< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 Then we turned around and headed back into the desert on the road that leads to the Red Sea, as the Lord had told me, and we wandered around Mount Seir for a long time.
Na ka tahuri tatou, ka haere ki te koraha na te ara ki te Moana Whero; i pera ano me ta Ihowa i ki mai ai ki ahau: a he maha nga ra i taiawhiotia ai e tatou a Maunga Heira.
2 This is when the Lord told me,
Na ka korero a Ihowa ki ahau, ka mea,
3 “You have been wandering around this mountain long enough. Go back north,
Ka roa nei ta koutou taiawhio i tenei maunga: tahuri whaka te raki.
4 and give these orders to the people: ‘You are going to pass through the territory of your relatives, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir. They will be frightened of you, so you need to be very careful.
Whakahau hoki ki te iwi, mea atu, Ka haere nei koutou na nga rohe o o koutou tuakana, o nga tama a Ehau, e noho ana i Heira; a ka wehi ratou i a koutou: na kia tupato i a koutou:
5 Don't fight them, for I'm not going to give you any of their land, not even the size of a footprint, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau and it belongs to him.
Kaua e whakapataritari i a ratou; e kore hoki e hoatu e ahau ki a koutou tetahi wahi o to ratou whenua, ahakoa takahanga mo te kapu o te waewae, no te mea kua hoatu e ahau a Maunga Heira ki a Ehau hei kainga tupu.
6 Pay them with money for the food you eat and the water you drink.’
Hokona he kai i a ratou ki te moni, ka kai ai koutou; ko te wai hoki me hoki e koutou i a ratou ki te moni, ka inu ai.
7 Remember that the Lord your God has blessed you in everything you've done. He has looked after you during your journey through this large desert. The Lord your God has been with you for these forty years, and you haven't lacked anything.”
He mea hoki kua manaaki a Ihowa, tou Atua, i a koe i nga mahi katoa a tou ringa; e mohio ana ia ki tou haerenga i tenei koraha nui: i tou taha a Ihowa, tou Atua, i enei tau e wha tekau; a kahore koe i hapa i tetahi mea.
8 So we passed by our relatives, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir. We didn't take the Arabah road from Elath and Ezion-geber. Instead we used the road that goes through the desert of Moab.
A ka pahemo i a tatou o tatou tuakana, nga tama a Ehau, e noho ana i Heira, i te ara i te mania o Erata, o Ehiono Kepere, na ka tahuri tatou, ka haere na te huarahi i te koraha o Moapa.
9 Then the Lord told me, “Don't cause the Moabites any trouble or fight them, for I'm not going to give you any of their land, because I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot and it belongs to them.”
A ka mea a Ihowa ki ahau, Kei whawhai koe ki nga Moapi, kaua ano e whakatari pakanga ki a ratou; ta te mea e kore e hoatu e ahau tetahi wahi o tona whenua hei kainga mou, no te mea kua hoatu a Ara e ahau hei kainga mo nga tama a Rota.
10 (A strong and numerous people called the Emim once lived there. They were as tall as the Anakim,
I noho nga Emime ki reira i mua, he nui, he tini, he roroa tena iwi, rite tahi ano ki nga Anakimi:
11 and just like the Anakim, they were also considered as Rephaim, but the Moabites called them Emim.
I korerotia hoki ratou he roroa, he pera me nga Anakimi; na nga Moapi ia ratou i hua he Emime.
12 Previously the Horites lived in Seir, but the descendants of Esau took over their land. They killed the Horites and settled there, just like Israel did when they occupied the land that the Lord had given them.)
I noho hoki nga Hori ki Heira i mua; a, muri iho i a ratou, ko nga tama a Ehau, na ratou hoki te hunanga i era i o ratou aroaro, a noho iho ana ki to ratou wahi, rite tahi ta ratou ki ta Iharaira i mea ai ki te whenua i riro mai i a ia, i homai nei e Ihowa ki a ratou.
13 Then the Lord told us, “Go and cross over Zered Brook.” So we crossed over Zered Brook.
Tena, whakatika, whiti atu i te awa, i Terete: na ka whiti mai tatou i te awa, i Terete.
14 The time it took for us to travel from Kadesh-barnea to when we crossed over the Brook of Zered was thirty-eight years. By this time the entire generation of warriors had died and were no longer part of the camp, as the Lord had sworn to them would happen.
A ko nga ra i haere mai ai tatou i Kareheparenea, a tae noa ki to tatou whitinga mai i te awa, i Terete, e toru tekau ma waru nga tau, no ka poto atu i roto i te ope te whakapaparanga katoa o nga tangata hapai patu; te pera me ta Ihowa i oati ai ki a ratou.
15 In fact the Lord worked against them to remove them from the camp, until they were all dead.
I runga ano hoki i a ratou te ringa o Ihowa e whakamate ana i a ratou i te puni a poto noa ratou.
16 Once the people's warriors had died,
A ka poto katoa nga tangata hapai patu te mate atu i roto i te iwi.
17 the Lord told me,
Na ka korero a Ihowa ki ahau, ka mea,
18 “Today you will cross out of Moab at the border near Ar.
Hei tenei ra koe haere ai ma Ara, ma te rohe o Moapa.
19 However, when you get enter Ammonite territory, don't cause them any trouble or fight them for I'm not going to give you any Ammonite land, because I have given it to the descendants of Lot and it belongs to them.”
A, e tata atu koe ki te ritenga atu o nga tama a Amona, kaua e whawhai ki a ratou, kaua ano hoki e whakatari pakanga ki a ratou: e kore hoki e hoatu e ahau tetahi wahi o te whenua o nga tama a Amona hei kainga mou, no te mea kua hoatu e ahau hei kainga mo nga tama a Rota.
20 (This land was previously considered as the country of the Rephaim who used to live there. However, the Ammonites called them Zamzummites.
I korerotia hoki tera he whenua tangata roroa; i noho hoki nga tangata roroa ki reira i mua, a huaina iho ratou e nga Amoni he Hamahumi.
21 They were a strong and numerous people, as tall as the Anakim. But the Lord destroyed them when the Ammonites invaded and drove them out and settled there,
He nui, he maha, he roroa taua iwi, rite tahi ki nga Anakimi; na Ihowa ia ratou i huna i to ratou aroaro; a riro ana to ratou kainga i a ratou, a noho tonu iho i muri i a ratou;
22 just as he'd done for the descendants of Esau who lived in Seir when he destroyed the Horites. They drove them out and settled where they used to live, and are still there to this day.
Pera me tana i mea ai ki nga tama a Ehau, e noho ra i Heira, i tana hunanga i nga Hori i to ratou aroaro; na riro ana i a ratou to ratou kainga, a noho tonu iho ratou i muri i a ratou a mohoa noa nei.
23 The Avvim, living in villages as far away as Gaza, were destroyed by the Philistines, who came from Crete, and settled where they used to live.)
Na, ko nga Awimi, i noho ra ki nga pa a puta noa ki Kaha, na nga Kapatorimi i haere mai ra i Kapatora ratou i huna, a noho iho i muri i a ratou.
24 Then the Lord told us, “Get up, go and cross the Arnon Valley. Look, I have handed over to you Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, as well as his land. Go and start taking it over, and fight him in battle.
Whakatika, haere, whiti atu i te awa i Aranona; na kua hoatu e ahau ki tou ringa a Hihona kingi o Hehepona, te Amori me tona whenua: anga atu, tangohia, e riri i ta korua riri.
25 From this day on, I'm going to make all nations on earth dread you—they will be terrified of you. Because of the news they hear about you they will tremble in terror when you appear.”
Kei tenei ra ahau timata ai te whakapa i tou pawera, i tou wehi ki nga iwi i raro i te rangi, puta noa, puta noa, ina rongo ki tou rongo, a ka wiri ratou, ka aue i a koe.
26 Moses told the Israelites, “From the Kedemoth Desert I sent messengers with an offer of peace to Sihon, king of Heshbon, telling him,
Na tukua atu ana e ahau nga karere i te koraha, i Keremota, ki a Hihona kingi o Hehepona; mo te ata noho nga kupu, a ka mea atu,
27 ‘Let us pass through your land. We'll stay on the main road and won't turn off either to the right or to the left.
Kia haere atu ahau na tou whenua; ka haere ahau na te huanui; e kore ahau e peka ki matau, ki maui.
28 Sell us food to eat and water to drink for money. Just let us pass through on foot,
Mau e homai he kai maku hei utu mo te moni, ka kai ai ahau; e homai hoki he wai moku mo te moni, ka inu ai ahau; heoi ano ko te haere kau a oku waewae;
29 just like the descendants of Esau living in Seir and the Moabites living in Ar allowed us, until we cross over the Jordan into the country that the Lord our God is giving to us.”
Kia rite ki ta nga tama a Ehau e noho ana i Heira i mea ai ki ahau, me ta nga Moapi hoki e noho ra i Ara; kia whiti atu ra ano ahau i Horano ki te whenua i homai e Ihowa, e to matou Atua, ki a matou.
30 But Sihon king of Heshbon refused to let us pass through, for the Lord your God gave him a stubborn spirit and an obstinate attitude, so the Lord could hand him over to you, as he has now done.
Heoi kihai a Hihona kingi o Hehepona i pai kia haere atu tatou na tona kainga: na Ihowa hoki, na tou Atua i whakapakeke tona wairua, i whakamaia hoki tona ngakau, kia homai ai ia ki tou ringa; koia ano tenei inaianei.
31 Then the Lord told me, “Look, I have started handing Sihon and his land over to you. Now you can begin to conquer and take over his land.”
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki ahau, Titiro, kua timata ahau te tuku ki tou aroaro i a Hihona, i tona whenua: anga atu, tangohia tona whenua hei kainga.
32 Sihon and his whole army came out to fight us at Jahaz.
Na ka puta mai a Hihona ki te tu i a tatou, ki te whawhai hoki i Iahata, a ia me tona iwi katoa.
33 The Lord our God handed him over to us, and we killed him, his sons, and all his army.
A homai ana ia e Ihowa, e to tatou Atua, ki to tatou aroaro; na patua ana ia e tatou, me ana tama, me tona iwi katoa.
34 We also captured all his towns, and set apart for destruction the people of every town: men, women, and children. We didn't leave any survivors.
A horo ana i a tatou ona pa katoa i taua wa ano, huna iho ana hoki nga tangata o nga pa katoa, me nga wahine, me nga potiki, kihai tetahi morehu i mahue i a tatou.
35 All we took for ourselves was the livestock and plunder from the towns we'd captured.
Ko nga kararehe ia i tangohia ma tatou, me nga taonga hoki o nga pa i horo i a tatou.
36 No town had walls too high for us to conquer—from Aroer on the edge of the Arnon Valley, the town in the valley, all the way to Gilead. The Lord our God handed them all over to us.
O Aroera atu ano, i te taha o te awa o Aranona, me te pa hoki i te awa, a paku noa ki Kireara, kahore tetahi pa i maia i a tatou: homai katoa ana e Ihowa, e to tatou Atua, ki a tatou.
37 But you didn't go anywhere near the country of the Ammonites—the area that borders the Jabbok River or the towns of the hill country, or any other place that the Lord our God had placed off limits.
Heoi ano ko te whenua o nga tama a Amona kihai i taea atu e koe, me nga wahi katoa o te awa, o Iapoko, me nga pa o nga maunga, me nga wahi katoa i kiia mai e Ihowa, e to tatou Atua.

< Deuteronomy 2 >