< Esther 1 >

1 This is an account of what happened during the time of King Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia.
Na i nga ra i a Ahahueruha, ara a Ahahueruha i kingi nei i Inia a tae noa ki Etiopia, kotahi rau e rua tekau ma whitu nga kawanatanga:
2 At the time King Xerxes was ruling from his royal throne at the fortress in Susa.
I aua ra, i te mea e ata noho ana a Kingi Ahahueruha i runga i te torona o tona kingitanga i Huhana, i te whare kingi,
3 In the third year of his reign he organized a feast for his officials and administrators. The army commanders of Persia and Media, the nobles, and the provincial officials were all there with him.
I te toru o nga tau o tona kingitanga, ka tukua e ia he hakari ma ana rangatira katoa ratou ko ana tangata; i tona aroaro ano te hunga nunui o Pahia, o Meria, nga tangata rarahi, me nga rangatira o nga kawanatanga:
4 He put on display his wealth and the glory of his kingdom, showing how majestic, splendid, and glorious he was, for 180 days.
I a ia e whakakite ana i te taonga me te kororia o tona kingitanga, i tona honore, i tona ataahua nui, he maha nga ra, kotahi rau e waru tekau nga ra.
5 After that the king gave a feast lasting for seven days for all the people, great and small, who were there in the fortress of Susa in the garden courtyard of the king's pavilion.
Na, ka taka aua ra, ka tukua e te kingi he hakari ma te iwi katoa i reira i Huhana, i te whare kingi, ma te rahi, ma te iti, e whitu nga ra, i te marae i te kari te whare o te kingi;
6 It was decorated with white and blue cotton curtains tied with cords of fine linen and purple thread on silver rings, held up by marble pillars. Gold and silver couches were placed on a pavement made of purple porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl, and expensive stones.
Ko nga hipoki he mea ma, he kakariki, he puru; ko nga aho he rinena pai he mea papura, ko nga mowhiti i mau ai, he hiriwa; ko nga pou he mapere; ko nga tokotoranga he koura, he hiriwa; a ko te papa o raro he mapere whero, ma, kowhai, mangu hoki.
7 Drinks were served in golden goblets of different kinds, and the royal wine flowed freely because of the king's generosity.
Ko nga kapu inu i hoatu ma ratou he oko koura; rere ke tonu te ahua o tenei oko, o tenei oko; tona nui ano o te waina kingi, rite tonu ki ta te kingi tikanga.
8 The king had ruled that there was to be no limit on how much a guest could drink; he had told his servants to give each guest whatever they wanted.
I rite ano te inu ki ta te ture, kahore he tohe; na te kingi taua tikanga i whakatakoto ki nga rangatira katoa o tona whare, ko ta te tangata i pai ai ko tana tera e mea ai.
9 Queen Vashti also gave a feast for the women in the palace that belonged to King Xerxes.
I tukua ano e te kuini, e Wahati, he hakari ma nga wahine i roto i te whare kingi o Kingi Ahahueruha.
10 On the seventh day of the feast, the king, feeling happy from drinking wine, ordered the seven eunuchs who were his attendants, Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar, and Karkas,
I te whitu o nga ra, i te mea e koa ana te ngakau o te kingi i te waina, ka mea ia ki a Mehumana ratou ko Pitita, ko Harapona, ko Pikita, ko Apakata, ko Tetara, ko Karakaha, ki nga rangatira ruma tokowhitu i mahi i te aroaro o Kingi Ahahueruha,
11 to bring Queen Vashti to him wearing her royal headdress, so he could show her beauty to the people and officials, for she was very good-looking.
Kia kawea mai te kuini, a Wahati, ki te aroaro o te kingi, me te karauna kuini, kia whakakitea atu ai tona ataahua ki nga iwi, ki nga rangatira: he pai hoki tona ahua.
12 But when the eunuchs delivered the order from the king, Queen Vashti refused to come. The king became extremely angry—he was absolutely furious.
Otiia kihai a Kuini Wahati i pai kia haere mai i ta te kingi kupu i korerotia e ana rangatira ruma. Na reira i riri rawa ai te kingi, a mura ana tona riri i roto i a ia.
13 Then the king spoke with the wise men who would know what to do, for it was the custom for him to ask the opinion of experts in procedures and legal matters.
Katahi te kingi ka korero ki nga tangata whai whakaaro i mohio nei ki nga taima, ko ta te kingi tikanga hoki ia, ki te hunga katoa e mohio ana ki te ture, ki te whakarite tikanga;
14 Those closest to him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan. They were the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had frequent meetings with the king and had the highest positions in the kingdom.
Ko Karahena hoki i tata ki a ia, ko Hetara, ko Aramata, ko Tarahihi, ko Merehe, ko Marahena, ko Memukana, ara ko nga rangatira tokowhitu o Pahia, o Meria, i kite nei i te mata o te kingi, a i noho hei tuatahi i te kingitanga;
15 “What does the law say should be done with Queen Vashti?” he asked. “She refused to obey the direct order of King Xerxes as delivered by the eunuchs!”
Ki ta te ture, ko te aha kia meatia ki te kuini, ki a Wahati, mona kihai i whakarite i te kupu a Kingi Ahahueruha i kawea atu e nga rangatira ruma?
16 Memucan gave his answer before the king and the nobles, “Queen Vashti hasn't just insulted the king but all the nobles and all the people of all the provinces of King Xerxes.
Na ka mea a Memukana i te aroaro o te kingi ratou ko nga rangatira, Ehara i te mea ki te kingi anake ta Kuini Wahati he; engari ki nga rangatira katoa ano, ki nga iwi katoa o nga kawanatanga katoa a Kingi Ahahueruha.
17 Once it gets out what the queen has done, all wives will despise their husbands, looking down on them and telling them, ‘King Xerxes ordered Queen Vashti brought to him but she didn't come!’
Ka haere hoki te rongo o tenei mahi a te kuini ki nga wahine katoa, a ka whakahawea o ratou kanohi ki a ratou tane, ina ka korerotia, i mea a Kingi Ahahueruha kia kawea mai a Kuini Wahati ki tona aroaro, a kihai tera i haere mai.
18 By the end of the day, the wives of all the nobles throughout Persia and Media who have heard what the queen did will treat their noble husbands with angry contempt!
Ka pena ano aianei te kupu a nga wahine rangatira o Pahia, o Meria. kua rongo nei ki te mahi a te kuini ki nga rangatira katoa a te kingi. Na tera e nui atu te whakahawea me te riri.
19 If it please Your Majesty, issue a royal decree, in accordance with the laws of Persia and Media which cannot be changed, that Vashti is banished from the presence of King Xerxes, and that Your Majesty will give her royal position to another, one who is better than her.
Ki te pai te kingi, kia puta he kupu kingi mana, me tuhituhi hoki ki roto ki nga ture o nga Pahi, o nga Meri, kei taka, ara kia kaua a Wahati e haere mai ki te aroaro o Kingi Ahahueruha; ko tona kuinitanga hoki kia hoatu e te kingi ki tetahi atu e pai ake ana i a ia.
20 When Your Majesty's decree is proclaimed throughout your vast empire, all wives will respect their husbands, highborn or lowborn.”
A, ka rangona ta te kingi tikanga e whakatakoto ai ia puta noa i tona kingitanga nui nei, katahi nga wahine katoa ka whakahonore i a ratou tane, i te iti, i te rahi.
21 This advice looked good to the king and the nobles, so the king did what Memucan had said.
Na pai tonu te kupu ki te whakaaro o te kingi, o nga rangatira; a rite tonu ki te kupu a Memukana ta te kingi i mea ai.
22 He sent letters to all provinces in the empire, in each province's script and language, that every man should rule his own home, and use his own mother tongue.
I tukua hoki e ia he pukapuka ki nga kawanatanga katoa a te kingi, ki tenei kawanatanga, ki tenei kawanatanga, he mea whakarite ki to reira tikanga mo te tuhituhi, ki tenei iwi, ki tenei iwi, he mea whakarite ki to reira reo, ara ko nga tane kat oa hei rangatira i roto i o ratou whare; a kia korerotia i te reo o to reira iwi.

< Esther 1 >