< Daniel 7 >
1 In the first year of Belshazzar's reign as king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream in which visions passed through his mind as he lay in bed. Afterwards he wrote down the dream, describing it in summary form.
Ngomnyaka wokuqala kaBhelishazari inkosi yaseBhabhiloni, uDanyeli waphupha iphupho, kwaphithika imibono engqondweni yakhe elele embhedeni wakhe. Wakubhala phansi okwakuqukethwe liphupho lakhe.
2 In my vision that I had that night I saw a tremendous storm, blowing from every direction, stirring up a great sea.
UDanyeli wathi: “Embonweni wami ebusuku ngakhangela ngabona phambi kwami imimoya emine yasezulwini iqubula ulwandle olukhulu.
3 Four very large beasts were coming up from the sea, every one of them different.
Izilo ezine ezinkulu, yileso singafanani lezinye, zaqhamuka olwandle.
4 The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. As I watched, its wings were torn off and it was pulled upright so it was standing with its hind legs on the ground and it was given the mind of a human being.
Esakuqala sasinjengesilwane, njalo silamaphiko engqungqulu. Ngabukela amaphiko aso aze akhutshwa, sasesiphakanyiswa emhlabathini sema ngezinyawo ezimbili njengomuntu, sasesiphiwa inhliziyo yomuntu.
5 A second beast appeared, looking like a bear, hunched up on one side and holding three ribs in its mouth with its teeth. It was told, “Get up and eat all the flesh you can.”
Khonapho phambi kwami kwakujame isilo sesibili esasifana lebhele. Sasiphakanyisiwe kwelinye icele laso, njalo emlonyeni waso sasilezimbambo ezintathu emazinyweni aso. Satshelwa kwathiwa, ‘Sukuma udle inyama usuthe!’
6 After this I saw a third beast. It looked like a leopard with four wings like those of a bird on its back, and it had four heads. It was given power to impose its rule.
Ngemva kwalokho ngakhangela ngabona phambi kwami esinye isilo esasikhangeleka njengengwe. Emhlane waso sasilamaphiko amane afana lawenyoni. Isilo lesi sasilamakhanda amane, saphiwa amandla okuba sibuse.”
7 Then in my vision that I had that night a fourth beast appeared. It was terrifying, frightening, and extremely powerful, with great iron teeth. It tore apart and ate up its victims, and then trampled on what was left. This beast was different to those that came before it, and it had ten horns.
Ngemva kwalokho, embonweni wami ebusuku ngakhangela, kwathi phambi kwami kwema isilo sesine esithuthumelisayo, sisesabeka njalo silamandla amakhulu. Sasilamazinyo ensimbi amakhulu; safohloza esikubambileyo sakudla, okuseleyo sakugxobela phansi. Sasingafanani lazozonke izilo zakuqala, sona silempondo ezilitshumi.
8 As I was wondering about the horns, another horn, a little one, came up between them and three of the earlier horns were pulled out before it. It had human-looking eyes and a mouth that made arrogant boasts.
Ngisalokhu ngicabanga ngempondo lezo, khonapho phambi kwami kwaba lolunye uphondo oluncinyane olwama phakathi kwazo; kwathi ezintathu zempondo zakuqala zagunyulwa phambi kwalo. Uphondo lolu lwalulamehlo anjengamehlo omuntu lomlomo owawukhuluma okokuzikhukhumeza.
9 While I was watching, thrones were set up and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothes were white as snow and his hair looked like the purest wool. His throne blazed like flames; its wheels like burning fire.
“Ngisakhangele, kwabekwa izihlalo zobukhosi, uSimakade wahlala kwesakhe. Izigqoko zakhe zazimhlophe njengeqhwa; inwele zekhanda lakhe zimhlophe njengoboya bezimvu. Isihlalo sakhe sasilavuka umlilo, lamavili aso wonke evutha umlilo.
10 A stream of fire poured out, flowing from before him. A thousand thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court sat to begin its judgment, and the books were opened.
Kwakugeleza umfula womlilo, uthutsha ngaphambi kwakhe. Izinkulungwane lezinkulungwane zazimkhonza; izinkulungwane ezilitshumi ziphindwe ngezinkulungwane ezilitshumi zema phambi kwakhe. Inkundla yokwahlulela yahlala phansi, kwasekuvulwa izincwadi.”
11 I was watching because of the boasts the little horn was making. I went on watching until that beast was killed and its body destroyed by burning.
Ngasengiqhubeka ngilokhu ngibukele ngenxa yamazwi okuzikhukhumeza ayekhulunywa luphondo. Ngala ngilokhu ngikhangele isilo saze sabulawa, isidumbu saso saphoselwa emlilweni ovuthayo.
12 The rest of the beasts were allowed to go on living for a season and a time, but their power to rule had been taken away.
(Leziyana ezinye izilo zase ziphuciwe ubukhulu bazo kodwa zavunyelwa ukuphila okwesikhathi esithile.)
13 As I continued watching in my vision that I had that night I saw one like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.
Embonweni wami ebusuku ngakhangela kwabonakala khonapho phambi kwami lowo owayefana lendodana yomuntu esiza ngamayezi ezulu. Yasondela kuSimakade yasiwa phambi kwakhe.
14 He was given authority, glory, and the power to rule over all people, the different nations and languages, so they would all worship him. His rule is everlasting—it will never cease, and his kingdom will never be destroyed.
Yaphiwa amandla lobukhosi lamandla okubusa; bonke abantu, lezizwe zonke labantu bendimi zonke bamkhonza. Ubukhosi bakhe yibukhosi obungapheliyo obungayikwedlula, lombuso wakhe kawusoze uchithwe.
15 I, Daniel, was deeply disturbed—the visions that had passed through my mind frightened me.
Mina Danyeli, ngakhathazeka emoyeni, lemibono eyayidlula engqondweni yami yangidabula.
16 I went up to one of the attendants and asked him to explain what all this meant. He said he would explain it so I could understand.
Ngasondela komunye walabo ababemi khonapho ngambuza okuyikho okutshiwo yikho konke lokhu. Yikho wangitshela wangipha ingcazelo yezinto lezi, wathi:
17 “These four large beasts symbolize four kingdoms that will rise to power on the earth.
“Izilo ezine ezinkulu yimibuso emine ezaqhamuka emhlabeni.
18 But those dedicated to the Most High will eventually receive the kingdom. They will possess the kingdom forever, for ever and ever.”
Kodwa abangcwele bakhe oPhezukonke bazawemukela umbuso ube ngowabo lanininini, yebo, okwanini lanini.”
19 Then I wanted to know what the fourth beast stood for—the one that was different to the rest and so terrifying. It had iron teeth and bronze claws, and it tore apart and ate up its victims, trampling on what was left.
Ngase ngifisa ukwazi ingcazelo eqotho eyesilo sesine, esasingafanani lezinye njalo sisesabeka kakhulu, ngamazinyo aso ensimbi lenzipho zethusi, isilo esafohloza sadla esikubambileyo sagxobagxoba okuseleyo.
20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head, and the other one that came up later, causing three of the other horns to fall. This horn looked more impressive than the others and had eyes and a mouth that made arrogant boasts.
Ngafuna njalo ukwazi ngempondo ezilitshumi ekhanda laso langalolo olunye uphondo olwamilayo, okwathi ezinye ezintathu zawa phambi kwalo lolophondo olwabonakala kakhulu kulezinye, olwalulamehlo kanye lomlomo owawukhuluma ngokukloloda.
21 I watched as this horn attacked God's dedicated people and was conquering them,
Ngilokhu ngibukele, uphondo lolu lwalusilwa luhlasela abangcwele lubehlula,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and gave judgment in favor of the dedicated people of the Most High, and at that time they took possession of the kingdom.
kwaze kwafika uMvelinqaki wabalamulela abangcwele bakhe oPhezukonke, kwafika isikhathi bawuthatha umbuso.
23 Then he told me, “The fourth beast stands for the fourth kingdom to rule the earth. It will be different to all the rest of the kingdoms. The beast will eat up the whole world, trampling it down and crushing it.
Wangipha ingcazelo le: Isilo sesine singumbuso wesine ozavela emhlabeni. Uzaba lomahluko kweminye yonke imibuso njalo uzawuthumba wonke umhlaba, uwugxobagxobe, uwufohloze.
24 The ten horns are ten kings that will come to power from this kingdom. The one who comes later is different from them, and will defeat three of them.
Impondo ezilitshumi ngamakhosi alitshumi azavela kuwo lo umbuso. Ngemva kwawo kuzavela enye inkosi engafani lalayana awokuqala; izanqoba amakhosi amathathu.
25 He will speak words of defiance against the Most High and oppress the dedicated people of the Most High, and attempt to change times and laws, and they will be placed under his power for a time, two times, and half a time.
Izakhuluma okubi ngoPhezukonke incindezele abangcwele bakhe izame ukuguqula izikhathi ezimisiweyo kanye lemithetho. Abangcwele bazanikelwa kuyo okwesikhathi esithile, izikhathi ezilengxenye yesikhathi.
26 Then the court will execute judgment and take away his power, destroying it forever.
Kodwa umthethwandaba uzahlala phansi, amandla ayo asuswe abhidlizwe okwanini lanini.
27 Then the right to rule, the power, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to those dedicated to the Most High. His kingdom will last forever, and all who rule will serve and obey him.”
Lapho-ke ubukhosi, lamandla lobukhulu bemibuso leyo ngaphansi kwezulu lonke kuzaphiwa abangcwele, abantu bakhe oPhezukonke. Umbuso wakhe uzakuba ngumbuso ongapheliyo, njalo bonke ababusi bazamkhonza bamlalele.
28 This is the end of the summary. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts really disturbed me and my face turned pale, but I kept it all to myself.
“Lokhu yikho ukuphela kwendaba. Mina Danyeli ngakhathazeka kakhulu ngemicabango yami, ubuso bami bahloba, kodwa indaba le yaba yimfihlo yami.”