< Deuteronomy 21 >

1 Someone may be found murdered, lying in a field in the country that the Lord your God is giving you to own, and nobody knows who killed them.
E kitea te tangata i whakamatea ki te whenua i homai e Ihowa, e tou Atua, hei kainga mou, e takoto ana i te parae, a kahore e mohiotia na wai i patu:
2 Your elders and judges must come and measure the distance from the body to the surrounding towns.
Na me puta mai ou kaumatua me ou kaiwhakawa, ka whanganga atu ki nga pa i tetahi taha o te tupapaku, i tetahi taha:
3 Then the elders of the town that's found to be nearest to the body shall take a cow that has never been put under a yoke or used for work.
Na ko te pa e tata ana ki te tupapaku, me tiki e nga kaumatua o taua pa tetahi kuao kau, hei te uha, hei te mea kahore ano i whakamahia, kahore nei i to ioka:
4 Take the cow to a valley that has a stream running through it and whose ground has never been plowed or sown. Break the cow's neck there beside the stream.
Me kawe ano hoki e nga kaumatua o taua pa te kuao kau ki raro, ki tetahi awaawa wai, kahore nei i ngakia, i whakatokia ranei, ka whawhati ai i te kaki o te kau ki reira, ki te awaawa:
5 The Levitical priests must be there too, because the Lord your God has chosen them to serve him and to give blessings in his name, and to decide on legal disputes and cases of assault.
Na ka whakatata nga tohunga, nga tama a Riwai; ko ratou hoki ta Ihowa, ta tou Atua, i whiriwhiri ai hei minita ki a ia, hei manaaki ano hoki i runga i te ingoa o Ihowa; a ma ratou te kupu mo nga tautohe katoa, mo nga patu katoa:
6 Then all the elders of the town nearest the body are to wash their hands in the stream over the dead cow, saying,
Na me horoi e nga kaumatua katoa o taua pa, e tata ana ki te tupapaku, o ratou ringa ki runga ki te kuao kau i whatiia nei te kaki ki te awaawa:
7 “We had nothing to do with this murder, and we didn't see who did it.
Na ka korero ratou, ka mea, Kihai i whakahekea tenei toto e o matou ringa, kihai ano o matou kanohi i kite.
8 Lord, please forgive your people Israel who you rescued, and do not hold them guilty of shedding of innocent blood In this way the guilt for shedding blood will be forgiven.”
Kia maria ki tou iwi ki a Iharaira, e Ihowa, i hokona nei e koe, kaua ano hoki e whakairia he toto harakore ki runga ki tau iwi, ki a Iharaira. Na ka whai whakamarie ratou mo aua toto.
9 This is how you are to remove from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the Lord's sight.
Penei ka whakakorea te toto harakore i roto i a koe, ina mea koe i te mea e tika ana ki ta Ihowa titiro.
10 When you go to war with your enemies and the Lord your God hands them over to you in defeat, and you capture them,
Ka haere koe ki te whawhai ki ou hoariri, a ka homai ratou e Ihowa, e tou Atua, ki ou ringa, a ka whakaraua ratou e koe hei whakarau;
11 you may see that one of them is a beautiful woman who you like and want to marry.
A ka kite koe i tetahi wahine ataahua i roto i nga whakarau, a ka hiahia koe ki a ia, ka mea ki te tango i a ia hei wahine mau;
12 Take her home and have her shave her head, cut her nails,
Na me kawe ia e koe ki tou whare; a me heu e ia tona matenga, ka whakapai i ona maikuku;
13 and get rid of the clothes she was wearing when she was captured. After she has lived in your home and has finished her month of mourning for her father and mother, you may sleep with her and marry her, and she shall be your wife.
Na me whakarere e ia te kakahu o tona whakaraunga, a ka noho ki tou whare, ka tangi ki tona papa, ki tona whaea, kia kotahi tino marama; a muri iho ka haere atu koe ki a ia, a ka meinga hei tahu ki a ia, ko ia hoki hei wahine mau.
14 However, if you are not happy with her, you must let her leave and go wherever she wants. You are not allowed to sell her for money or treat her like a slave, because you have brought shame on her.
A, ki te kahore koe whakaahuareka ki a ia, me tuku atu ia e koe ki tana wahi e pai ai, kaua rawa e hokona ki te moni, kaua hoki e waiho hei mea pononga; he mea hoki kua whakaititia nei ia e koe.
15 If a man has two wives, one he loves and one he doesn't, and both have sons by him, but the firstborn son is from the wife he doesn't love,
Ki te tokorua nga wahine a tetahi tangata, kotahi e arohaina ana, kotahi e kinongia ana, a kua whanau he tamariki mana i te mea e arohaina ana, i te mea hoki e kinongia ana; a na te mea e kinongia ana te tama matamua:
16 when the time comes for the man to decide what each son will inherit from him, he must not prefer the son of wife he loves and treat him as the firstborn instead of the son of the wife he doesn't love.
A, ka tae ki te ra e whakarerea iho ai e ia ana mea ma ana tamariki, e kore e ahei kia meinga hei matamua te tama a te mea e arohaina ana, ara hei kauaemua mo te tino matamua, mo te tama e te wahine e kinongia ana:
17 No. He is to recognize the firstborn, the son of the wife he doesn't love through the usual custom of giving him a double portion of all that he owns. The firstborn son is the firstfruits of his father's strength, and so the rights of the firstborn are his.
Engari me whakaae ia ki te tama a te mea e kinongia ana, ko ia te matamua, me hoatu ki a ia nga wahi e rua o ana mea katoa: no te mea ko ia te timatanga o tona kaha; mena nga tikanga o te matamua.
18 If someone has a obstinate and rebellious son who doesn't obey his parents and doesn't obey them even when he's punished,
Ki te mea he whakakeke, he whakatoi, te tama a tetahi tangata, a kahore e rongo ki te reo o tona papa, ki te reo ranei o tona whaea, a ahakoa ka whiua e raua, kahore e rongo ki a raua:
19 his parents must take him to the town elders, to the court in his hometown,
Na me mau tona papa raua ko tona whaea ki a ia, ka kawe i a ia ki nga kaumatua o tona pa, ki te kuwaha o tona wahi;
20 and tell them, “Our son is obstinate and rebellious, He doesn't obey us. He's a worthless drunk!”
A ka mea ki nga kaumatua o tona pa, Ko tenei tama a maua he whakakeke, he whakatoi, a e kore e rongo ki o maua reo; he tangata haututu, he poro haurangi.
21 Then all the men of his home town will stone him to death. You must eliminate the evil from among you, and every Israelite will hear about it and be afraid.
Katahi nga tangata katoa o tona pa ka aki i a ia ki te kohatu, kia mate; a ka whakakorea atu e koe te kino i roto i a koe, a ka rongo a Iharaira katoa, ka wehi.
22 If someone commits a crime punishable by death, and the person is executed by hanging on a tree,
Ki te mea ano he hara to te tangata e tika ai te mate mona, a ka whakamatea, a ka taronatia e koe ki runga ki te rakau:
23 don't leave the body hanging there overnight. Make sure you bury the body the same day, because anyone who is hung is under God's curse. Don't defile the country that the Lord your God is giving you to own.
Kaua e waiho tona tinana i runga i te rakau i te po, engari me tino tanu i taua rangi ano; he mea kainga hoki na te Atua te tangata i taronatia; kei poke tou oneone, e hoatu nei e Ihowa, e tou Atua, ki a koe hei kainga tupu.

< Deuteronomy 21 >