< Deuteronomy 18 >

1 The Levitical priests, in fact the whole tribe of Levi, will not have a share in the land allotment with the other Israelites. They are to eat from the food offerings presented to the Lord—that is what they are entitled to receive.
Svećenici Levijevci - sve pleme Levijevo - neka nemaju udjela ni baštine s Izraelom; neka žive od žrtava paljenih Jahvi i od njegove baštine.
2 While they don't own land among the other tribes, the Lord takes care of them, as he promised.
Neka, dakle, nemaju baštine među svojom braćom: Jahve je njihova baština, kako im je i rekao.
3 The priests' share of a sacrifice of a bull or a sheep that is brought by the people is as follows. The priests are to be given the shoulder, the jaw, and the insides.
Ovo neka bude svećenička pristojba od naroda - od onih koji žrtve prinose, bilo to goveče ili što od sitne stoke: svećeniku treba dati pleće, vilice i želudac.
4 You are to provide them with the firstfruits of your grain, new wine, and olive oil, as well as the first wool sheared from your flock.
Davaj mu i prvine od svoga žita, od svoga vina, od svoga ulja i prvine od vune svojih ovaca,
5 For the Lord your God has chosen Levi and his descendants from all your tribes to stand before him and serve in his name forever.
jer je njega odabrao Jahve, Bog tvoj, od svih tvojih plemena; njega i njegove sinove, da zauvijek stoje pred Jahvom, Bogom tvojim, te da obavljaju službu i blagoslivljaju u ime Jahve.
6 If a Levite is convinced he should move from any Israelite town and goes to the place the Lord will choose,
Ako bi koji levit što boravi u nekom tvome gradu, bilo gdje u Izraelu, svom dušom zaželio da dođe u mjesto što ga Jahve odabere,
7 then he shall be allowed to serve in the name of the Lord his God like all his fellow Levites who stand there in service before the Lord.
može tu službovati u ime Jahve, Boga svoga, kao i druga njegova braća Levijevci koji stoje ondje pred Jahvom.
8 They will all receive the same food allowances, despite him having received money from the sale of his father's property.
Neka jede jednak dio kao i drugi, bez obzira na prodanu očevinu.
9 Once you enter the country the Lord your God is giving you, don't copy the offensive ways of the nations there.
Kad uđeš u zemlju koju ti daje Jahve, Bog tvoj, nemoj se priučavati na odvratne čine onih naroda.
10 There should be no one who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or fortune-telling, uses magic or sorcery,
Neka se kod tebe ne nađe nitko tko bi kroz oganj gonio svoga sina ili svoju kćer; tko bi se bavio gatanjem, čaranjem, vračanjem i čarobnjaštvom;
11 practices witchcraft, visits a medium or spiritist, or communicates with the dead. Anyone does such things offends the Lord.
nitko tko bi bajao, zazivao duhove i duše predaka ili se obraćao na pokojnike.
12 It's because of these offensive things that the Lord your God is driving out the nations before you.
Jer tko god takvo što čini gadi se Jahvi; zbog takvih odvratnosti njih i goni ispred tebe Jahve, Bog tvoj.
13 You are to be innocent of such things in the presence of the Lord your God.
Budi posve vjeran Jahvi, Bogu svome.
14 Even though these nations, whose land you will occupy, listen to magicians and fortune-tellers, the Lord your God forbids you to do so.
Narodi koje ćeš naskoro otjerati s posjeda slušaju vračare i gatare, ali tebi to Jahve, Bog tvoj, ne dopušta.
15 The Lord your God will send you a prophet like me from your people. You must listen to him.
Proroka kao što sam ja, iz tvoje sredine, od tvoje braće, podignut će ti Jahve, Bog tvoj: njega slušajte!
16 Remember what you told the Lord your God at Horeb when you were all assembled there. You said, “Please don't let us go on hearing the Lord our God speak to us, or see this terrifying fire anymore! Otherwise we're going to die!”
Posve onako kako si i tražio od Jahve, Boga svoga, na Horebu, na dan zbora, kada si govorio: 'Neću više da slušam glas Jahve, Boga svoga, niti želim više gledati taj silni oganj da ne poginem!'
17 Then the Lord told me, “They are right in what they're saying.
Nato mi reče Jahve: 'Pravo su rekli.
18 I'm going to send them a prophet like you from their people. I will give him my messages, and he will tell them everything I order him to say.
Podignut ću im proroka između njihove braće, kao što si ti. Stavit ću svoje riječi u njegova usta da im kaže sve što mu zapovjedim.
19 I will deal with anyone who does not listen to my message that the prophet speaks in my name.
A ne bude li tko poslušao mojih riječi što ih prorok bude govorio u moje ime, taj će odgovarati preda mnom.
20 However, if any prophet claims to be delivering a message in my name that I have not ordered him to give, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must be executed.”
A prorok koji bi se usuđivao govoriti što u moje ime što ja ne budem zapovjedio da govori i koji bi govorio u ime drugih bogova, takav prorok neka se pogubi.'
21 You may be wondering, “How can we be sure that a message hasn't come from the Lord?”
Možda ćeš reći u svome srcu: 'Kako ćemo raspoznati riječ koju Jahve nije izrekao?'
22 When a prophet speaks in the Lord's name and what he says doesn't happen or come true, then that is a not a message from the Lord. The prophet has spoken with contempt for the Lord. Don't be intimidated by him.
Kad prorok govori u ime Jahve pa to ne bude i riječ se ne ispuni, onda je to riječ koje Jahve nije kazao. U drskosti je taj prorok govorio. Nemoj od njega strahovati.

< Deuteronomy 18 >