< Deuteronomy 32 >

1 Heaven, listen as I speak; Earth, hear what I'm saying.
Yaa samiiwwan, dhagaʼaa; ani nan dubbadha; yaa lafa, atis dubbii afaan kootii dhagaʼi.
2 May my teaching fall gently like the rain; may my words drop lightly like the dew, like soft rain on new grass, like spring showers on growing plants.
Barsiisni koo akka bokkaa haa roobu; dubbiin koos akka fixeensaa gad haa coccophu; marga irratti akka tiifuu, biqiltuu corqaa irrattis akka bokkaa guddaa haa roobu.
3 I will praise the Lord's character. Tell everyone how great he is!
Ani maqaa Waaqayyoo nan labsa. Guddina Waaqa keenyaa jajadhaa!
4 He is the Rock. Everything he does is perfect, for all his ways are right. He is the trustworthy God who is never unjust; he is fair and honest.
Inni Kattaa dha; hojiin isaa mudaa hin qabu; daandiiwwan isaa hundinuus qajeelaa dha. Inni Waaqa amanamaa hin dogoggorre, tolaa fi qajeelaa dha.
5 His children have acted immorally towards him; so they are no longer his children because of their sinful stains. They are a perverse and corrupt people.
Isaan hammina isatti hojjetaniiru; siʼachi isaan sababii qaanii isaaniitiif ijoollee isaa miti; isaan dhaloota jalʼaa fi micciiramaa dha.
6 Is this any way to repay the Lord, you foolish, stupid people? Isn't he your Father who created you? Isn't he the one who turned you into a nation and made you strong?
Yaa saba gowwaa, kan ogummaa hin qabne, ati akkasitti Waaqayyoof deebii kennitaa? Inni Abbaa kee, Uumaa kee, kan si hojjetee fi si tolche mitii?
7 Remember the olden days; think about times long ago. God and ask your father, and he will explain them to you. Talk to your elders, and they will let you know.
Baroota durii yaadadhu; dhaloota darbe illee qalbeeffadhu. Inni siif ibsaatii abbaa kee gaafadhu; maanguddoota kees gaafadhu; isaan sitti himuutii.
8 The Most High gave the nations their lands when he divided the human race; he fixed their borders depending on their gods.
Waaqni Waan Hundaa Olii yommuu sabootaaf dhaala isaaniif kennetti, yommuu sanyii namaas gargar qoqoodetti, akkuma baayʼina ilmaan Israaʼelitti namootaaf daarii dhaabe.
9 But the Lord's people are his, Israel is his chosen one.
Qoodni Waaqayyoo saba isaa ti; Yaaqoob immoo dhaala dhuunfaa isaa ti.
10 He found you in a desert land, in a desolate wasteland of whirlwinds. He protected you; he cared for you; he looked after you as the one he loved the most.
Inni lafa gammoojjii, lafa onaatii fi gammoojjii nama gubu keessatti isa argate. Inni gaachana taʼeefii isa eege; akka qaroo ija isaattis isa eege;
11 Like an eagle watching over its nest, hovering over its chicks, he spread his wings and picked you up and carried you along.
akkuma risaan mana ishee diigdee ilmaan ishee irra qoochoo qabdu, akkuma qoochoo ishee balʼiftee ol isaan fudhattu, akkuma qoochoo isheetiinis isaan baattu sana,
12 The Lord was the only one who led you; no foreign god was with him.
Waaqayyo qofatu isa geggeesse; waaqni ormaa tokko iyyuu isa wajjin hin turre.
13 The Lord gave you the high country to rule, and fed you with the crops of the field to eat. He sustained you with honey from the rock and olive oil from the flinty crag,
Inni lafa ol kaʼaa irra isa burraaqsise; midhaan lafa qotiisaa isa soore. Kattaa keessaa damma isa nyaachise; dhagaa gurraacha keessaa immoo zayitii kenneef;
14 with yogurt from the herd and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs, with rams from Bashan, and goats, along with the best wheat. You drank the wine made from the best grapes.
dhadhaa fi aannan saawaanii fi bushaayee, xobbaallaawwanii fi reʼoota cooman, korbeeyyii hoolaa filatamoo Baashaan, ija qamadii gaariis isa soore. Ati cuunfaa dhiiga wayinii qulqulluus ni dhugde.
15 But Israel, you grew fat and rebelled—fat, overweight, and bloated with food. You abandoned the God who made you and despised the Rock of your salvation.
Yishuruun ni gabbate; ni dhiite; nyaatee quufe; ni ulfaate; ni cululuqe. Waaqa isa uume ni dhiise; Kattaa Fayyisaa isaa taʼes ni tuffate.
16 You made the Lord jealous by worshiping foreign gods; you made him angry with such disgusting practices.
Isaan waaqota ormaatiin isa hinaafsisan; waaqota jibbisiisoo isaaniitiinis isa dheekkamsiisan.
17 You offered sacrifices to demons instead of God, to gods you didn't know anything about, to brand-new gods that your forefathers didn't worship.
Isaan hafuurota hamoo Waaqa hin taʼiniif, waaqota hin beekiniif, waaqota reefuu dhufaniif, waaqota abbootiin keessan hin sodaatiiniif aarsaa dhiʼeessan.
18 You dismissed the Rock who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave birth to you.
Ati Kattaa si dhalche gante; Waaqa si uume irraanfatte.
19 The Lord rejected them when he saw this; his sons and daughters made him angry.
Waaqayyo waan kana argee isaan tuffate; inni ilmaanii fi intallan ofii isaatti aareeraatii.
20 He said: “I will turn away from them. Then I'll see what happens to them! They are a perverse people, unfaithful children.
Innis, “Ani fuula koo isaan duraa nan dhokfadha; dhuma isaaniis nan arga” jedhe; isaan dhaloota jalʼaa, ijoollee hin amanamneedhaatii.
21 They have made me jealous by worshiping things that are not God; they have made me angry with their useless idols. So I will make them jealous using a people that aren't really a nation; I will make them angry using ignorant foreigners.
Isaan waan Waaqa hin taʼiniin na hinaafsisan; waaqota tolfamoo isaanii kanneen faayidaa hin qabneenis na aarsan. Anis warra saba hin taʼiniin akka isaan hinaafan nan godha; saba hubannaa hin qabneenis isaan nan aarsa.
22 My anger has been set on fire, burning down to the depths of the grave, destroying the earth and all it produces, even setting fire to the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
Dheekkamsa kootiin ibiddi qabsiifameeraatii; innis hamma siiʼoolitti gad dhidhimee ni bobaʼa. Lafaa fi waan isheen baaftu ni nyaata; hundee tulluuwwaniitti illee ibidda qabsiisa. (Sheol h7585)
23 I will pile disasters on them; I will use up my arrows shooting at them.
“Ani waan hamaa isaan irra nan tuula; xiyya koos isaanitti nan fixadha.
24 They will waste away from hunger, destroyed by disease and poisonous plague. I will send wild animals to bite them with their teeth, the fangs of snakes that slide along the ground.
Beela hamaa, golfaa nyaatee nama fixuu fi dhaʼicha isaanitti nan erga; ilkaan bineensaa qaramaa isaa, hadhaa buutii lafa irra lootuus isaanitti nan erga.
25 Outside in the streets the sword kills their children, inside their homes, they die from fright; young men and young women, children and old people.
Karaa guddaa irratti goraadeen warra ijoollee hin qabne isaan godha; mana isaaniitti sodaatu moʼa. Dargaggoonnii fi dargaggeettiiwwan, daaʼimmanii fi maanguddoonni ni dhumu.
26 I would have told them I was going to cut them to pieces and wipe out even the memory of them;
Anis isaan nan bittinneessa; yaadannoo isaaniis sanyii namaa keessaa nan balleessa.
27 but I didn't want to hear their conquerors jeering, their enemies misunderstanding what had happened and saying, ‘We won all by ourselves, the Lord didn't have anything to do with it.’
Garuu akka diinonni isaanii of tuulanii, ‘Harka keenyatu moʼate malee, Waaqayyo waan kana hunda hin goone’ hin jenne, ani dhaadannoo diinaa sodaadheera.”
28 Israel is a nation that doesn't think straight; none of them understand anything.
Isaan saba qalbii hin qabne, kan hubannaa tokko illee hin qabnee dha.
29 How I wish they were wise, so they could understand it; they would recognize what was going to happen to them.
Isaan utuu ogeeyyii taʼanii waan kana hubatanii silaa dhuma isaanii ni beeku turan!
30 How on earth could one man chase after a thousand, or two make ten thousand run away, unless their Rock of protection had sold them, unless the Lord had surrendered them?
Yoo Kattaan isaanii isaan gurgure malee, yoo Waaqayyo dabarsee isaan kenne malee, akkamitti namni tokko nama kuma tokko yookaan namni lama nama kuma kudhan gugsa?
31 The rock they rely on is not like our Rock, as even our enemies admit.
Kattaan isaanii akka kattaa keenyaa miti; kana immoo diinonni keenya iyyuu hin ganan.
32 But their vine comes from the vine of Sodom, from the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poisonous; they are bitter bunches.
Wayiniin isaanii wayinii Sodoomiitii fi lafa qotiisaa Gomoraa irraa dhufa. Iji wayinii isaanii summiidhaan, hurbuun isaaniis waan hadhaaʼuun guutameera.
33 Their wine is the poison of serpents, deadly snake venom.
Wayiniin isaanii hadhaa bofaa, summii bofa hadhaan isaa nama ajjeesuu ti.
34 I've stored this all up; it's sealed in my vaults.
“Kun waan na biratti eegame, kan galmee koo keessattis chaappaadhaan cufame mitii?
35 I make sure justice is done, I will repay. The time is coming when they will fall, their day of disaster is approaching, their doom will soon arrive.”
Haaloo baasuun kan koo ti; ani gatii nan deebisa. Yeroo isaatti miilli isaanii ni mucucaata; guyyaan badiisa isaanii dhiʼaateera; badiisni isaaniis isaanitti ariifateera.”
36 The Lord is going to vindicate his people; he will be merciful to his servants when he sees that they have no strength left, and that everyone is gone, whether slave or free.
Waaqayyo yommuu akka isaan humna dhaban, akka garbichis taʼu namni birmaduun tokko iyyuu hin hafne argutti, saba isaatiif ni murteessa; tajaajiltoota isaatiifis garaa laafa.
37 He'll ask, “What happened to your gods, the rock where your went for protection?
Innis akkana jedha: “Kattaan isaan itti daʼatan, waaqonni tolfamoon isaanii amma eessa jiru?
38 Who ate the fat of your sacrifices and drank the wine of your drink offerings? Have them come and help you; have them come and protect you!
Waaqonni cooma qalma isaanii nyaatan, kanneen dhibaayyuu daadhii wayinii isaanii dhuganis eessa jiru? Mee kaʼanii isaan haa gargaaran! Mee daʼannoo haa kennaniif!
39 Listen! I am the only God! There is no other God except me! I bring death, and I give life; I wound, and I heal. No one can be rescued from my power.
“Akka ani mataan koo Isa taʼe beekaa! Ana malee Waaqni biraa hin jiru. Ani nan ajjeesa; nan jiraachisas; nan madeessa; nan fayyisas; namni harka kootii baasuu dandaʼu tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
40 I hold up my hand to heaven and solemnly declare on my eternal life,
Ani dhugumaan bara baraan jiraataadhaatii harka koo samiitti ol qabee nan kakadha;
41 when I sharpen my shining sword and pick it up to execute judgment, I will repay my enemies and punish those who hate me as they deserve.
ani yommuun goraadee koo calaqqisaa qaradhee harki koo murtiidhaaf isa qabatutti, ani diinota koo haaloo nan baʼa; warra na jibbaniif illee waan isaaniif malu nan kenna.
42 My arrows will become drunk with blood, as my sword eats flesh; the blood of those who are killed and captured, the heads of the enemy's leaders.”
Yommuu goraadeen koo foon nyaatutti, ani akka xiyyi koo dhiigaan machaaʼu nan godha; dhiigni sunis dhiiga warra qalamaniitii fi boojiʼamanii kan mataa hooggantoota diinaa ti.”
43 Celebrate with him! Let all God's angels worship him! Celebrate, foreigners, with his people; because he will pay back those who killed his children. He will punish his enemies, and repay those who hate him; he will purify his land and his people.
Sababii inni haaloo dhiiga tajaajiltoota isaa baʼuuf, yaa sabootaa, namoota isaa wajjin gammadaa. Inni diinota isaa haaloo baʼa; biyyaa fi saba isaatiif araara ni buusa.
44 Then Moses came with Joshua son of Nun and recited all the words of this song for the people to hear.
Museenis Iyyaasuu ilma Nuuni wajjin dhufee dubbiiwwan faarfannaa kana hunda namoota dhageessise.
45 After Moses finished reciting the whole song to all the Israelites,
Innis yommuu dubbiiwwan kanneen hunda Israaʼeloota hundatti dubbatee fixetti,
46 he told them, “Think about all these words I've declared to you today, so you can order your children to follow carefully everything in this law.
akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Akka isaan dubbiiwwan seera kanaa hunda of eeggannaadhaan eeganiif akka isin ijoollee keessan ajajjan, dubbiiwwan ani harʼa ifa baasee isinitti himu hunda qalbiitti qabadhaa.
47 Don't treat these words as trivial because they are your life, and by them you will have long lives in the country that you will own after crossing the Jordan.”
Isaan isiniif jireenya malee dubbii faayidaa hin qabne miti. Dubbiiwwan kanaan biyya laga Yordaanos ceetanii dhaaltan keessa bara dheeraa ni jiraattu.”
48 That same day the Lord told Moses,
Gaafasuma Waaqayyo akkana jedhee Museetti hime;
49 “Climb up into the Abarim mountains to Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look over the country of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites for them to own.
“Biyya Moʼaab kan fuullee Yerikoo jiru, tulluuwwan Abaariim keessa tulluu Nebootti ol baʼiitii biyya Kanaʼaan, biyya ani Israaʼelootaaf dhaala godhee kennu fuulleetti ilaali.
50 There on the mountain you've climbed, you will die and join your people in death, in the same way your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and joined his people.
Akkuma obboleessi kee Aroon tulluu Hoori irratti duʼee gara abbootii isaatti walitti qabame sana, atis tulluu yaabbattu sana irratti ni duuta; gara abbootii keetiittis walitti qabamta.
51 For there at the waters of Meribah-kadesh in the Desert of Zin, you both were unfaithful to me. You misrepresented me to the Israelites when you didn't treat me as holy in their presence.
Kunis waan isin lamaanuu Gammoojjii Siin, Qaadesh keessatti bishaan Mariibaa biratti fuula Israaʼelootaa duratti na amanuu diddanii fi sababii Israaʼeloota gidduutti qulqullummaa koo hin eeginiif.
52 Though you will see the country that I am giving the Israelites from a distance, you won't enter it.”
Kanaafuu ati fagootti argita malee biyya ani Israaʼelootaaf kennu sanatti hin galtu.”

< Deuteronomy 32 >