< Esther 4 >
1 When Mordecai found out all that had happened, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and walked through the city, crying and wailing in grief.
Modhekai paakanzwa zvose zvakanga zvaitwa, akabvarura nguo dzake, akapfeka masaga, akazvizora madota, akapinda muguta achiungudza neshungu kwazvo.
2 He went as far as the palace gate, because no one was allowed to enter the palace gate wearing sackcloth.
Asi akangosvika pasuo ramambo chete, nokuti munhu akapfeka masaga akanga asingabvumirwi kupinda.
3 When the king's decree and orders reached all the different provinces the Jews began to mourn in terrible distress. They fasted, they wept, and they wailed; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
Munyika ipi neipi makasvika chirevo nomurayiro wamambo, maiva nokuchema kukuru pakati pavaJudha, nokutsanya, kuchema, nokuungudza. Vazhinji vakapfeka masaga vakarara mumadota.
4 Esther's maids and eunuchs came and told her, and the queen was very upset. She sent clothes to him so he could take off his sackcloth, but he refused to accept them.
Varandakadzi vaEsteri navaranda vake pavakasvika vakamuudza nezvaModhekai, akatambudzika zvikuru. Akamutumira mbatya kuti apfeke panzvimbo yamasaga ake, asi haana kuzvigamuchira.
5 She called Hathatch, one of the king's eunuchs assigned to attend her, and ordered him to go to Mordecai and find out what he was doing and why.
Ipapo Esteri akatuma Hataki, mumwe wavaranda vamambo vaimushandira, akamurayira kuti atsvake kuti dambudziko raModhekai raiva rei uye kuti rakanga ravapo nokuda kwei.
6 Hathatch went to Mordecai in the city square in front of the palace gate.
Saka Hataki akabuda akaenda kuna Modhekai pachivara cheguta pamberi pesuo ramambo.
7 Mordecai explained to him everything that had happened to him, including the exact amount of money that Haman had promised to pay the royal treasury for the destruction of the Jews.
Modhekai akamuudza zvose zvakanga zvaitika kwaari, pamwe chete nemari chaiyoiyo yakanga yavimbiswa naHamani kuti achaisa mudura ramambo kuti vaJudha vaparadzwe.
8 Mordecai also gave him a copy of the decree that had been issued in Susa for their destruction to show Esther and explain it to her, and asked him to instruct her to go to the king and appeal for mercy and plead before him for her people.
Akamupawo gwaro rechirevo chezvokuparadzwa zvachose kwavo, rakanga raparadzirwa muShushani, kuti andoratidza Esteri uye amutsanangurire nezvaro, uye akamuudza kuti amukurudzire kuti aende andomira pamberi pamambo akumbire kuti vanzwirwe ngoni uye agoreverera vanhu vake kwaari.
9 Hathatch went back and told Esther what Mordecai had said.
Hataki akadzokerazve akandozivisa Esteri zvakanga zvarehwa naModhekai.
10 Then Esther spoke with Hathatch and ordered him to deliver this message to Mordecai.
Ipapo akamurayira kuti andoti kuna Modhekai,
11 “All the king's officials, and even the people in the provinces of the king's empire, know that any man or any woman who goes to the king, entering his inner court without being summoned, is sentenced to death—that is the king's one law—unless the king holds out his golden scepter to them so they can live. In my case, I have not been called to go to the king for thirty days.”
“Vabati vose vamambo navanhu vomunyika dzamambo vanoziva kuti mambo vanongova nomurayiro mumwe wokuti, murume upi zvake kana mukadzi anosvika pana mambo muruvazhe rwomukati asina kudaidzwa anofanira kuurayiwa. Anongoraramiswa chete kana mambo atambanudzira tsvimbo yake yegoridhe kwaari. Asi mazuva makumi matatu atopfuura mushure mokunge ndadaidzwa kuti ndiende kuna mambo.”
12 When Mordecai was told what Esther said,
Mashoko aEsteri akati aziviswa kuna Modhekai,
13 Mordecai sent a message back to Esther, saying, “Don't think that just because you live in the king's palace that your life is the only one that will be saved of all the Jews!
iye akapindura achiti, “Usafunga kuti zvauri mumba mamambo iwe woga pakati pavaJudha uchapunyuka.
14 If you stay silent right now, help and rescue will come to the Jews from some other place, and you and your relatives will die. Who knows—it could be you came to be queen for such a time as this!”
Nokuti kana iwe ukanyarara panguva ino, kusunungurwa nokurwirwa kwavaJudha zvichabva kune imwe nzvimbo, asi iwe nemhuri yababa vako muchaparara. Zvino ndiani angaziva zvakaita kuti uve muimba youmambo nenguva yakaita seino?”
15 Esther replied to Mordecai, saying,
Ipapo Esteri akatumira mhinduro kuna Modhekai achiti,
16 “Have all the Jews in Susa meet together and fast for me. Don't eat or drink anything for three days and nights. I and my girls will also fast. After that, I will go to the king, even though it's against the law, and if I die, I die.”
“Enda unounganidza vaJudha vose vari muShushani, muzvinyime zvokudya nokuda kwangu. Musadya kana kunwa kwamazuva matatu, usiku namasikati. Ini navarandakadzi vangu tichazvinyima zvokudya sezvamuchaita imi. Kana izvi zvaitwa, ndichaenda kuna mambo, kunyange zvisingatenderwi nomurayiro. Uye kana ndichiparara, ndichaparara hangu.”
17 Mordecai went and did everything Esther had told him to do.
Saka Modhekai akaenda akaita zvose zvakanga zvarayirwa naEsteri.