< Deuteronomy 5 >

1 Then Moses called all the Israelites together and told them: Listen, people of Israel to the rules and regulations that I'm giving you today. Learn them and make sure you follow them carefully.
Israel pum te Moses loh a khue tih, “Aw Israel, tihnin ah nangmih hna kaepah kai loh kan thui oltlueh neh laitloeknah he hnatun lah. Te dongah te te cang uh lamtah na vai ham khaw ngaithuen uh lah.
2 Remember that the Lord our God made an agreement with us at Horeb.
Mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen loh Horeb ah mamih taengah paipi a saii coeng.
3 He didn't make this agreement with our fathers, but with us, all of those who are still alive today.
A pa rhoek nen bueng pawt tih tihnin kah mamih neh mamih taengkah mulhing boeih nen khaw tahae kah paipi he BOEIPA loh a saii coeng.
4 The Lord talked with you person to person from the fire on the mountain.
Tlang ah maelhmai neh maelhmai rhoi hum uh tih nangmih te BOEIPA loh hmai khui lamkah m'voek coeng.
5 This was the time when I stood between the Lord and you to tell you what the Lord said, because you were afraid of the fire and refused to go up the mountain. He told you,
Amah te vaeng hnin ah hmai te na rhih uh tih tlang la na yoeng uh pawt dongah BOEIPA kah olka loh nangmih taengah,
6 “I am the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt, out of the prison-house of slavery.
‘Kai tah Egypt kho kah sal im lamkah nang aka khuen na BOEIPA Pathen ni.
7 You must not have any other gods except me.
Ka mikhmuh ah a tloe pathen loh nang taengah om boel saeh.
8 You must not make for yourself any kind of idol, whether in the form of anything in the heavens above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below.
Vaan dong so neh diklai khui ah khaw, tui neh tui khui ah khaw diklai ah khat khat kah mueithuk muei te namah ham saii boeh.
9 You must not bow down before them or worship them; for I am the Lord your God and I am passionately exclusive. I lay the consequences of the sin of those who hate me on their sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons;
Amih te bakop thil boeh, amih taengah thothueng boeh. Kai, na BOEIPA Pathen he thatlai Pathen la ka om dongah a napa rhoek kah thaesainah te a ca rhoek pum dongah a khongthum duela, kai aka hmuhuet rhoek te a khongli duela ka cawh.
10 but I show trustworthy love to the thousands of generations who love me and keep my commandments.
Tedae kai aka lungnah tih ka olpaek te olpaek bangla aka ngaithuen rhoek taengah a thawng thawng la sitlohnah ka saii pah.
11 You must not use the name of the Lord your God in a wrong way, for the Lord will not forgive anyone who uses his name in a wrong way.
A poeyoek la a ming aka yan te BOEIPA loh hmil mahpawh. Te dongah na BOEIPA Pathen ming te a poeyoek la yan mailai boeh.
12 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord as the Lord your God has commanded you to do.
Sabbath hnin ngaithuen ham neh ciim ham te na BOEIPA Pathen loh nang n'uen vanbangla,
13 You have six days to work and earn your living,
Hnin rhuk ah thotat lamtah na bitat te boeih saii.
14 but the seventh day is the Sabbath to honor the Lord your God. On this day you must not do any work—not you, not your son or daughter, not your male slave or female slave or your ox or donkey or any of your livestock, and not the foreigner who is staying with you, so that your male slave and females slave can have the same rest as you.
Tedae a rhih khohnin te tah BOEIPA na Pathen kah Sabbath la om tih namah neh na canu na capa khaw, na salnu neh salpa khaw, na vaito, na laak neh na rhamsa boeih khaw, na vongka khuikah yinlai khaw bi saii boel saeh. Te daengah ni na salnu neh na salpa te namah bangla a duem eh.
15 Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, and that the Lord your God led you out from there with his great power and incredible strength. This is why the Lord your God has ordered you to keep the Sabbath day.
Egypt kho ah sal la na om vaengah BOEIPA na Pathen loh tlungluen kut neh, a ban a thueng tih te lamloh nang n'khuen te poek lah. Te dongah Sabbath hnin na saii ham te na BOEIPA Pathen loh nang n'uen coeng.
16 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you to do, so that you may live a long time and do well in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang n'uen vanbangla na nu neh na pa te thangpom lah. Te daengah ni na BOEIPA Pathen loh nang m'paek khohmuen ah na hinglung loh vang vetih nang te khophoeng m'pha sak van eh.
17 You must not kill people.
Hlang ngawn boeh.
18 You must not commit adultery.
Samphaih boeh.
19 You must not steal.
Huencan boeh.
20 You must not give false evidence against others.
Na hui te laipai neh a poeyoek la doo boeh.
21 You must not desire to have anyone else's wife. You must not desire to have their house or field, or their male slave or female slave, or their ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to them.”
Na hui kah a yuu khaw nai pah boeh. Na hui kah a im a lo khaw, a salnu neh a salpa, a vaito neh a laak khaw, na hui kah hno boeih te tah nai pah boeh,’ a ti te thui ham la kai loh BOEIPA laklo neh nangmih laklo ah ka pai.
22 In a loud voice the Lord gave these commandments to all of you, speaking from the fire, the cloud, and the deep darkness that covered the mountain. He didn't add anything else. He wrote them down on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
Hekah olka he BOEIPA loh nangmih hlangping boeih ham tlang ah hmai, cingmai neh yinnah khui lamkah ol ue la a thui tih a thap mueh la lungto lungpael panit dongah a daek phoeiah kai taengla m'paek.
23 When you heard the voice that came from the darkness while the mountain was on fire, all your tribal leaders and elders came to me,
Khohmuep khui lamkah ol te na yaak uh. Tlang te hmai alh la a om vaengah nangmih koca khuikah a lu rhoek boeih neh a hamca rhoek loh kai taengla na pawk uh.
24 and said, “Listen, the Lord our God has revealed glory and majesty to us, and we have heard his voice that came from the fire. Today we have seen that human beings can don't die even when God speaks with them.
Te phoeiah, ‘Mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen loh amah kah thangpomnah, a boeilennah neh mamih taengla ha tueng coeng tih hmai khui lamkah a ol khaw tihnin ah n'yaak uh. Te dongah Pathen loh a voek hlang khaw hing van tila m'hmuh uh coeng he.
25 But we could still die, couldn't we? This enormous fire is going to burn us up, and we'll die if the Lord our God continues to speak to us.
Tahae ah khaw balae tih hekah hmai puei loh mamih n'hlawp vetih n'duek uh eh. Mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen ol he koep yaak ham mamih loh n'khoep uh koinih n'duek uh pawn ni.
26 Has anybody else ever heard the living God speak from the fire and survived, we have?
Pumsa boeih khuiah hmai khui lamkah aka cal tih aka hing Pathen ol aka ya te unim mamih bangla aka hing.
27 You go and listen to everything the Lord our God tells you. Then you can repeat to us everything the Lord our God tells you. We promise to listen and obey.”
Namah te cet lamtah mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen loh a thui boeih te hnatun. Te phoeiah mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen loh nang taengah a thui boeih te kaimih taengah na thui vetih ka yaak uh vaengah ka ngai uh bitni,’ na ti uh.
28 The Lord heard what you told me, and he said to me, “I've heard what these people told you. All that they've said is good.
“Kai taengah na cal uh vaengkah nangmih olka ol te BOEIPA loh a yaak. Te dongah BOEIPA loh kai taengah, ‘Hekah pilnam loh nang taengah a thui olka ol te ka yaak vaengah a thui uh te boeih then.
29 I only wish they really did respect me and always kept my commandments so that they and their children would do well for all time.
Kai rhih ham neh a hing khuiah ka olpaek boeih te ngaithuen ham mah amih kah thinko loh a paan tih om saeh. Te daengah ni amamih neh a ca rhoek loh kumhal duela khophoeng a pha eh.
30 Go and tell them: ‘You need to return to your tents.’
Cet laeh, na dap la bal lamtah amih te thui pah.
31 But you are to stay here with me so that I can give you all the commandments and rules and regulations you are to teach them to follow in the country that I am giving them to take over and own.”
Tedae nang tah ka taengah om lamtah amih na cang puei ham olpaek, oltlueh neh laitloeknah boeih te nang taengah kang uen eh. Te daengah ni amih loh a pang ham amih taengah ka paek khohmuen ah khaw a vai uh eh,’ a ti.
32 So make sure you do what the Lord your God has ordered you to do—don't go astray in any direction.
“Te dongah na BOEIPA Pathen loh nangmih n'uen bangla na saii ham te ngaithuen lamtah banvoei bantang la phael uh boeh.
33 Follow all the ways the Lord your God has shown you, so that you do well and live long lives in the country that you will occupy.
Na BOEIPA Pathen loh nangmih n'uen longpuei boeih dongah pongpa uh. Te daengah ni na hing uh vaengah nangmih ham hoeikhang vetih na pang uh ham khohmuen ah na hinglung khaw a vang eh,” a ti nah.

< Deuteronomy 5 >