< Deuteronomy 17 >

1 Don't sacrifice to the Lord your God cattle or a sheep that has a defect or has something seriously wrong, for that is offensive to the Lord your God.
not to sacrifice to/for LORD God your cattle and sheep which to be in/on/with him blemish all word: thing bad: harmful for abomination LORD God your he/she/it
2 There may be a report that one of you, whether a man or a woman, living in a town that the Lord your God gave you, has been found to be sinning in the sight of the Lord your God by breaking the Lord's agreement.
for to find in/on/with entrails: among your in/on/with one gate: town your which LORD God your to give: give to/for you man or woman which to make: do [obj] [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye: seeing LORD God your to/for to pass: trespass covenant his
3 This person has done this by going to worship other gods, bowing down to them—or to the sun, moon, or any of the stars of heaven—which I have ordered you not to do.
and to go: went and to serve: minister God another and to bow to/for them and to/for sun or to/for moon or to/for all army [the] heaven which not to command
4 If you hear such a report, you need to make a full investigation. If you find out that the report is true, and that such an awful sin has been committed in Israel,
and to tell to/for you and to hear: hear and to seek be good and behold truth: true to establish: right [the] word: promised to make: do [the] abomination [the] this in/on/with Israel
5 you must have the man or woman who has committed this terrible act taken outside the town and stoned to death.
and to come out: send [obj] [the] man [the] he/she/it or [obj] [the] woman [the] he/she/it which to make: do [obj] [the] word: thing [the] bad: evil [the] this to(wards) gate your [obj] [the] man or [obj] [the] woman and to stone them in/on/with stone and to die
6 That person is to be executed based on the evidence given by two or three witnesses. No one shall be executed on the evidence given by a single witness.
upon lip: word two witness or three witness to die [the] to die not to die upon lip: word witness one
7 The witnesses must act first in executing the person, and then the rest of those who are present. You must eliminate the evil from among you.
hand [the] witness to be in/on/with him in/on/with first to/for to die him and hand all [the] people in/on/with last and to burn: purge [the] bad: evil from entrails: among your
8 If there's a case before your town court that is too problematic for you to settle, whether the argument is over murder or manslaughter, one legal decision against another, or different degrees of assault, you must take the issue to the place the Lord your God will choose.
for to wonder from you word: case to/for justice: judgement between blood to/for blood between judgment to/for judgment and between plague to/for plague word: case strife in/on/with gate: town your and to arise: rise and to ascend: rise to(wards) [the] place which to choose LORD God your in/on/with him
9 Go to the priests, the Levites, and to the judge in charge. Present the case to them, and they will give you their decision.
and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] priest [the] Levi and to(wards) [the] to judge which to be in/on/with day [the] they(masc.) and to seek and to tell to/for you [obj] word: promised [the] justice: judgement
10 You must abide by the decision they give you there at the place the Lord will choose. Make sure you do everything they tell you to do,
and to make: do upon lip: word [the] word: promised which to tell to/for you from [the] place [the] he/she/it which to choose LORD and to keep: careful to/for to make: do like/as all which to show you
11 in accordance with the legal instructions they give you and the verdict they delivered. Don't deviate from the decision they give you.
upon lip: word [the] instruction which to show you and upon [the] justice: judgement which to say to/for you to make: do not to turn aside: turn aside from [the] word: case which to tell to/for you right and left
12 Anyone who treats with contempt either the priest (who ministers before the Lord your God) or the judge, must be executed. You must eliminate this evil from Israel.
and [the] man which to make: do in/on/with arrogance to/for lest to hear: obey to(wards) [the] priest [the] to stand: stand to/for to minister there [obj] LORD God your or to(wards) [the] to judge and to die [the] man [the] he/she/it and to burn: purge [the] bad: evil from Israel
13 Then everyone else will hear about it and be afraid, and won't act with contempt in the future.
and all [the] people to hear: hear and to fear and not to boil [emph?] still
14 After you've entered the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and have taken it over and settled in it, and you decide, “Let's have a king to rule over us like all the other nations around us do,”
for to come (in): come to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which LORD God your to give: give to/for you and to possess: take her and to dwell in/on/with her and to say to set: appoint upon me king like/as all [the] nation which around me
15 you can have a king but only one chosen by the Lord your God. He must be an Israelite. You must not have a king who is a foreigner; someone who is not an Israelite.
to set: appoint to set: appoint upon you king which to choose LORD God your in/on/with him from entrails: among brother: compatriot your to set: appoint upon you king not be able to/for to give: put upon you man foreign which not brother: compatriot your he/she/it
16 Your king must not have large numbers of horses, or send his men to Egypt to buy more horses, because the Lord has declared, “You must never to return there again.”
except not to multiply to/for him horse and not to return: return [obj] [the] people Egypt [to] because to multiply horse and LORD to say to/for you not to add: again [emph?] to/for to return: return in/on/with way: road [the] this still
17 He must not have many wives, so they don't lead him away from following the Lord. He must not have large quantities of silver and gold.
and not to multiply to/for him woman: wife and not to turn aside: turn aside heart his and silver: money and gold not to multiply to/for him much
18 Once he is king and sits on his royal throne, he must make a copy for himself of these instructions, writing them on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests.
and to be like/as to dwell he upon throne kingdom his and to write to/for him [obj] second [the] instruction [the] this upon scroll: book from to/for face: before [the] priest [the] Levi
19 He is to keep it with him, and he is to read from it each day throughout his life, so he may learn to respect the Lord his God by being careful to follow every word of these instructions and regulations.
and to be with him and to call: read out in/on/with him all day life his because to learn: learn to/for to fear: revere [obj] LORD God his to/for to keep: obey [obj] all word [the] instruction [the] this and [obj] [the] statute: decree [the] these to/for to make: do them
20 Then he won't think more of himself than his fellow Israelites, and he won't deviate from the commandments, so that he and his sons may have long reigns over the kingdom of Israel.
to/for lest to exalt heart his from brother: compatriot his and to/for lest to turn aside: turn aside from [the] commandment right and left because to prolong day: always upon kingdom his he/she/it and son: descendant/people his in/on/with entrails: among Israel

< Deuteronomy 17 >