< Deuteronomy 23 >

1 No man whose genitals have been damaged or cut off is allowed to enter the Lord's sanctuary.
A boengha dongah aka hi khaw, yang ngun khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh.
2 No one of mixed race is allowed to enter the Lord's sanctuary, and none of his descendants may do so either, up to the tenth generation.
Halhca khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh. A khong parha due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah anih te kun boel saeh.
3 No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants are allowed to enter the Lord's sanctuary, up to the tenth generation.
Ammoni neh Moab khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun boel saeh. Amih te a khong parha due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah a kum a hal kun boel saeh.
4 For they did not come to meet you with food and water on your journey from Egypt, and they hired Balaam, son of Beor, from Pethor in Mesopotamia, to curse you.
Egypt lamkah na lo vaengkah longpueng ah tui neh buh neh nang n'doe uh pawt dongah ol te ana om coeng. Te vaengah nang thaephoei thil ham Aramnaharaim Pethor lamkah Beor capa Balaam te a paang coeng.
5 But the Lord your God refused to listen to Balaam. The Lord your God turned what was meant to be a curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loves you.
Tedae Balaam ol hnatun ham te BOEIPA na Pathen loh a huem moenih. BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang n'lungnah dongah BOEIPA na Pathen loh rhunkhuennah te nang ham yoethennah la a maelh.
6 Don't arrange a peace treaty with them or help them out as long as you live.
Amih kah ngaimongnah neh a hnothen te na hing tue khuiah kumhal duela na tlap mahpawh.
7 Don't look down on an Edomite, for they are your relatives. Don't look down on an Egyptian either, because you lived as foreigners in their country.
Edom he tuei boeh, anih tah na manuca ni. A kho ah yinlai la na om coeng dae Egypt loh nang n'tuei moenih.
8 The third generation of their children are allowed to enter the Lord's sanctuary.
Anih kah ca a sak te a khong thum due khaw BOEIPA kah hlangping taengah kun uh van saeh.
9 When you are in an army camp during a war with your enemies, make sure you avoid anything wrong.
Na thunkha taengah lambong la na khoong mai cakhaw a thae hno boeih te tah tuem.
10 Any man there who becomes unclean because of a release of semen must leave the camp and remain outside.
Khoyin kah tamtah lamloh cuemcaih la aka om pawh hlang ni na khuiah a om atah rhaehhmuen vongvoel la cet saeh lamtah lambong lakli la kun boel saeh.
11 Towards the end of the day he must wash himself with water, and at sunset he may return to the camp.
Tedae ana om saeh lamtah hlaem a pha vaengah tui neh sil saeh. Khomik a tlak vaengah rhaehhmuen khui la kun saeh.
12 Choose a place outside the camp to be used as a toilet.
Rhaehhmuen vongvoel ah namah ham a hmuen pakhat om saeh lamtah tekah vongvoel hmuen lam ni yunpham na thak eh.
13 You need to have a spade as part of your equipment so that you can dig a hole, and then when you're finished you can cover up your excrement.
Te vaengah hlingcong te namah ham na kutpom la om saeh. Poeng la na ngol van vaengah te nen te too lamtah na mael vaengah na natcaeh te vuei.
14 The Lord your God is present with you in your camp to keep you safe and to defeat your enemies. Your camp must be kept holy, because if he sees anything unclean among you and he will leave you.
Nang aka huul ham neh na thunkha rhoek khaw na mikhmuh ah aka tloeng ham BOEIPA na Pathen loh na lambong lakli la a pongpa oeh dongah na rhaehhmuen khaw a cimcaih la om saeh lamtah yah hno he na khuiah hmu boel saeh. Nang taeng lamloh vik mangthung ve.
15 Don't send a slave back to their master if they have come to you for protection.
A boei taeng lamloh nang taengla aka huul uh sal te a boei taengla koep pae boeh.
16 Let the slave live in your country wherever they want, in whatever town they want. Don't mistreat them.
Na khui kah hmuen pakhat la namah taengah khosa saeh. Te te na vongka pakhat ah a coelh coeng. Anih te a then la khueh lamtah amah khaw vuelvaek boeh.
17 No Israelite women or men are to be cult prostitutes.
Israel iola rhoek khui lamloh hlanghalh om boel saeh lamtah Israel ca khui lamkah long khaw hlanghalh om boel saeh.
18 Don't bring into the house of the Lord your God any money from a prostitute, whether a woman or a man, using it to fulfill a promise to the Lord, for both are offensive to the Lord your God.
Olcaeng khat khat dongah pumyoih paang neh ui phu he BOEIPA na Pathen im la khuen boeh. Te rhoi te BOEIPA na Pathen kah a tueilaehkoi ni.
19 Don't charge a fellow Israelite interest on money, food, or any other kind of loan.
Hno cungkuem dongah a casai na bawn vaengah tangka kah a casai khaw, caak kah a casai khaw na manuca taengah tah bawn boeh.
20 You may charge a foreigner interest, but not an Israelite, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you do in the country that you are going in to occupy.
Kholong taengah na bawn mai cakhaw na manuca taengah tah bawn boeh. Te daengah ni BOEIPA na Pathen loh pang hamla na kun thil khohmuen ah na kut thuengnah boeih dongah nang te yoethen m'paek eh.
21 If you make a promise to the Lord your God, don't be slow in keeping it, because he will definitely demand that you fulfill it and you will be guilty of sin if you don't.
BOEIPA na Pathen taengah olcaeng neh na caeng coeng atah na paek ham te uelh boeh. Namah te BOEIPA na Pathen loh n'cae n'cae vetih namah soah tholhnah la om ve.
22 If you don't make such promises then you won't be guilty of sin.
Tedae caeng ham te na rhael atah na soah tholhnah khaw om van mahpawh.
23 But make sure to carry out what you've said to the Lord your God, because it was you who freely chose to make such a promise.
Na hmuilai lamkah aka thoeng te ngaithuen lamtah na ka neh kothoh la na thui tih BOEIPA na Pathen taengah na caeng bangla saii.
24 When you walk through your neighbor's vineyard, you can eat as many grapes as you want, but you must not collect any to take with you.
Na hui kah misurdum la na kun mai ni. Te vaengah misur te na hah hil na hinglu loh ca mai saeh. Tedae na hnopai khuila sang boeh.
25 When you walk through your neighbor's grainfield, you may pick the ears of grain with your hand, but you must not use a sickle to harvest it.
Na hui kah canghli la na caeh vaengah na kut neh cangvuei na yun mai cakhaw na hui kah canghli ah vin thueng boeh.

< Deuteronomy 23 >