< Deuteronomy 25 >

1 If there is some legal argument between two people, they are to go to court to have the case judged, in order to justify the one who is right and condemn the one who is wrong.
si fuerit causa inter aliquos et interpellaverint iudices quem iustum esse perspexerint illi iustitiae palmam dabunt quem impium condemnabunt impietatis
2 If the person who is guilty is sentenced to be flogged, the judge shall order them to lie down and be flogged before him with the number of lashes the crime deserves.
sin autem eum qui peccavit dignum viderint plagis prosternent et coram se facient verberari pro mensura peccati erit et plagarum modus
3 They are not to receive more than forty lashes. More than that would be to publicly humiliate them.
ita dumtaxat ut quadragenarium numerum non excedant ne foede laceratus ante oculos tuos abeat frater tuus
4 Don't muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.
non ligabis os bovis terentis in area fruges tuas
5 When two brothers live near to each other and one of them dies without having a son, the widow is not to marry a stranger outside the family. Her husband's brother is to marry her and sleep with her, fulfilling the requirements of a brother-in-law to provide her with children.
quando habitaverint fratres simul et unus ex eis absque liberis mortuus fuerit uxor defuncti non nubet alteri sed accipiet eam frater eius et suscitabit semen fratris sui
6 The first son she has will be named after the dead brother, so that his name won't be forgotten in Israel.
et primogenitum ex ea filium nomine illius appellabit ut non deleatur nomen eius ex Israhel
7 However, if the man refuses to marry his brother's widow, she shall go to the elders at the town gate and tell them, “My husband's brother is refusing to keep his brother's name alive in Israel. He doesn't want to perform the requirements of a brother-in-law for me.”
sin autem noluerit accipere uxorem fratris sui quae ei lege debetur perget mulier ad portam civitatis et interpellabit maiores natu dicetque non vult frater viri mei suscitare nomen fratris sui in Israhel nec me in coniugium sumere
8 The town elders are to summon him and talk with him. If he continues to refuse and says, “I don't want to marry her,”
statimque accersiri eum facient et interrogabunt si responderit nolo eam uxorem accipere
9 his brother's widow is to confront him in the presence of the elders, pull off his sandal, spit in his face, and announce, “This is what happens to the man who refuses to keep his brother's family name alive.”
accedet mulier ad eum coram senioribus et tollet calciamentum de pede eius spuetque in faciem illius et dicet sic fit homini qui non aedificat domum fratris sui
10 From then on his family name in Israel will be called “The Family of the Pulled-off Sandal.”
et vocabitur nomen illius in Israhel domus Disculciati
11 If two men are fighting, and one of their wives intervenes to save her husband from being beaten, and she grabs hold of the attacker's genitals,
si habuerint inter se iurgium viri et unus contra alterum rixari coeperit volensque uxor alterius eruere virum suum de manu fortioris miserit manum et adprehenderit verenda eius
12 you are to cut her hand off. Don't show her any mercy.
abscides manum illius nec flecteris super eam ulla misericordia
13 Don't have two different measuring weights in your bag, one that's heavy and one that's light.
non habebis in sacculo diversa pondera maius et minus
14 Don't have two different measuring containers in your house, one that's large and one that's small.
nec erit in domo tua modius maior et minor
15 Make sure you always use accurate and true weights and measures. In that way you will have long lives in the country the Lord your God is giving you.
pondus habebis iustum et verum et modius aequalis et verus erit tibi ut multo vivas tempore super terram quam Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi
16 Anyone who doesn't do so and cheats like this offends the Lord your God.
abominatur enim Dominus eum qui facit haec et aversatur omnem iniustitiam
17 Remember what the Amalekites did to you on your way out of Egypt.
memento quae fecerit tibi Amalech in via quando egrediebaris ex Aegypto
18 The came out to confront you when you were tired and weary from your journey, and they attacked all those of you who were lagging behind. They didn't have any respect for God.
quomodo occurrerit tibi et extremos agminis tui qui lassi residebant ceciderit quando tu eras fame et labore confectus et non timuerit Deum
19 Once the Lord your God gives you peace after fighting your enemies in the country that he's giving you to take over and own, you are to wipe out even the memory of the Amalekites from the earth. Don't forget!
cum ergo Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi requiem et subiecerit cunctas per circuitum nationes in terra quam tibi pollicitus est delebis nomen eius sub caelo cave ne obliviscaris

< Deuteronomy 25 >