< Deuteronomy 24 >

1 Should a man marry a woman, but then isn't pleased with her because he finds out something shameful about her, he is allowed to write out a certificate of divorce for her, give it to her, and send her out of his house.
Namni tokko erga niitii fuudhee booddee yoo waan fafaa ishee irratti argee ishee jibbe, inni waraqaa ragaa hiikkaa barreessee itti kennuudhaan mana isaatii baasee ishee haa geggeessu.
2 Suppose that after leaving his house, she goes marries another man,
Isheen erga mana isaatii baatee booddee yoo niitii nama biraa taate,
3 and suppose the second man also ends up hating her, writes out a certificate of divorce for her, gives it to her, and sends her out of his house—or he may happen to die.
yoo dhirsi ishee lammaffaan ishee jibbee waraqaa hiikkaa barreessee kenneefii mana isaatii ishee baase yookaan yoo inni duʼe,
4 The first husband who divorced her is not permitted to marry her again after she was shamed, for that offends the Lord. You are not bring guilt upon the land that the Lord your God is giving you to own.
dhirsi inni jalqabaa kan ishee hiike sun erga isheen xurooftee booddee deebiʼee ishee fuudhuun isaaf hin eeyyamamu. Wanni kun fuula Waaqayyoo duratti balfamaa dha. Ati biyya Waaqayyo Waaqni kee akka dhaalaatti siif kennutti cubbuu hin fidin.
5 If a man has just got married, he is not to be sent to war or made to do any other duties. He is free to stay at home for one year and make his wife happy.
Namni dhiʼeenyatti niitii fuudhe tokko lafa waraanaatti hin ergamin yookaan akka hojii biraa hojjetu hin dirqamin; inni waggaa tokkoof mana ofii isaa haa turu; niitii isaas haa gammachiisu.
6 Don't accept a pair of millstones, or even just an upper millstone, as security for a debt, because that would put the borrower's life in danger.
Ati dhagaa daakuutii fi majii isaa yookaan majii isaa qofa illee taanaan akka qabdiitti hin fudhatin; kun lubbuu namaa qabdii godhanii fudhachuu taʼaatii.
7 Anyone caught kidnapping a fellow Israelite must be executed, whether the kidnapper makes him a slave or sells him. You must eliminate the evil from among you.
Namni tokko yoo obboleessa isaa kan gosa Israaʼel tokko hatee garbicha godhate yookaan gurgurate inni ajjeefamuu qaba. Ati waan hamaa gidduu keetii baasi.
8 When it comes to infectious skin diseases, make sure you follow carefully all the instructions of the Levitical priests. Be careful to follow the orders I've given them.
Waaʼee nama lamxaaʼee garuu akkuma Lewwonni luboota taʼan qajeelcha siif kennan sanatti hojjechuu kee qalbeeffadhu. Ati waan ani isaan ajaje of eeggannaadhaan duukaa buʼuu qabda.
9 Remember what the Lord your God did to Miriam on the journey out of Egypt.
Waan Waaqayyo Waaqni kee erga isin biyya Gibxiitii baatanii booddee karaa irratti Miiriyaamitti fide sana yaadadhu.
10 If you lend anything to someone, don't go into their house to take some kind of security.
Yommuu ollaa keetiif liqii gosa kamii iyyuu kennitutti waan inni akka qabdiitti siif kennu fudhachuudhaaf mana isaa hin seenin.
11 Stand outside while they go inside and bring the security out to you.
Ati ala turiitii namichi ati waa liqeessituuf sun qabdii siif kennu sana siif haa fidu.
12 If he is a poor man he may give his cloak as security, but you must not keep it when you go to sleep.
Yoo namni sun hiyyeessa taʼe qabdii isaa of bira hin bulchin.
13 Make sure you give it back by sunset, so that he can sleep in his own cloak and thank you, and you will be counted as doing good by the Lord your God.
Akka inni kootii isaa uffatee buluuf utuu aduun hin dhiʼin deebisiif. Innis si eebbisa; wanni kun immoo fuula Waaqayyo Waaqa keetii duratti akka hojii qajeelummaatti siif hedama.
14 Don't mistreat a paid servant who is poor and needy, whether he's an Israelite or a foreigner living in one of your towns.
Obboleessa kee nama gosa Israaʼel yookaan alagaa magaalaawwan kee tokko keessa jiraatu illee taanaan hiyyeessa yookaan rakkataa qaxarame tokko hin saamin.
15 Pay his wages every day before sunset, because he is poor and is relying on them. If you don't he may complain to the Lord about you, and you will be found guilty of sin.
Gatii inni ittiin hojjete gaafuma sana utuu aduun hin lixin kenniif; waan hiyyeessa taʼeef inni abdiidhaan eegataatii. Yoo kanaa achii inni Waaqayyoon sitti waammatee wanni kun cubbuu sitti taʼa.
16 Fathers are not to be executed because of their children, and children are not to be executed because of their fathers. Each person is to be executed because of their own sin.
Abbootiin sababii ijoollee isaaniitiif ajjeefamuu hin qaban yookaan ijoolleen sababii abbootii isaaniitiif ajjeefamuu hin qaban; tokkoon tokkoon namaa sababii cubbuu ofii isaatiif duʼa.
17 Don't treat foreigners or orphans unjustly; don't take a widow's cloak as security.
Ati murtii alagaa yookaan ijoollee abbaa hin qabnee hin jalʼisin yookaan uffata haadha hiyyeessaa qabdii hin fudhatin.
18 Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, and the Lord your God rescued you from that place. That's why I'm ordering you to do this.
Ati akka biyya Gibxitti garbicha turtee fi akka Waaqayyo Waaqni kee achii si fure yaadadhu. Wanni ani akka ati waan kana hojjettuuf si ajajuufis kanuma.
19 If when you're harvesting in your field you forget a sheaf there, don't go back for it. Leave it for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you do.
Yommuu midhaan lafa qotiisaa keetii walitti qabdutti yoo bissiin hafe jiraate isaaf jettee duubatti hin deebiʼin; akka Waaqayyo Waaqni kee hojii harka keetii hundaan si eebbisuuf alagoota, ijoollee abbaa hin qabnee fi haadha hiyyeessaatiif dhiisi.
20 When you shake the olive trees to knock down the olives, don't go over the branches again. What's left is for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.
Yommuu ija muka ejersa keetii harcaaftuttis kan hafe funaannachuuf jettee hin deebiʼin; waan hafe sana alagaaf, ijoollee abbaa hin qabnee fi haadha hiyyeessaatiif dhiisi.
21 When you harvest the grapes in your vineyard, don't go over the vines again. What's left is for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.
Yommuu ija iddoo dhaabaa wayinii keetii walitti qabduttis waan hafe funaannachuudhaaf hin deebiʼin. Waan hafe sana alagaadhaaf, ijoollee abbaa hin qabnee fi haadha hiyyeessaatiif dhiisi.
22 Remember you were once slaves in Egypt. That's why I'm ordering you to do this.
Ati akka Gibxitti garbicha turte yaadadhu. Wanni ani akka ati waan kana gootu si ajajuufis kanuma.

< Deuteronomy 24 >