< Deuteronomy 26 >
1 Once you've entered the country that the Lord your God is giving you to own, and you take it over and settle there,
Kana uchinge wapinda munyika yauri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wako senhaka uye kana uchinge waitora wava kugara mairi,
2 take some of the firstfruits of all your crops produced by the land that the Lord your God is giving you and place them in a basket. Then go to the place the Lord your God will choose to live with you,
utore zvimwe zvezvibereko zvose zvokutanga zvauchakohwa kubva pavhu renyika yauri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wako ugozviisa mudengu. Ipapo ugoenda kunzvimbo iyo Jehovha Mwari wako achasarudza kuti Zita rake rigarepo,
3 and tell the priest in charge at the time, “Today I declare to the Lord your God that I now live in the country that the Lord promised our forefathers to give us.”
uye ugoti kumuprista ari kushumira panguva iyoyo, “Ndinozvireva nhasi pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako kuti ndasvika munyika yakapikirwa madzitateguru edu naJehovha kuti achatipa.”
4 The priest will take the basket from you and place it in front of the altar of the Lord your God.
Muprista anofanira kutora dengu kubva mumaoko ako agoriisa pasi pamberi pearitari yaJehovha Mwari wake.
5 Then this is what you are to publicly declare before the Lord your God, “My father was a Aramean who moved from place to place. There were only a few of them when he and his family went to live in Egypt. But they became a large and powerful nation.
Ipapo uchataura pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako, uchiti, “Baba vangu vakanga vari muAramu mufambi, vakadzika vakaenda kuIjipiti navanhu vashoma uye vakagarako vakazova rudzi rukuru, rune simba uye runa vanhu vazhinji.
6 But the Egyptians treated us very badly, oppressing us and forcing us to do hard labor.
Asi vaIjipita vakatiitira zvakaipa, vakatitambudza, vachitibatisa basa rinorema.
7 We cried out for help to the Lord, the God of our forefathers; and the Lord answered us as he saw how much we were suffering, forced to work so hard in such cruelty.
Ipapo takadana kuna Jehovha, iye Mwari wamadzibaba edu, uye Jehovha akanzwa inzwi redu akaona kutambudzika kwedu, kushandiswa nokumanikidzwa kwedu.
8 The Lord led us out of Egypt with his great power and incredible strength and terrifying actions, signs and miracles.
Saka Jehovha akatibudisa muIjipiti nechanza chine simba uye noruoko rwakatambanudzwa, nezvinotyisa, nezviratidzo uye nezvishamiso.
9 He brought us here and gave us this country, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Akatiuyisa panzvimbo ino akatipa nyika ino, nyika inoyerera mukaka nouchi.
10 Look, Lord! I have brought you the firstfruits of the land that you have given me.” You shall place the basket before the Lord your God and bow down in worship before him.
Zvino ndauya nezvibereko zvokutanga zvevhu ramakandipa imi, iyemi Jehovha.” Uise dengu pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako uye ugopfugama pamberi pake.
11 Then you, the Levites, and the foreigners who live with you are to celebrate all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your family.
Uye iwe navaRevhi, navatorwa vari pakati penyu muchafara mune zvose zvakanaka zvawakaitirwa naJehovha Mwari wako, iwe nemhuri yako.
12 Once you've finished storing up a tenth of all your crops in the third year, (the year of the tithe), you shall give it to the Levites, the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, so they will have enough to eat in your towns.
Kana uchinge wapedza kutsaura chegumi chezvose zvawakawana mugore rechitatu, gore rechegumi, uchachipa kuvaRevhi, nokumutorwa, nokunherera uye nokuchirikadzi, kuitira kuti vagodya vachiguta mumaguta enyu.
13 Then you are to make this declaration in the presence of the Lord your God: “I have brought the holy tithe and I have given it to the Levite, the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows as you have ordered me to do. I have not broken or forgotten your commandments.
Ipapo ugoti kuna Jehovha Mwari wako, “Ndabvisa mugove mutsvene paimba yangu uye ndaupa kumuRevhi, nokumutorwa, nokunherera uye nokuchirikadzi, maererano nezvose zvamakarayira. Handina kutsauka kubva pamirayiro yenyu kana kukanganwa kunyange mumwe chete zvawo.
14 I have not eaten any of the holy tithe while in mourning, or taken any of it while I was unclean, or used any of it as an offering for the dead. I have obeyed the Lord my God. I have done everything you ordered me to do.
Handina kudya kana chikamu zvacho chomugove mutsvene panguva yandaiva pakuchema, kana kubvisa chikamu chawo panguva yandaiva ndisina kunatswa, kana kupa chikamu chawo kuvakafa. Ndakateerera Jehovha Mwari wangu; ndaita zvose zvamakandirayira.
15 Please look down from your home in heaven, and bless your people the Israelites and the country you have given us as you promised our fathers—a land flowing with milk and honey.”
Tarirai muri kudenga, panzvimbo yougaro hwenyu tsvene, mugoropafadza vanhu venyu Israeri uye nenyika yamakatipa sezvamakavimbisa nemhiko kumadzitateguru edu, nyika inoyerera mukaka nouchi.”
16 Today the Lord your God orders you to carry out these rules and regulations. Make sure you follow them with all your mind and with all your being.
Jehovha Mwari wenyu anokurayirai nhasi kuti muteerere mitemo nemirayiro iyi; muchenjerere kuichengeta nomwoyo wenyu wose uye nomweya wenyu wose.
17 Today you have publicly declared that the Lord is your God and that you will follow his ways, keep rules and commandments and regulations, and obey what he says.
Mareva nhasi kuti Jehovha ndiye Mwari wenyu uye kuti muchafamba munzira dzake, uye kuti muchamuteerera.
18 Today the Lord has announced that you are a special people who belong to him as he promised. He has announced that you are to keep all his commandments.
Uye Jehovha azvireva nhasi kuti imi muri vanhu vake, pfuma yake inokosha sezvaakavimbisa, uye kuti imi muchachengeta mirayiro yake.
19 He has announced that he will give you greater praise and reputation and honor than any other nation he has made. He has announced that you will be a holy people to the Lord your God, as he promised.
Ati achakukurisai kwazvo kupfuura ndudzi dzose dzaakaita pakurumbidzwa, napamukurumbira napakukudzwa kuti muve rudzi rutsvene kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu, sezvaakavimbisa.