< Ecclesiastes 1 >
1 Here are the words of the Teacher, the king of Jerusalem, David's son.
Misli Propovjednika, Davidova sina, kralja u Jeruzalemu.
2 “Everything passes—it's so temporary! It's all so hard to understand!” says the Teacher.
Ispraznost nad ispraznošću, veli Propovjednik, ispraznost nad ispraznošću, sve je ispraznost!
3 What benefit do you get for slaving away in this life?
Kakva je korist čovjeku od svega truda njegova kojim se trudi pod suncem?
4 People come, and people go, but the earth lasts forever!
Jedan naraštaj odlazi, drugi dolazi, a zemlja uvijek ostaje.
5 The sun comes up, and the sun goes down, and then rushes to its place to rise again.
Sunce izlazi, sunce zalazi i onda hiti svojem mjestu odakle izlazi.
6 The wind blows south, and then turns to the north. Round and round it spins, finally coming full circle.
Vjetar puše na jug i okreće se na sjever, kovitla sad ovamo sad onamo i vraća se u novom vrtlogu.
7 Streams all flow into the sea, but the sea never becomes full. The streams return to the place from where they came.
Sve rijeke teku u more i more se ne prepunja; odakle teku rijeke, onamo se vraćaju da ponovo počnu svoj tok.
8 Everything just keeps on going. You can't say all there is to say. You can't see all there is to see. You can't hear all there is to hear.
Sve je mučno. Nitko ne može reći da se oči nisu do sita nagledale i uši dovoljno naslušale.
9 Everything that was will continue to be; everything that has been done will be done again. Nothing new ever happens here.
Što je bilo, opet će biti, i što se činilo, opet će se činiti, i nema ništa novo pod suncem.
10 There's nothing anyone can point to and say, “Look! Here's something new.” In fact it's been around for ages, long before our time.
Ima li išta o čemu bi se moglo reći: “Gle, ovo je novo!” Sve je već davno prije nas postojalo.
11 The problem is we don't remember people from the past, and people in the future won't remember those who came before them.
Samo, od prošlosti ne ostade ni spomena, kao što ni u budućnosti neće biti sjećanja na ono što će poslije doći.
12 I am the Teacher, and I was king over Israel, reigning from Jerusalem.
Ja, Propovjednik, bijah kralj nad Izraelom u Jeruzalemu.
13 I decided to focus my mind to explore, using wisdom, everything that happens here on earth. This is a tough assignment that God has given people to keep them busy!
I trudih se da mudrošću istražim i dokučim sve što biva pod nebom; o, kako mučnu zadaću zadade Bog sinovima ljudskim.
14 I examined everything people do here on earth, and discovered that it's all so temporary—trying to understand it is like trying to pin down the wind!
Vidjeh sve što se čini pod suncem: kakve li ispraznosti i puste tlapnje!
15 You can't straighten what is twisted, and you can't count what isn't there.
Što je krivo, ne može se ispraviti; čega nema, izbrojiti se ne može.
16 I thought to myself, “I've become very wise, wiser than all the kings of Jerusalem before me. My mind has gained a great deal of wisdom and knowledge.”
Rekoh onda sam sebi: “Gle, stekao sam veću mudrost nego bilo tko od mojih prethodnika u Jeruzalemu. Duh moj sabrao je golemu mudrost i znanje.”
17 So I decided to use my mind to learn everything about wisdom, and madness and foolishness as well. But I found out that this is as hard as trying to catch hold of the wind.
Mudrost pomnjivo proučih, a tako i glupost i ludost, ali sam spoznao da je to pusta tlapnja.
18 For with great wisdom comes great frustration. The greater the knowledge, the greater the pain.
Mnogo mudrosti - mnogo jada; što više znanja, to više boli.