< Daniel 1 >
1 During the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, attacked Jerusalem and surrounded it.
Yahudayne paççahee Yehoyakimee paççahiyvalla haa'ane xhebıd'esde sen, Baabilyna paççah Navuxodonosor, cune g'oşunuka İyerusalimısqa qarı. Mang'una g'oşun şaharne hiqiy-alla ulyoozar, mana avqas vukkiykan.
2 The Lord allowed him to defeat King Jehoiakim, and also to remove some of the objects used in the Temple of God. He took them back to Babylon, to the house of his god, placing them in the treasury of his god.
Xudaavandee Yahudayna paççah Yehoyakim Navuxodonosorusqa qele. Navuxodonosoree Allahne xaançe sabara karbıd alyaat'anbı. Navuxodonosoree manbı Şinareeqa, Baabilyva eyhene cigabışeeqa, cune byutybışde xaaqa qıkkı, maane xazineeqa giyxhe.
3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to take charge of some of the captured Israelites from the royal and noble families,
Qiyğa paççah Navuxodonosoree cune sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzulyne Aşpenazılqa əmr haa'a: «Paççahne nasılençenbıyiy qıvaats'ıyne İzrailyne xizanbışeençen,
4 “They are to be young men without any physical defect who are good-looking,” he said. “They must be well-educated, quick to learn, have good insight, and be well able to serve in the king's palace and be taught the literature and language of Babylon.”
vuk'dyak'aran, micagın, ək'elikan, ats'alynan, kar xət qıxhes əxəsın, sarayee paççahıs, paççahee eyhen ha'as əxəsın mek'vunbı see'e. Manbışis ğu Baabilyna miziy kitabbı xət qe'e».
5 The king also provided them with a daily allowance of the same kind of rich food and wine he was served. At the end of their three years of education they would enter the king's service.
Paççahee manbışis vucee otxhanne otxhuniykeyiy çaxıreke yiğısiysta pay curaa'a. Manbışed xhebılle senna qətqiyle qiyğa, paççahıs xidmat haa'aniy givğalas.
6 Among those chosen were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, from the tribe of Judah.
Mang'vee sav'uynbışika sacigee cühütyar Daniyal, Xananya, Mişael, sayır Azarya eyxhe.
7 The chief eunuch gave them new names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
Paççahne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzuling'vee manbışis medın dobı giyxhe: Daniyalılqa Belyteşassar, Xananyalqa Şadrak, Mişaelilqa Meşak, Azaryalqad Aved-Nego.
8 However, Daniel made up his mind not to make himself impure by eating the king's rich food and wine. He asked the chief eunuch to allow him not to make himself impure.
Daniyalee culed-alqa eyhen: «Zıcar zı paççahee otxhanne otxhuniykayiy mang'vee ulyoğane çaxıreka mı'q'ı' qidya'as». Vucecar vuc mı'q'ı' qıdyı'iynemee, mang'vee sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzuling'ulqa ghal aaqa.
9 God had helped Daniel to be viewed with kindness and sympathy by the chief eunuch.
Allahee həməxüd ha'a, Daniyal sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzuling'une ulen aqqaqqana, mana mang'usqa yugra qarayle.
10 But the chief eunuch told Daniel, “I'm afraid of what my lord the king would do to me. He's the one who decided what you should eat and drink. What if he were to see you looking pale and sickly compared to the other young men of your age. Because of you the king would have my head!”
Sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzulyung'vee, Daniyalık'le eyhen: – Şos otxhuniyiy çaxır heleva uvhuyne yizde xərıng'ule, paççahıle zı qəyq'ənna. Paççahne ulesqa şu manesa mek'vunbışile zaifba qabee, manke mang'vee yizda vuk'ul g'ats'aak'vanas.
11 Daniel then spoke with the guard that the chief eunuch had put in charge of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
Sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel oo ulyorzulyung'vee, Daniyalne, Xananyanne, Mişaelyne, Azaryanne vuk'lel ooqa insan giyxhe. Daniyalee mang'uk'le eyhen:
12 “Please put us, your servants, to the test and just give us vegetables to eat and water to drink for ten days,” Daniel told him.
– Qora ğu, yits'ne yiğna şi, yığın nukarar, siliys üvxe. Hasre şas, oxhanas saccu alyadıynçike allecen, ulyoğasıd xhyan helecen.
13 “After that, compare us with those young men who ate the king's rich food. Then decide on the basis of what you see.”
Nekke qiyğab ilyaake, şiyee aq'vayle yugba deşxheene, paççahın kar otxhanan mek'vunbıyee. Mançile qiyğa vas nəxüdiy ıkkan həməxüdud he'e.
14 The guard agreed to the proposal they made and tested them for ten days.
Mana manbışe eyhençilqa qarı, manbı yits'ılle yiğna siliys üvxiyxə.
15 When the ten days were up they looked healthier and better fed than all the young men who had eaten the king's rich food.
Yits'ne yiğıle manbı, paççahın otxhuniybı otxhunne, maane menne mek'vunbışile yugbab, ç'ak'ıbab g'ooce vuxha.
16 After that the guard didn't give them the rich food and wine, just vegetables.
Man g'acu, mane nukaree, manbışin paççahee helen otxhuniyiy çaxır, manbışisse g'ayşu, alyadıynbı hele.
17 God gave these four young men the ability to learn and understand in all areas of literature and knowledge, while Daniel was also given the gift of interpreting all kinds of visions and dreams.
Allahee mane yoq'ne mek'vung'us ats'al, ı'limbı ats'axhxhesda ək'el huvu. Daniyalıs gyagvad ıxhayn, nik'ek g'acuynıd hucoo eyheniyva eyhesıd əxı'yn.
18 When their time of education ordered by the king was over, the chief eunuch brought all the young men before King Nebuchadnezzar.
Paççah Navuxodonosoree manbı cusqa ableva eyhen yiğ qadı hitxhıring'a, sarayne işçeeşine vuk'lel ulyorzulyung'vee manbı paççahısqa abayle.
19 The king talked with them and none could compare with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. So they entered the king's service.
Paççah manbışde gırgıng'uka yuşan ha'ana, mang'uk'le manbışde yı'q'nee Daniyalıka, Xananyayka, Mişaelika, Azaryayka sa aqqasda merna iveeke deş. Mançile qiyğa manbı paççahısqa işilqa alyabat'a.
20 Whatever subject the king asked them about, everything that required wisdom of understanding, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.
Paççahee manbışike gırgıne ats'alybışdeyiy ək'elikane karbışde hək'ee qidghın hı'ımee, g'ecen, manbışik'le cune ölkeene gırgıne sehırbazaaşileyiy cadubı ha'anbışile yits'ne yəqqees geedıd ats'a.
21 Daniel remained in this position until the first year of King Cyrus' reign.
Daniyal Kir eyhene paççahee, paççahiyvalla haa'asde senilqamee maa axva.