< Deuteronomy 13 >

1 Maybe a prophet or someone who has dreams about the future comes along and gives you a prediction you about some sign or miracle,
Ọ bụrụ na onye amụma, maọbụ onye na-akọwa nrọ apụta nʼetiti gị kwee nkwa na ihe ịrịbama maọbụ ihe dị ebube na-aga ime,
2 and the sign or wonder does happens. If after that they tell you, “Let's follow other gods that you don't know, and let's worship them,”
ọ bụrụkwa na ihe ịrịbama ahụ maọbụ ihe ebube ahụ e kwuru maka ya emezuo, emesịa onye amụma ahụ na-asị, “Ka anyị gbaso chi ndị ọzọ dị iche, ka anyị feekwa ha,” bụ chi ndị ị na-amaghị,
3 then you must not listen to what that prophet or dreamer has to say because the Lord your God is trying to find out whether you really love him with all your mind and with all your being.
egela okwu onye amụma maọbụ ọrọ nrọ ahụ ntị. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu na-ele unu ule ịmata ma unu jikwa obi unu, na uche unu hụ ya nʼanya.
4 You are to follow the Lord your God and respect him. Keep his commandments and do what he says; worship him and hold onto him.
Ọ bụ Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu ka unu ga-eso, naanị ya ka unu ga-atụ egwu. Debenụ iwu ya niile na-erubekwara ya isi, na-ejere ya ozi, jidesiekwa ya ike.
5 These kinds of prophet or dreamer must be executed, because they have promoted rebellion against the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt and rescued you from the prison-house of slavery. They have tried to lead you from the way that the Lord your God has ordered you to follow. You must eliminate the evil among you.
A ga-egbu onye amụma ahụ maọbụ onye ọrọ nrọ ahụ nke chọrọ iduhie unu, nʼihi na ọ chọrọ iweta nnupu isi megide Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu, onye kpọpụtara unu site nʼala Ijipt, onye gbapụtara unu site nʼọnọdụ ịbụ ndị ohu. Ihe ọ chọrọ ime bụ iduhie gị, ka ị ghara ibi ụdị ndụ ahụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị chọrọ ka i bie. Ọnwụ ya ga-eme ka i wezuga ihe ọjọọ site nʼetiti gị.
6 Even if your own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your best friend secretly encourages you, saying, “Let's go and worship other gods” unfamiliar to you and your forefathers,
Ọ bụrụ na ezi enyi gị maọbụ nwanne gị nwoke maọbụ nwa gị nwoke maọbụ nwunye gị ị hụrụ nʼanya ejiri aghụghọ gwa gị okwu sị gị, “Bịa ka anyị gaa fee chi ndị ọzọ ofufe” (bụ chi ndị ị na-amaghị maọbụ nke nna gị ha na-amaghị,
7 the gods of your pagan nation neighbors, whether they love close by or far away in any direction,
chi nke ndị ala ahụ gbara unu gburugburu, ma ha bụ ndị bi gị nso ma ha bụ ndị bi nʼebe dị anya, site nʼotu nsọtụ nke ala ahụ ruo nsọtụ nke ọzọ),
8 don't give into them or listen to them. Show them no mercy. Don't spare them or protect them.
ekwenyekwala maọbụ ṅaa ntị nʼihe ọ na-ekwu. Enwekwala obi ebere nʼebe ọ nọ, ekpuchikwala atụmatụ ọjọọ ya niile.
9 No, you absolutely must kill them! You start killing them, and then have everyone else help.
Ị ghaghị igbu ha. Buru ụzọ setịpụ aka gị tụọ ya nkume, ka ndị ọzọ soro gị tugbuo ya.
10 Stone the person to death for trying lead you away from the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt, out of the prison-house of slavery.
Jiri nkume tugbuo ya, nʼihi na ọ chọrọ ime ka i site nʼiso Onyenwe anyị Chineke, wezuga onwe gị, ka ị pụọ, ma chigharịa site nʼiso ya, bụ Onyenwe anyị, onye mere ka i site nʼala Ijipt pụta, ala ebe ị nọ nʼime ya dịka ohu.
11 Then every Israelite will hear about it and be afraid, and won't ever do such an evil thing among you.
Izrel niile ga-anụkwa banyere ihe ọjọọ o mere, ha ga-atụkwa ihe ọjọọ dị otu a egwu, ọ dịkwaghị onye ọbụla nʼetiti gị ga-achọkwa ime ihe ọjọọ dị otu ahụ.
12 It may happen that once you're living in the towns the Lord your God is giving you, you hear
Mgbe i bi nʼobodo ndị ahụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị na-enye gị, ọ bụrụ na akụkọ esite nʼotu obodo ndị a ruo gị ntị sị,
13 that evil people have taken over in one of your towns and have led the people there astray, telling them, “Let's go and worship other gods” that you don't know.
na ụfọdụ ndị mmadụ jọgburu onwe ha eduhiela ndị obodo ha, na-asị, “Ka anyị gaa fee chi ndị ọzọ ofufe” (bụ chi ndị ị na-amaghị na mbụ),
14 If this does happen you need to make a full investigation, inquiring about the facts and interrogating witnesses. If it's proved beyond doubt that this awful sin has actually been committed among you,
tupu i mee ihe ọbụla, ị ga-eburu ụzọ jụọ ase, jụpụta nke ọma, ma nyochapụta ma okwu ahụ ọ bụ eziokwu. Ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ eziokwu na-achọpụtakwara nʼihe arụ dị otu a mere nʼetiti unu,
15 then you have to kill the people living in that town with the sword. Set apart for destruction its people and its livestock.
ị ghaghị ibuso obodo ahụ agha jiri mma agha gbuo ndị mmadụ niile bi nʼime obodo ahụ. Ị ghaghị ibibi ya kpamkpam, ma ndị mmadụ ma anụ ụlọ ha.
16 You must pile up all the people's possessions in the middle of the public square, and completely burn the town and everything in it as a complete burnt offering to the Lord your God. The town must remain a heap of ruins forever. It must never be rebuilt.
Ihe nkwata niile i si nʼobodo ahụ kwata ka ị ga-ekpokọta nʼotu ebe, nʼama dị nʼetiti obodo ahụ. A ga-akpọkwa ha niile ọkụ, gbaakwa obodo ahụ niile ọkụ, dịka aja nsure ọkụ nye Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu. Ruo mgbe ebighị ebi, obodo ahụ ga-abụ mkpọmkpọ ebe, a gaghị ewugharịkwa ya ọzọ.
17 Don't take for yourselves anything that has been set apart for destruction so that the Lord won't be angry any more. He will be merciful to you, showing you compassion, and giving you many descendants as he promised to your forefathers,
Ọ dịghị ihe ndị ahụ e debere nye mbibi nke e kwesiri ịhụ nʼaka gị. Nke a ga-emekwa ka iwe ọkụ Onyenwe anyị dajụọ, ka o gosikwa gị obi ebere. Ọ ga-enwekwa ọmịiko nʼahụ gị, meekwa ka ị baa ụba nʼọnụọgụgụ, dịka o ji ịṅụ iyi kwee nna nna gị ha na nkwa.
18 because you are obeying the Lord your God, keeping all his commandments that I'm giving you today, and doing what is right in the sight of the Lord your God.
Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ga-eme ihe ndị a ma ọ bụrụ na ị na-erubere ya isi, na-edebezukwa iwu ya niile, nke m na-enye gị taa, ma na-eme ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị.

< Deuteronomy 13 >