< Esther 1 >

1 This is an account of what happened during the time of King Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia.
and to be in/on/with day Ahasuerus he/she/it Ahasuerus [the] to reign from India and till Cush seven and twenty and hundred province
2 At the time King Xerxes was ruling from his royal throne at the fortress in Susa.
in/on/with day [the] they(masc.) like/as to dwell [the] king Ahasuerus upon throne royalty his which in/on/with Susa [the] palace
3 In the third year of his reign he organized a feast for his officials and administrators. The army commanders of Persia and Media, the nobles, and the provincial officials were all there with him.
in/on/with year three to/for to reign him to make: offer feast to/for all ruler his and servant/slave his strength: soldiers Persia and Media [the] noble and ruler [the] province to/for face: before his
4 He put on display his wealth and the glory of his kingdom, showing how majestic, splendid, and glorious he was, for 180 days.
in/on/with to see: see he [obj] riches glory royalty his and [obj] preciousness beauty greatness his day many eighty and hundred day
5 After that the king gave a feast lasting for seven days for all the people, great and small, who were there in the fortress of Susa in the garden courtyard of the king's pavilion.
and in/on/with to fill [the] day [the] these to make: offer [the] king to/for all [the] people [the] to find in/on/with Susa [the] palace to/for from great: large and till small feast seven day in/on/with court garden palace [the] king
6 It was decorated with white and blue cotton curtains tied with cords of fine linen and purple thread on silver rings, held up by marble pillars. Gold and silver couches were placed on a pavement made of purple porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl, and expensive stones.
white fine linen and blue to grasp in/on/with cord fine linen and purple upon circuit silver: money and pillar alabaster bed gold and silver: money upon pavement porphyry and alabaster and mother-of-pearl and stone
7 Drinks were served in golden goblets of different kinds, and the royal wine flowed freely because of the king's generosity.
and to water: drink in/on/with article/utensil gold and article/utensil from article/utensil to change and wine royalty many like/as hand: to [the] king
8 The king had ruled that there was to be no limit on how much a guest could drink; he had told his servants to give each guest whatever they wanted.
and [the] drinking like/as law nothing to compel for so to found [the] king upon all chief house: home his to/for to make: do like/as acceptance man and man
9 Queen Vashti also gave a feast for the women in the palace that belonged to King Xerxes.
also Vashti [the] queen to make: offer feast woman house: home [the] royalty which to/for king Ahasuerus
10 On the seventh day of the feast, the king, feeling happy from drinking wine, ordered the seven eunuchs who were his attendants, Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar, and Karkas,
in/on/with day [the] seventh like/as be pleasing heart [the] king in/on/with wine to say to/for Mehuman Biztha Harbona Bigtha and Abagtha Zethar and Carkas seven [the] eunuch [the] to minister with face: before [the] king Ahasuerus
11 to bring Queen Vashti to him wearing her royal headdress, so he could show her beauty to the people and officials, for she was very good-looking.
to/for to come (in): bring [obj] Vashti [the] queen to/for face: before [the] king in/on/with crown royalty to/for to see: see [the] people and [the] ruler [obj] beauty her for pleasant appearance he/she/it
12 But when the eunuchs delivered the order from the king, Queen Vashti refused to come. The king became extremely angry—he was absolutely furious.
and to refuse [the] queen Vashti to/for to come (in): come in/on/with word [the] king which in/on/with hand: to [the] eunuch and be angry [the] king much and rage his to burn: burn in/on/with him
13 Then the king spoke with the wise men who would know what to do, for it was the custom for him to ask the opinion of experts in procedures and legal matters.
and to say [the] king to/for wise to know [the] time for so Chronicles [the] king to/for face: before all to know law and judgment
14 Those closest to him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan. They were the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had frequent meetings with the king and had the highest positions in the kingdom.
and [the] near to(wards) him Carshena Shethar Admatha Tarshish Meres Marsena Memucan seven ruler Persia and Media to see: see face [the] king [the] to dwell first in/on/with royalty
15 “What does the law say should be done with Queen Vashti?” he asked. “She refused to obey the direct order of King Xerxes as delivered by the eunuchs!”
like/as law what? to/for to make: do in/on/with queen Vashti upon which not to make: do [obj] command [the] king Ahasuerus in/on/with hand: to [the] eunuch
16 Memucan gave his answer before the king and the nobles, “Queen Vashti hasn't just insulted the king but all the nobles and all the people of all the provinces of King Xerxes.
and to say (Memucan *Q(k)*) to/for face: before [the] king and [the] ruler not upon [the] king to/for alone him to pervert Vashti [the] queen for upon all [the] ruler and upon all [the] people which in/on/with all province [the] king Ahasuerus
17 Once it gets out what the queen has done, all wives will despise their husbands, looking down on them and telling them, ‘King Xerxes ordered Queen Vashti brought to him but she didn't come!’
for to come out: speak word: deed [the] queen upon all [the] woman to/for to despise master: husband their in/on/with eye: appearance their in/on/with to say they [the] king Ahasuerus to say to/for to come (in): bring [obj] Vashti [the] queen to/for face: before his and not to come (in): come
18 By the end of the day, the wives of all the nobles throughout Persia and Media who have heard what the queen did will treat their noble husbands with angry contempt!
and [the] day: today [the] this to say princess Persia and Media which to hear: hear [obj] word: deed [the] queen to/for all ruler [the] king and like/as sufficiency contempt and wrath
19 If it please Your Majesty, issue a royal decree, in accordance with the laws of Persia and Media which cannot be changed, that Vashti is banished from the presence of King Xerxes, and that Your Majesty will give her royal position to another, one who is better than her.
if upon [the] king pleasant to come out: come word royalty from to/for face: before his and to write in/on/with law Persia and Mede and not to pass which not to come (in): come Vashti to/for face: before [the] king Ahasuerus and royalty her to give: give [the] king to/for neighbor her [the] pleasant from her
20 When Your Majesty's decree is proclaimed throughout your vast empire, all wives will respect their husbands, highborn or lowborn.”
and to hear: proclaim edict [the] king which to make in/on/with all royalty his for many he/she/it and all [the] woman to give: give preciousness to/for master: husband their to/for from great: large and till small
21 This advice looked good to the king and the nobles, so the king did what Memucan had said.
and be good [the] word in/on/with eye: appearance [the] king and [the] ruler and to make: do [the] king like/as word Memucan
22 He sent letters to all provinces in the empire, in each province's script and language, that every man should rule his own home, and use his own mother tongue.
and to send: depart scroll: document to(wards) all province [the] king to(wards) province and province like/as writing her and to(wards) people and people like/as tongue: language his to/for to be all man to rule in/on/with house: household his and to speak: speak like/as tongue: language people his

< Esther 1 >