< Daniel 6 >

1 Darius decided it would be good to place the kingdom under the control of one hundred and twenty provincial governors.
Darius loh a doe phoeiah tah a ram ah mangpa ya pakul a pai sak tih ram tom ah om uh.
2 Three chief ministers were placed over them to look after the king's interests. Daniel was one of the three.
Daniel te tah amih taemrhaikung pathum khuikah pakhat la om tih amih kah a soah om. Mangpa la aka om rhoek he a taengah saithainah a paek tih manghai khaw a vaitah om pawh.
3 Soon Daniel was shown to be a far better administrator than the other chief ministers and provincial governors. Because of his exceptional ability, the king planned to put him in charge of the whole kingdom.
Te vaengah Daniel tah taemrhaikung rhoek neh mangpa rhoek lakli ah a poekhloep la om. He kong ah he a khuiah mueihla lang tih manghai loh anih a ram pum soah pai sak hamla cai.
4 As a result the other chief ministers and provincial governors tried to find a pretext against Daniel as to the way he ran the kingdom. But they couldn't find any cause for complaint or any corruption, for he was trustworthy. They could not discover any evidence that Daniel was negligent or corrupt.
Tedae taemrhaikung rhoek neh mangpa la aka om rhoek loh ram soehsalnah te Daniel taengah hmuh hamla a longim a tlap uh. Te cakhaw he kong dongah he anih tah a uepom dongah longim neh a tholh pakhat khaw a hmuh thai moenih. Dalrhanah neh a hong boeih he tah a pum dongah a tueng moenih.
5 So they said to themselves, “We won't find any pretext to attack Daniel unless we use his observance of his God's laws against him.”
Te vaengah tah tekah hlang rhoek loh, “Daniel taengah longim boeih he m'hmuh moenih, a Pathen kah oltlueh dongah a om bueng ni a soah m'hmuh dae,” a ti uh.
6 So these chief ministers and provincial governors went together to see the king. “May Your Majesty King Darius live forever!” they said.
Te dongah taemrhaikung rhoek neh mangpa rhoek he manghai taengla khong tih amah te, “Darius manghai kumhal duela hing pai saeh,” a ti na uh.
7 “We have all agreed—chief ministers, prefects, provincial governors, counselors, and local governors—that Your Majesty should issue a decree, legally enforced, that for the next thirty days anyone who prays to any god or human being except you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions' den.
Ram kah taemrhaikung rhoek neh ukkung, mangpa rhoek, olrhoep rhoek neh boei rhoek tah boeih olrhoep uh tih, “Hnin sawmthum khuiah manghai nang kah voel ah pathen neh hlang khat khat taengah thangthuinah neh aka thangthui boeih tah sathueng buep la voeih ham manghai kah oltloek neh olpaek a tloh la a saii sak.
8 Now, Your Majesty, if you will sign the decree and have it issued so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians that cannot be revoked.”
Te dongah, Manghai aw, olpaek mah cak sak lamtah cadaek te daek laeh. Te te Media neh Persia oltlueh bangla thovael ham pawt tih hoilae boel saeh,” a ti uh.
9 So Darius signed the decree into law.
He kong dongah he manghai Darius loh cadaek neh olpaek te a daek.
10 When Daniel found out that the decree had been signed he went home to his upstairs room where he would pray three times a day, with the windows open facing Jerusalem. There he kneeled down, praying and thanking his God as he always did.
Cadaek a daek te a ming vaengah Daniel tah amah im la cet. A imhman ah Jerusalem benkah bangbuet te a ong tih hnin at ah voei thum a khuklu dongah cungkueng tih thangthui. Te kong dongah hlamat lamloh a saii pah te a om coeng dongah a Pathen te a uem.
11 Then the men who had plotted against Daniel went together and found him praying to his God and asking for help.
Te vaengah hlang rhoek tah puei uh tih Daniel loh a Pathen taengah thangthui neh a bih te a hmuh uh.
12 They went to the king right away and asked him about the decree. “Didn't Your Majesty sign a decree that for the next thirty days anyone who prays to any god or human being except you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions' den?” “I certainly did!” the king replied. “The decree stands. According to the law of the Medes and the Persians it cannot be revoked.”
Te dongah cet uh tih manghai kah olpaek kawng neh manghai te, “Hnin sawmthum khuiah manghai namah voel ah pathen neh hlang khat khat taengah aka thangthui hlang boeih tah sathueng khui la voei saeh tila olpaek na daek moenih a?” a ti na uh. Te dongah manghai loh a doo tih, “Media neh Persia oltlueh bangla ol cak tih te n'hoilae thai moenih,” a ti nah.
13 Then they told the king, “Daniel, one of those captives from Judah, pays no attention to Your Majesty or to the decree you signed and prays three times a day.”
Te vaengah a doo uh tih manghai taengah, “Judah hlangsol ca lamkah Daniel tah manghai namah taengkah saithainah neh olpaek na daek te ngai pawt tih a thangthuinah neh hnin at ah voei thum thangthui,” a ti na uh.
14 When the king heard this, he was very upset and tried to think of how to save Daniel. He worked hard until sundown trying to rescue him.
Manghai loh ol a yaak vaengah amah te muep hah tih Daniel te a loeih sak ham a ko om. Khomik a tlak hil anih huul ham thakthae la om.
15 Then the men returned together and said to the king, “You know, Your Majesty, that according to the law of the Medes and the Persians no decree or statute can be changed.”
Te vaengah hlang rhoek te manghai taengla puei uh thae tih manghai te, “Manghai aw, Media neh Persia kah oltlueh bangla, manghai kah olpaek neh oltloek a khueh boeih tah thovael thai pawt te ming,” a ti na uh.
16 Eventually the king gave the order and Daniel was taken and thrown into the lions' den. The king told him, “May the God you so loyally serve save you!”
Te dongah manghai kah a ti bangla Daniel te a khuen uh tih sathueng buep la a voeih uh. Te vaengah manghai loh a voek tih Daniel te, “Amah na bawk vanbangla na Pathen amah loh nang te dungyan duela n'loeih sak saeh,” a ti nah.
17 A stone was brought and placed over the entrance to the den and the king sealed it with his own personal seal and those of his nobles so that no one could interfere with what was happening to Daniel.
Te phoeiah lungto pakhat a khuen uh tih buep rhai te a tlaeng uh. Te phoeiah tah Daniel kah a hmuethma thovael pawt hamla manghai loh amah kah kutbuen nen khaw a boei rhoek kah kutbuen nen khaw a daeng thil.
18 Then the king went back to his palace. He ate nothing at all that night and refused any kind of entertainment. He couldn't sleep a wink.
Manghai te amah bawkim la mael dae buhmueh la hak tih a tumbael khaw a taengla khuen pawh. Te dongah a ih khaw anih lamloh a yong pah.
19 At dawn, as soon as it was light, the king got up and rushed to the lions' den.
Te dongah manghai te mincang khothaih vaengah ah thoo tih thintawn neh sathueng buep la cet.
20 As he approached the den, he called out anxiously to Daniel, “Daniel, servant of the living God whom you honor so faithfully, was your God able to save you from the lions?”
A buep kah Daniel taengla a yoei vaengah tah lungnat ol neh rhap. Manghai loh Daniel te a voek tih, “Mulhing Pathen kah tueihyoeih Daniel, amah te na Pathen pai tih nang loh amah te dungyan la na bawk. Sathueng khui lamloh nang loeih sak ham a noeng a?” a ti nah.
21 Daniel replied, “May Your Majesty the king live forever!
Te dongah Daniel loh manghai te, “Manghai tah kumhal la hing pai saeh.
22 My God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths. They have not hurt me because I was found innocent in his sight. In addition, I have never done you any wrong, Your Majesty.”
Ka Pathen loh a puencawn han tueih tih sathueng ka te a buem dongah kai he m'phae moenih. He kong dongah kai he amah taengah ommongsitoe la n'tueng sak tih manghai namah taengah khaw tholh ka saii moenih?” a ti nah.
23 The king was extremely pleased and ordered Daniel brought up from the den. Daniel was lifted up from the den and he was found to have no injuries at all because he had trusted in his God.
Te daengah manghai te a taengah bahoeng a kohoe tih Daniel te buep lamloh doek hamla a thui pah. Daniel te a Pathen soah a uepom dongah a buep lamloh a doek vaengah khaw a pum dongah a hma pakhat khaw a hmuh moenih.
24 Then the king ordered the men who had accused Daniel to be brought and they were thrown into the lions' den along with their wives and children. Before they even reached the floor of the den the lions attacked them, ripping them to pieces.
Te phoeiah manghai kah a thui bangla Daniel tholh aka pael hlang rhoek te a khuen uh tih amih te a yuu a ca rhoek neh sathueng buep la a voeih uh. Tedae buep kah cirhong te a pha uh mueh la amih te sathueng loh a paco uh tih a songrhuh boeih a caep pa uh.
25 Then Darius wrote to all the people of the world, the different nations and languages, saying, “I wish you well!
Te dongah Darius manghai loh namtu pilnam boeih neh olcom olcae taengah a daek pah. Diklai pum kah khosa, khosa te nangmih kah ngaimongnah pungtai saeh.
26 I decree that throughout my entire kingdom everyone should respect and honor the God of Daniel, for he is the living God. He is everlasting and his kingdom will never be destroyed. His reign will never end.
Kai lamkah saithainah he ka ram kah khohung boeih ah ka paek coeng. Daniel kah a Pathen taengah a thuen, thuen doela om uh saeh lamtah birhih uh saeh. Amah tah mulhing Pathen la om tih kumhal duela cak. A ram khaw tim pawt tih a khohung loh khobawt duela a pha.
27 He is the one who rescues and saves; he does miracles and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He saved Daniel from death in the lions' den.”
A loeih sak tih a huul. Vaan neh diklai ah miknoek neh khobae rhambae a tueng sak. Amah loh Daniel te sathueng kut lamloh a loeih sak.
28 Daniel experienced good success during the reigns of Darius and Cyrus the Persian.
Te dongah Daniel he Darius kah ram neh Persian kah Persian Cyrus ram khuiah thaihtak.

< Daniel 6 >