< Deuteronomy 33 >

1 The following is the blessing that Moses the man of God gave to the Israelites before he died.
Ko te manaaki tenei i manaaki ai a Mohi, te tangata a te Atua, i nga tama a Iharaira i mua ake o tona matenga.
2 He said, The Lord came from Mount Sinai and shone on us from Mount Seir; he blazed out from Mount Paran coming with ten thousand of holy ones, holding flaming fire at his right hand.
Na ka mea ia, I haere mai a Ihowa i Hinai, i rere mai i Heira ki runga ki a ratou; i whiti mai ia i Maunga Parana, a haere mai ana ia i nga mano tini o te hunga tapu: he ture i tona ringa matau mo ratou, e mura ana.
3 How much you love the people; you hold all the holy ones in your hand. They sit down at your feet to listen to your words:
Ina, e aroha ana ia ki nga iwi; kei roto i tou ringa ana tangata tapu katoa: a noho ana ratou i ou waewae; ka riro i a ratou katoa au korero.
4 the law that Moses delivered to us that belongs to all the Israelites.
Na Mohi te ture i ako ki a tatou, hei taonga tuku iho, tuku iho mo te huihui o Hakopa.
5 The Lord became King in Israel when the people's leaders gathered, when the tribes of Israel assembled.
Ko ia ano te kingi o Iehuruna i te huihuinga o nga upoko o te iwi, ratou ko nga iwi katoa o Iharaira.
6 To Reuben he said, “May he live and not die, but may he only have a few men.”
Kia ora a Reupena, kaua hoki e mate, otiia kia tokoouou ona tangata.
7 To Judah he said: “Lord, please hear the cry of Judah and reunite him with his people. Even though he fights for himself, may you help him against his enemies.”
A tenei ano te manaaki mo Hura: na ka mea ia, Whakarongo, e Ihowa, ki te reo o Hura, mau ano hoki ia e kawe ki tona iwi: i kaha hoki ona ringa ki te tohe mona ake; a mau ia e awhina ki ona hoariri.
8 To Levi he said: “Your Thummim were given to Levi and your Urim to those dedicated to God, the ones you tested at Massah and argued with at the waters of Meribah.
A mo Riwai i mea ia, Kei tou tangata tapu ou Tumime me ou Urimi, i whakamatautauria ra ia e koe ki Maha, i ngangautia ra e koe ki nga wai o Meripa;
9 Levi said that he didn't pay attention to his father and mother, that he didn't acknowledge his brothers, and that he didn't recognize his children. The Levites did what you said and kept your agreement.
I mea nei mo tona papa raua ko tona whaea, Kahore ahau i kite i a ia; kihai ano hoki ia i mohio ki ona tuakana, kihai i matau ki ana ake tamariki; he mea hoki, e pupuri ana ratou i tau kupu, e tiaki ana i tau kawenata.
10 They will teach your regulations to Jacob and your law to Israel. They will place incense before you, and sacrifice whole burnt offerings on your altar.
Ma ratou a Hakopa e whakaako ki au whakaritenga, a Iharaira hoki ki tau ture: ma ratou hoki te paowa kakara e hoatu ki tou aroaro, me te tahunga tinana ki runga ki tau aata.
11 Lord, please bless what they have, and accept their service for you. Destroy those who attack them; make sure their enemies never rise again.”
Manaakitia ona rawa, e Ihowa, kia aro mai hoki koe ki te mahi a ona ringa: whatiia nga hope o te hunga e whakatika ana ki a ia, o nga mea hoki e kino ana ki a ia, kei whakatika mai ano ratou.
12 To Benjamin he said: “May the one the Lord loves be kept safe and secure in the Lord. The Lord always protects him, letting him rest on his shoulders.”
Ko tana kupu mo Pineamine, Ko ta Ihowa i aroha ai ka noho humarie ki tona taha; ko ia e uhi ana i a ia a pau noa te ra, e noho ana i waenganui o ona pokohiwi.
13 To Joseph he said: “May the Lord bless his land with the best gifts of heaven—with the dew and water from the depths below;
Ko tana kupu mo Hohepa, He manaakitanga tona whenua na Ihowa; ki nga mea papai o te rangi, ki te tomairangi, ki te wai hohonu e takoto ake ana i raro,
14 with the best crops ripened by the sun and the best produce of the seasons;
Ki nga hua papai o te ra, ki nga mea papai hoki e whakaputaina mai ana e te marama,
15 with the finest contributions of the ancient mountains and the best materials of the everlasting hills;
Ki nga mea nunui hoki o nga maunga onamata, ki nga mea papai o nga maunga tu tonu,
16 with the best gifts of the land and everything in it, along with the appreciation of the one who was in the burning bush. May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph like a crown for this prince among his brothers.
Ki nga mea papai hoki o te whenua me ona tini mea; ki te manakohanga hoki ana i noho i te rakau: kia tae mai te manaaki ki runga ki te mahunga o Hohepa, ki te tumuaki hoki ona i wehea i ona tuakana.
17 He is as majestic as a firstborn bull; his horns are like those of a wild ox. He will use them to gore the nations, driving them to the ends of the earth. The horns represent the ten thousands of Ephraim, and the thousands of Manasseh.”
He kororia kei te matamua a tana puru; ko ona haona kei nga haona o te unikanga: ka pana e ia nga iwi, ratou katoa, ki era, tae noa ki nga pito o te whenua: a ko enei nga mano tini o Eparaima, ko enei hoki nga mano o Manahi.
18 To Zebulun he said: “Celebrate, Zebulun, in your travels and Issachar, in your tents.
A, ko tana kupu mo Hepurona, Kia koa, e Hepurona, i tou putanga ki waho; e Ihakara hoki, i ou teneti.
19 They will summon the peoples to a mountain; will offer the appropriate sacrifices there. They will enjoy the rich produce of the seas and from trading on the seashores.”
Ma ratou nga iwi e karanga ki te maunga; ki reira ratou patu ai i nga patunga o te tika: no te mea ka ngongo ratou te raneatanga o nga moana, i nga taonga huna hoki o te onepu.
20 To Gad he said: “Blessed is he who makes Gad's territory larger! Gad is like a lion lying in wait, ready to rip off an arm or a head.
Ko tana kupu mo Kara, Ka manaakitia te kaiwhakawhanui i a Kara: noho ana ia me he raiona katua, haea iho e ia te ringa, ae ra me te tumuaki.
21 He chose the best land for himself, for he was allocated a ruler's share. He met with the people's leaders; he did what the Lord said was right, following the Lord's regulations for Israel.”
A tangohia ana e ia te wahi tuatahi mona; no te mea kei reira te wahi a te kaiwhakahaere tikanga e tiakina ana; a haere mai ana me nga upoko o te iwi, a oti ana i a ia, ratou tahi ko Iharaira, te tikanga a Ihowa, me ana whakaritenga.
22 To Dan he said: “Dan is a young lion that leaps out of Bashan.”
A, ko tana kupu mo Rana, Hei kuao raiona a Rana: ka mokowhiti mai ia i Pahana.
23 To Naphtali he said: “Naphtali is really favored, full of the Lord's blessing. He shall take over the land to the west and south.”
A, ko tana kupu mo Napatari, E Napatari, e makona nei i te manakohanga, e ki ana hoki i te manaaki a Ihowa: nohoia e koe te taha ki te hauauru me te tonga.
24 To Asher he said: “May Asher be blessed more than all the other sons; may he be favored above his brothers and bathe his feet in olive oil.
A, ko tana kupu mo Ahera, Ko nga tamariki te manaaki mo Ahera; kia arongia mai ia e ona tuakana, kia toua hoki tona waewae ki te hinu.
25 May the bolts of your gate be strong as iron and bronze, and may you be strong all your life.”
Ko ou tutaki he rino, he parahi; a ka rite tou kaha ki ou ra.
26 There is no one like the God of Israel, who rides across the heavens to come to help you; who rides the clouds in majesty.
Kahore he rite mo te Atua, e Iehuruna, e eke hoiho nei i nga rangi ki te whakauru i a koe, ki nga kapua hoki, i runga ano i tona kororia.
27 The eternal God is your home, and he holds you up with his everlasting arms. He drives out the enemy ahead of you, and gives the order, “Destroy him!”
Ko te Atua ora tonu tou nohoanga, a kei raro ko nga ringa o tua iho: a i peia e ia te hoariri i tou aroaro, i mea hoki, Whakangaromia.
28 As a result Israel lives in peace; Jacob has no trouble in a country of grain and new wine, where the heavens drip with dew.
Na ka noho humarie a Iharaira, me te matapuna o Hakopa ko ia anake, ki te whenua witi, waina; ae ra, ka maturuturu iho te tomairangi o ona rangi.
29 How blessed you are, Israel! Is there anyone like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is the shield that protects you, the sword that gives you confidence. Your enemies will tremble before you, and you shall tread them underfoot.
Ka hari koe, e Iharaira: ko wai hei rite mou, mo te iwi i whakaorangia nei e Ihowa, te pukupuku hei whakapuru mou, ko te hoari hoki e whai kororia ai koe! a ka tuku mai ou hoariri i a ratou ki a koe; a ka takatakahi koe i o ratou wahi teitei.

< Deuteronomy 33 >