< Ephesians 4 >
1 So I—this prisoner in the Lord—am encouraging you to make sure you live according to the principles to which you were called.
Sezvo ndiri musungwa waShe, zvino ndinokukurudzirai kuti murarame upenyu hwakafanira kudanwa kwamakagamuchira.
2 Don't think proudly of yourselves; be gentle and patient, showing tolerance to each other in love.
Muzvininipise zvachose uye mupfave; muite mwoyo murefu, muchiitirana mwoyo murefu murudo.
3 Make every effort to remain one in the Spirit through the peace that binds you together.
Mushingaire kuchengeta humwe hwoMweya kubudikidza nechisungo chorugare.
4 For there's one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope.
Pano muviri mumwe chete noMweya mumwe chete, sezvo makadanirwa kutariro imwe chete pamakadanwa,
5 The Lord is one, our trust in him is one, and there's one baptism;
Ishe mumwe, kutenda kumwe, rubhabhatidzo rumwe;
6 there's one God and Father of everyone. He is over all and through all and in all.
Mwari mumwe naBaba vavose, ari pamusoro pavose, uye kubudikidza navose, uye muna vose.
7 To each of us grace was given in proportion to Christ's generous gift.
Asi kuno mumwe nomumwe wedu kwakapiwa nyasha sokugoverwa kwadzakaitwa naKristu.
8 As Scripture says, “When he ascended to the heights he took captives with him, and gave gifts to humanity.”
Ndokusaka zvichinzi: “Paakakwira kudenga, akatungamirira dungwe renhapwa uye akapa zvipo kuvanhu vake.”
9 (Regarding this: it says he ascended, but that means he also had previously descended to our lowly world.
(Zvinorevei kuti “akakwira” asi kuti akaburukawo kumativi ari pasi penyika?
10 The one that descended is the same one who also ascended to the highest heaven in order that he could make the whole universe complete.)
Iye akaburuka ndiye chaiye akakwira kumusoro-soro kupfuura kudenga denga, kuitira kuti azadze pasi pose.)
11 The gifts he gave were so that some could be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers,
Ndiye akapa vamwe kuti vave vapostori, vamwe kuti vave vaprofita, vamwe kuti vave vavhangeri, uye vamwe kuti vave vafudzi navadzidzisi,
12 with the purpose of preparing God's people for the work of helping others, to help the body of Christ to grow.
kuti vagadzirire vanhu vaMwari pabasa rokushumira, kuitira kuti muviri waKristu uvakwe
13 We grow together until we all reach the state of being one in our trust in and knowledge of the Son of God, completely grown up, measuring up to full maturity in Christ.
kudzamara isu tose tasvika pahumwe mukutenda uye nomukuziva Mwanakomana waMwari napamunhu akura, asvika pachiyero chose chokuzara kwaKristu.
14 We shouldn't be little children any more, tossed about and blown along by every passing breeze of doctrine, confused by human trickery, led into error by crafty people who deceitfully scheme;
Ipapo hatingazorambi tiri vacheche, vanosundirwa shure nemberi vachipeperetswa kuno nouko nemhepo ipi zvayo yedzidziso, uye nokunyengera nousvinu hwavanhu mukutsausa kwokunyengera kwavo.
15 instead by speaking the truth in love we ought to grow up in everything into Christ, who is our head.
Asi, tichitaura chokwadi murudo, tichakura pazvinhu zvose maari iye musoro, iye Kristu.
16 It's because of him that the whole body operates, every joint holding it together as each individual part does what it's supposed to, and the whole body grows, building itself up in love.
Kubva maari muviri wose, wakasanganiswa uye wakabatanidzwa pamwe chete nenhengo dzose dzichiusimbisa, unokura uye unozvivaka murudo, sezvo mutezo mumwe nomumwe uchiita basa rawo.
17 So let me say this to you—in fact I insist on it in the Lord—that you should no longer live like the foreigners do, in their empty-headed way.
Saka ndinokuudzai izvi, uye murambire pazviri muna She, kuti hamufaniri kuramba muchirarama savaHedheni, muupenzi hwendangariro dzavo.
18 In the darkness of their minds they don't understand, and they have been cut off from the life of God because they don't know anything and in their stubbornness they don't want to know.
Vakasvibiswa mukunzwisisa kwavo uye vakaparadzaniswa noupenyu hwaMwari nokuda kwokusaziva kuri mavari nokuda kwoukukutu hwemwoyo yavo.
19 Because they are past caring they abandon themselves to sensuality, and greedily do all kinds of disgusting things.
Vasisina hanya, vakasvika kuutera kuitira kuti vagoita mabasa ose etsvina, nokuchiva zvakawanda.
20 But that's not what you learned about Christ!
Kunyange zvakadaro, imi hamuna kuziva Kristu saizvozvo.
21 Didn't you hear about him? Weren't you taught concerning him? Didn't you learn the truth as it is in Jesus?
Zvirokwazvo makanzwa nezvake uye makadzidziswa maari maererano nechokwadi chiri muna Jesu.
22 So get rid of your former lifestyle, that old nature that ruins you through deceptive desires!
Makadzidziswa, maererano namafambiro enyu ekare, kuti mubvise munhu wenyu wekare, anoodzwa nokuchiva kwokunyengera;
23 Let yourselves be re-made spiritually and mentally,
kuti muitwe vatsva mukufunga kwendangariro dzenyu;
24 and put on your new nature that God created so you will be like him, right and holy in the truth.
uye mufuke munhu mutsva, akasikwa kuti afanane naMwari mukururama kwechokwadi noutsvene.
25 So reject lies, and tell the truth to each other—for we belong to each other.
Naizvozvo mumwe nomumwe wenyu anofanira kubvisa nhema uye ataure chokwadi kuno muvakidzani wake, nokuti isu tose tiri nhengo dzomuviri mumwe.
26 Don't sin by getting angry; don't let evening come and find you still mad—
“Mukutsamwa kwenyu, musatadza.” Musarega zuva richivira muchakangotsamwa,
27 and don't give the devil any opportunity.
uye musapa dhiabhori mukana.
28 Thieves, stop your stealing, and do honest, productive work with your hands, so you'll have something to give to those who need it.
Uyo akanga achimboba ngaarege kuzobazve, asi anofanira kushanda, achiita zvinhu zvinobatsira namaoko ake, kuti ave nechaangagovera avo vanoshayiwa.
29 Don't use bad language. Speak words that will encourage people as necessary, so that those who listen will be helped.
Musarega kutaura kwakaora kuchibuda mumiromo yenyu, asi chete zvinobatsira pakuvaka vamwe maererano nezvavanoshayiwa, kuti zvigobatsira avo vanonzwa.
30 Don't disappoint the Holy Spirit of God that marked you as belonging to him until the day of redemption.
Uye musachemedza Mweya Mutsvene waMwari, uyo wakaitwa chisimbiso chenyu pazuva rokudzikinurwa.
31 Get rid of every kind of bitterness, rage, anger, verbal abuse, and insults, along with all forms of evil.
Bvisai shungu dzose, hasha nokutsamwa, kupopota namakuhwa pamwe chete nokuvenga kwose.
32 Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.
Muitirane mwoyo munyoro uye munzwirane tsitsi, muchikanganwira mumwe nomumwe wenyu, sezvamakakanganwirwa naMwari muna Kristu.