< Deuteronomy 20 >

1 When you go to war with your enemies and you see horses and chariots, and a larger army than yours, don't be afraid of them, because the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt is with you.
Dilia da dilima ha lai dunu amoga gegemusa: ahoasea, ilia hosi bagade amola sa: liode bagohame amola dunu bagohame dilia dunu idi amo bagade baligisa, amo ba: sea mae beda: ma. Bai dilia Hina Gode amo da dili Idibidi soge fisimusa: guiguda: oule misi, Hi da dili sigi masunu.
2 Before you go into battle, the priest shall come and speak to the army.
Dilia da gegemusa: ahoasea, gobele salasu dunu da misini, dilia gegesu dunu ilima sia: ma: mu.
3 He is to tell them, “Listen, men of Israel! Today you are going to fight your enemies. Don't be nervous or afraid; don't be panicked or terrified by them.
E da agoane sia: mu, “Isala: ili dunu nabima! Dilia da wali eso dilima ha lai dunu ilima gegemusa: ahoa. Dilia mae beda: ma! Dilia beda: iba: le mae hobeama.
4 For the Lord your God is going with you to fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you the victory.”
Bai dilia Hina Gode Hi da dilimagale gegesu fidimusa: sigi ahoa. Amaiba: le, dilia da dilima ha lai hasalimu.”
5 The officers shall also speak to the army and tell them, “Is there any man here who has built a new house and hasn't dedicated it to the Lord? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will dedicate it.
Dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da gegesu dunu ilima amane sia: ma: mu, ‘Nowa dunu da diasu gaheabolo gagui be doasima: ne hame lolo mai, e da ea diasu doasima: ne buhagimu da defea. E da bogosea eno dunu da ea diasu doasisa: besa: le, e da buhagimu da defea.
6 Is there any man here who has planted a vineyard and hasn't yet enjoyed its fruit? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will enjoy its fruit.
Nowa dunu da waini sagai dagoi be amo ea ha: i manu hame mai. E amola buhagimu da defea. E da gegesu amo ganodini bogosea amola eno dunu ea waini hahawane nasa: besa: le, buhagimu da defea.
7 Is there any man here who is engaged to a woman and hasn't married her? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will marry her.”
Nowa dunu da uda lama: ne sia: si be hame lai galea, e amola da buhagili amo uda lamu da defea. E da gegesu amo ganodini bogosea amola eno dunu ea uda lasa: besa: le, buhagimu da defea.’
8 The officers are also to tell the army, “Is there any man here who is afraid or nervous? He can go home, so he won't affect his fellow-soldiers and make them as frightened as himself.”
Amasea, dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da eno amane sia: ma: mu, ‘Nowa dunu da ea dogo hame denesi amola beda: i galea buhagimu da defea. Ea na: iyado dunu da ea beda: i hou ba: sea, ilia amola da beda: sa: besa: le, ilia buhagimu da defea.’
9 After the officers have finished speaking to the army, they are put commanders in charge to lead it into battle.
Ouligisu dunu da gegesu dunuma sia: i dagosea, ilia da amo gegesu dunu afae afae lale, ilia da ouligisu hawa: hamoma: ne ilegemu.
10 When you arrive at a town, ready to attack it, you must first make an offer of peace to the people living there.
Dilia da moilai bai bagade amoga gegemusa: ahoasea, amo fi dunu da gegemu hihiba: le olofomusa: dawa: bela: le adole ba: ma.
11 If they accept your offer of peace and open their gates to you, all the inhabitants will become your slave-laborers.
Ilia da gegemu hihi galea amola olofomusa: dawa: sea, amola ilia logo ga: su doasisia, defea, amo dunu mae medole, lale, ilia da dilia udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu.
12 However, if they refuse to make peace with you and decide to fight you, then lay siege to the town.
Be ilia da olofosu higasea, amola dilima bu gegemusa: dawa: sea, defea, amo moilaiga doagala: musa: masa.
13 Once the Lord your God has handed it over to you, kill every male with the sword.
Dilia Hina Gode da amo moilai bai bagade dilima iasea, dilia dunu huluane amo ganodini esala amo gobiheiga medole legema.
14 But you can take as plunder the women, children, livestock, and everything else in the town. You can take and use all your enemies' possessions the Lord your God gives you.
Be uda, mano, ohe fi amola liligi huluane amo moilai bai bagade ganodini diala, amo dilia lama. Dilia Hina Gode da amo liligi dilima ia dagoiba: le, dilia lama.
15 This is the way you are to deal with all the towns that are a long way from you and don't belong to neighboring nations.
Moilai bai bagade da dilia gesowale fimu soge amoga gadenene hame galea, dilia amo hou ilima hamoma.
16 However, when it comes to the towns of those nations whose land the Lord your God is giving you to occupy, don't leave anything alive that breathes.
Be dilia moilai bai bagade amo da soge dilia Hina Gode da dilima iaha amo ganodini diala-amo fedele lasea, dilia amo moilai bai bagade ganodini liligi huluane da mifo naha amo medole legema.
17 Set them apart for complete destruction—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has ordered you to do.
Dilia ili huluane gugunufinisima. Amo da Hidaide, A:moulaide, Ga: ina: naide, Belesaide, Haifaide amola Yebiusaide. Amo huluane, dilia Hina Gode da dilima sia: i defele, medole legema.
18 This is to prevent them teaching you all the offensive things they do in worshiping their gods, and in so doing make you sin against the Lord your God.
Bai ilia wadela: idafa hou ilia da ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi ilima sia: ne gadosu hamosea, dilima olelesa: besa: le, dilia da dilia Hina Godema wadela: le hamosa: besa: le, agoane hamoma.
19 Now when you lay siege to a town and it goes on for a long time as you fight to capture it, don't destroy the fruit trees there. You can eat their fruit. Don't cut them down. Are the trees in the orchard human beings that you should also attack?
Dilia da moilai bai bagade amoga doagala: sea, amola hedolo hame hasalasisia, amo moilai bai bagade ea ha: i manu ifa goaheiga mae abima. Be ilia fage faili moma. Ifa da dunu hame. Amaiba: le, mae hedofama.
20 However, you may destroy the trees that you know are not fruit trees. You can use them to build siege equipment to attack the town that is fighting against you until it falls.
Be ifa eno amo da ha: i manu fage hame legesa, amo abimu da defea. Amoga dilia da moilai bai bagade mugulumusa: , fafai hamone, moilai bai bagade da dafai dagoi ba: sea fawane yolesima.

< Deuteronomy 20 >