< Daniel 8 >

1 In the third year of King Belshazzar's reign I, Daniel, saw another vision after the one I had seen previously.
I te toru o nga tau o te kingitanga o Kingi Perehatara ka puta mai he kite ki ahau, ara ki ahau, ki a Raniera, i muri i tera i puta ra ki ahau i te timatanga.
2 In my vision I looked around and saw I was in the castle at Susa in the province of Elam. In the vision I was beside the River Ulai.
I kite moemoea ahau: na i toku kitenga, i Huhana ahau, i te kainga kingi, i tera i te kawanatanga o Erama: na ka kite moemoea ahau, a i te taha ahau o te awa o Urai.
3 I looked around and saw a ram standing beside the river. It had two long horns, one longer than the other, even though the longer one had grown last.
Na ko te marangatanga ake o oku kanohi, ka kite ahau, na, ko tetahi hipi toa e tu ana i te ritenga o te awa, e rua ona haona, roa noa atu nga haona ki runga, kei runga atu ia tetahi i tetahi: na, ko tera i purero ra, no muri rawa i puta ai.
4 I watched the ram charging west, north, and south. No animal could stand up to it—nor was there any chance of rescue from its power. It did whatever it wanted and grew powerful.
I kite ano ahau i te hipi toa e aki ana whaka te hauauru, whaka te raki, whaka te tonga; a kore noa iho tetahi kararehe i tu ki tona aroaro, kahore hoki he tangata hei whakaora i roto i tona ringa; heoi mahia ana e ia tana i pai ai, a nui haere a na ia.
5 As I was thinking about what I'd seen, a male goat came in from the west, racing in across the surface of the earth so fast it didn't touch the ground. It had a large, prominent horn between its eyes.
Na i ahau e whakaaroaro ana, na ko te putanga mai o tetahi koati toa i te hauauru, i te mata o te whenua katoa, kihai ano ia i pa ki te whenua: a he haona to te koati i waenganui i ona kanohi, he mea e whakamaua e te titiro.
6 It approached the ram with the two horns which I had seen standing beside the river, rushing in to attack in a furious rage.
Na ka haere mai ia ki te hipi toa e rua nei ona haona, i kitea atu ra e ahau e tu ana i te ritenga o te awa, rere atu ana ki a ia, me te weriweri katoa o tona kaha.
7 I watched as the goat charged furiously at the ram, hitting it and breaking off its two horns. The ram did not have the strength to resist the goat's attack. The goat threw the ram to the ground, trampling on it, and there was no possibility of rescuing it from the goat's power.
I kite ano ahau i a ia e whakatata ana ki te hipi toa, riri tonu ki a ia, patua iho e ia te hipi toa, whatiia ana e ia ona haona e rua, kahore hoki he kaha o te hipi toa ki te tu ki tona aroaro; kei te turaki ia i a ia ki te whenua, takatakahia a na ia e ia; kahore hoki he kaiwhakaora mo te kipi toa i roto i tona ringa.
8 The goat grew very powerful, but at the height of its power its large horn was broken off. In its place four large horns came up, pointing to the four winds of heaven.
Na kua nui noa atu te koati toa, kua kaha, na ka whati te haona nui, a e wha nga mea e whakamaua atu e te titiro i puta ake i tona turanga, he mea e anga ana ki nga hau e wha o te rangi.
9 A little horn came up from one of them, and grew extremely powerful to the south and to the east and to the Beautiful Land.
Na kua puta ake i roto i tetahi o era tetahi haona iti; kua nui noa atu whaka te tonga, whaka te rawhiti, whaka te whenua ahuareka.
10 It grew in power until it reached the heavenly army, throwing some of them and some of the stars down to the earth and trampled on them.
I nui haere ano a tae tonu ki te ope o te rangi, whakataka ana e ia ki te whenua etahi o te ope, o nga whetu hoki, takatakahia ana e ia.
11 It even tried to make itself as great as the Prince of the heavenly army—it removed the continual service, and the place of his sanctuary was destroyed.
Ae ra, i tae ano tana whakanui i a ia ki te rangatira o te ope, whakakorea iho e ia i a ia te patunga tapu, te mea tuturu, turakina iho tona wahi tapu.
12 An army of people and the continual service were handed over to it because of rebellion, and it overthrew truth, and it was successful in everything it did.
I homai ano te ope ki a ia me te patunga tapu tuturu, na te kino hoki, na turakina iho e ia te pono ki te whenua; a mahi ana, kake ana.
13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one asked the one who was speaking, “How long is this vision for—the removal of the continual service, the rebellion that causes devastation, the handing over of the sanctuary and the army of people to be trampled down?”
Katahi ka rongo ahau i tetahi anahera tapu e korero ana, a ka mea tetahi atu anahera tapu ki tera i korero ra; Kia pehea te roa o te kitenga mo te patunga tapu tuturu, mo te he whakangaro e tukua ai te wahi tapu me te ope kia takatakahia?
14 He replied, “For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, then the sanctuary will be cleansed.”
Na ka mea ia ki ahau, Kia taka nga ahiahi me nga ata e rua mano e toru rau, ko reira te wahi tapu purea ai.
15 As I, Daniel, tried to work out what this vision meant suddenly I saw someone who looked like a man standing in front of me.
Na ka kite ahau, a Raniera, i taua kite; ka rapua e ahau te tikanga, na me te mea he ahua tangata e tu ana i toku aroaro.
16 I also heard a human voice calling from the River Ulai, “Gabriel, explain to this man the meaning of the vision.”
I rongo ano ahau i te reo tangata i te takiwa o nga tahatika o Urai e karanga ana, e mea ana, E Kapariera, kia mohio te tangata nei ki te tikanga o te kite.
17 As he approached me, I was terrified and fell face down before him. “Son of man,” he told me, “You need to understand that this vision refers to the time of the end.”
Heoi ka haere mai tera ki te wahi i tu ai ahau; a, i tona taenga mai ka wehi ahau, tapapa ana ahau. Na ka mea ia ki ahau, Kia mohio koe, e te tama a te tangata: mo nga wa hoki o te mutunga te kite ra.
18 As he spoke to me I lost consciousness as I laid face down on the ground. But he took hold of me and helped me to my feet.
Na, i a ia e korero ana ki ahau, ka riro ahau i te moe, he moe reka, me toku mata e anga ana ki te whenua: otiia i pa ia ki ahau, a whakaturia ana ahau ki runga.
19 He told me, “Pay attention! I'm going to explain to you what's going to happen during the time of anger, which refers to the appointed time of the end.
Na ka mea ia, Nana, ka meinga e ahau kia mohio koe ki nga mea e puta mai i te mutunga o te riri: no te wa hoki tera i whakaritea o te mutunga.
20 The ram with two horns that you saw symbolizes the kings of Media and Persia.
Ko te hipi toa i kitea ra e koe i nga haona e rua, ko nga kingi era o Meria, o Pahia.
21 The male goat is the kingdom of Greece, and the large horn between its eyes is its first king.
Ko te koati toa puhuruhuru, ko te kingi tera o Kariki: a ko te haona nui i waenganui i ona kanohi, ko te kingi tuatahi tera.
22 The four horns that came up in place of the large horn that was broken represent the four kingdoms that arose from that nation, but not as powerful as the first.
Na, mo te mea i whati ra, i puta ake ra e wha ki tona turanga, tera e ara ake e wha nga kingitanga i roto i te iwi, e kore ia e rite te kaha ki tona.
23 When those kingdoms come to an end, when their sins have reached their fullest extent, a ferocious and treacherous kingdom will rise to power.
Na, i te mutunga o to ratou kingitanga, i te mea ka tae ta nga poka ke ki te tutukitanga, ka ara ake he kingi he kanohi hinana tona, e matau ana ki nga kupu ngaro.
24 It will become very powerful but not by its own power. It will be terribly destructive, and will succeed in everything it does. It will destroy great leaders and God's dedicated people.
A tera e nui tona kaha, otiia ehara i te mea na tona kaha ake: he hanga whakamiharo tana whakangaro; ka kake ano ia, ka mahi i tana e pai ai, ka whakangaro i nga tangata nunui ratou ko te iwi tapu.
25 Through its deviousness, its lies will be convincing and successful. It shows its arrogance both in thought and action, destroying those who thought they were perfectly safe. It even fights in opposition against the Prince of princes, but it will be defeated, though not by any human power.
Ma tana ngarahu mohio ano ka meinga ai e ia te tinihanga o tona ringa kia kake; ka whakanui ano ia i a ia i roto i tona ngakau, he tokomaha hoki e ngaro i a ia i runga i to ratou noho warea; ka whakatika ano ia ki te rangatira o nga rangatira; o tiia ka wawahia ia, ehara ano i te mea na te ringa.
26 The vision about the evenings and mornings that has been explained to you is true, but for now seal up this vision because it refers to the distant future.”
Na, ko te kite o nga ahiahi, o nga ata, ko tera i korerotia ra, pono tonu: engari kopia atu e koe te kite; he mea hoki ia mo nga ra maha kei te haere mai.
27 After this, I, Daniel, became exhausted, and I was sick for days. Then I got up and went back to working for the king, but I was devastated at what I'd seen in vision and I couldn't understand it.
Na kua iwikore noa iho ahau, a Raniera, he maha nga ra oku e mate ana; muri iho ka maranga ahau, a mahia ana e ahau te mahi a te kingi; miharo tonu ano ki taua kite, kihai ia i matauria e tetahi.

< Daniel 8 >