slaves than to die here in the desert!”
Bukankah dulu di Mesir, kami pernah berkata kepadamu, ‘Jangan ikut campur! Biarkanlah kami tetap menjadi budak orang Mesir. Lebih baik hidup sebagai budak orang Mesir daripada mati di padang belantara!’”
13 But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand where you are and you will see how the Lord will save you today. The Egyptians you see right now, you will never see again!
Tetapi Musa menjawab mereka, “Jangan takut! Berdirilah teguh dan lihatlah yang akan TUHAN lakukan hari ini untuk menyelamatkan kita! Kita tidak akan melihat lagi pasukan Mesir yang kita hadapi hari ini.
14 The Lord is going to fight for you—you don't need to do anything.”
TUHAN akan berperang bagi kita, dan kita tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa.”
15 The Lord told Moses, “Why are you crying out to me for help? Tell the Israelites to move forward.
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, “Mengapa kamu berseru minta tolong kepada-Ku? Perintahkanlah umat Israel untuk berjalan maju!
16 You are to pick up your walking stick and hold it out in your hand over the sea. Divide it so the Israelites can walk through the sea on dry ground.
Angkatlah tongkatmu dan arahkanlah ke atas laut. Laut akan terbelah agar umat Israel bisa berjalan menyeberanginya di atas tanah kering.
17 I will give Egyptians a stubborn, hard-hearted attitude so that they will chase in after them. Then I will gain respect through what happens to Pharaoh and all his army, chariots, and horsemen.
Aku akan mengeraskan hati orang Mesir sehingga mereka mengejar umat Israel ke tengah laut, dan Aku akan dimuliakan ketika Aku mengalahkan raja Mesir beserta seluruh pasukannya, termasuk pasukan berkuda, kereta, dan pengendaranya.
18 The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain respect through Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen.”
Orang Mesir akan melihat kemuliaan-Ku dan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN ketika Aku mengalahkan mereka.”
19 The angel of God, who had been leading the Israelites, moved behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front of them and stood behind them,
Kemudian malaikat yang sebelumnya berjalan di depan umat Israel berpindah ke belakang mereka. Demikian juga tiang awan pindah dari depan ke belakang,
20 so that it was positioned between the Egyptian and Israelite camps. Though the cloud was in darkness on one side, but it lit up the night on the other. No one from either camp went near the other during the night.
sehingga berada di antara perkemahan pasukan Mesir dan perkemahan umat Israel. Ketika hari menjelang malam, tiang awan berubah menjadi tiang api yang menerangi. Dengan demikian, pasukan Mesir tidak dapat mendekati umat Israel sepanjang malam itu.
21 Then Moses held out his hand over the sea, and all through the night the Lord forced the sea back with a strong east wind, and turned the bottom of the sea into dry land. So the water was divided,
Kemudian Musa mengarahkan tongkatnya ke atas laut, dan TUHAN membuat angin timur bertiup sangat kencang sepanjang malam sehingga air laut terbelah dua dan dasar laut menjadi kering.
22 and the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground, with walls of water to their right and left.
Umat Israel berjalan di atas tanah yang kering menyeberangi laut, sementara sisi kiri dan kanan mereka dipagari oleh tembok air.
23 The Egyptians chased after them—all Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen. They followed the Israelites into the sea.
Seluruh pasukan Mesir, termasuk semua pasukan berkuda, kereta, dan pengendaranya, mengejar umat Israel hingga ke tengah laut.
24 But at the end of the night the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw them into a panic.
Menjelang fajar, TUHAN, yang berada di dalam tiang api dan awan, melihat ke bawah kepada pasukan Mesir lalu mengacaukan mereka.
25 He made their chariot wheels get stuck so it was hard for them to drive. The Egyptians shouted out, “Retreat! We must run from the Israelites because the Lord is fighting for them against us!”
Dia membuat roda-roda kereta tentara Mesir macet sehingga mereka susah maju. Kata mereka, “Mari kita lari dari sini! Dewa Israel sedang berperang untuk umat Israel melawan kita!”
26 Then the Lord told Moses, “Hold out your hand over the sea, so that the water will pour back over the Egyptians and their chariots and horsemen.”
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, “Arahkanlah tongkatmu ke atas laut, supaya air laut berbalik dan menutupi semua pasukan Mesir.”
27 So Moses held out his hand over the sea, and at dawn the sea returned to normal. As the Egyptians retreated, the Lord swept them into the sea.
Maka pada waktu fajar sesudah umat Israel menyeberang, Musa mengarahkan tongkatnya ke atas laut, dan air laut menyatu kembali seperti semula. Pasukan Mesir berusaha melarikan diri, tetapi TUHAN menenggelamkan mereka di tengah laut.
28 The water poured back and covered the chariots and horsemen—the whole of Pharaoh's army that had chased after the Israelites into the sea. Not a single one of them survived.
Air laut tiba-tiba berbalik dan menutupi semua pasukan berkuda dan pengendara kereta, bahkan semua pasukan raja Mesir yang mengejar umat Israel ke tengah laut. Tidak ada seorang pun yang selamat.
29 But the Israelites had walked through the sea on dry ground, with walls of water to their right and left.
Demikianlah umat Israel sudah menyeberangi laut itu dengan berjalan di atas tanah yang kering, dipagari oleh tembok air di sisi kiri dan kanan mereka.
30 The Lord saved the Israelites from the threat of the Egyptians—the Israelites saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore.
Pada hari itu, TUHAN menyelamatkan umat Israel dari pasukan Mesir, dan orang Israel melihat mayat-mayat tentara Mesir terdampar di pantai.
31 When the Israelites saw the great power that the Lord had used against the Egyptians, they were in awe of the Lord, and they trusted in him and in his servant Moses.
Ketika umat Israel melihat betapa besarnya kuasa TUHAN terhadap pasukan Mesir, mereka pun hormat dan takut kepada TUHAN, dan percaya kepada Dia serta kepada Musa, hamba-Nya.