< Daniel 4 >

1 King Nebuchadnezzar, to people of every nation and language in the whole world: I wish you well!
Daga sarki Nebukadnezzar. Zuwa ga mutane da al’ummai da kuma kowane yare, da suke zama a duniya. Salama mai yawa ta tabbata a gare ku!
2 It is my pleasure to share with you an account of the signs and wonders the Most High God has done for me.
Ina murna in shaida muku game da alamu da al’ajabai waɗanda Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka ya yi ta wurina.
3 His signs are incredible. His wonders are amazing! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and his rule will last for all generations!
Alamunsa da girma suke,
4 I, Nebuchadnezzar, was doing well at home, living happily in my palace.
Ni, Nebukadnezzar, ina zaune a gidana cikin fadata, ina jin daɗi ina bunkasa.
5 But then one night I had a dream that really scared me—I saw visions that terrified me while I lay in my bed.
Na yi mafarkin da ya ba ni tsoro. A sa’ad da nake kwance a gadona, siffofi da wahayoyi da suka bi ta cikin tunanina sun firgita ni.
6 So I ordered all the wise men of Babylon brought before me to explain the dream to me.
Don haka na ba da umarni a tattaro dukan masu hikima na Babilon su bayyana a gabana domin su fassara mini mafarkin.
7 When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers, and diviners came in I told them the dream, but they couldn't explain to me what it meant.
Sa’ad da masu sihiri, da masu dabo, da masanan taurari da masu duba suka zo, na faɗa musu mafarkin, amma ba su iya fassarta mini mafarkin ba.
8 In the end Daniel came before me and I told him the dream. (He is also called Belteshazzar after my god, and he has the spirit of the holy gods in him.)
A ƙarshe, sai Daniyel ya zo gabana na kuma faɗa masa mafarkin. (Ana ce da shi Belteshazar, wanda aka ba shi sunan allahna kuma ruhun alloli masu tsarki suna a bisansa.)
9 “Belteshazzar, chief of magicians,” I said, “I certainly know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that no mystery is difficult for you to explain. So tell me about what I saw in my dream and explain what it means.
Na ce, “Belteshazar, shugaban masu sihiri, na san ruhun alloli suna a kanka, babu wani asirin da zai fi ƙarfin ganewarka. Ga dai mafarkin da na yi, sai ka fassara mini.
10 As I lay in bed dreaming, I saw a tree in the middle of the earth—a really large tree.
Waɗannan su ne wahayin da na gani a lokacin da nake kwance a gadona, na duba, a gabana kuwa ga wani itace a kafe a tsakiyar duniya, yana da tsawo ƙwarai.
11 It grew strong and tall, reaching high into the sky so it could be seen by everyone in the whole world.
Itacen ya yi girma ya kuma yi ƙarfi, har tsayinsa ya taɓa sarari sama; ana iya ganinsa a ko’ina a duniya.
12 Its leaves were beautiful, and it was full of fruit for all to eat. Wild animals rested in its shade, and birds nested in its branches. It fed all living creatures.
Ganyayensa suna da kyau, yana da’ya’ya jingim, abinci kuma domin kowa da kowa. A ƙarƙashinsa namun jeji suke samun wurin hutawa, kuma tsuntsayen sama suna zaune a bisa rassansa; daga cikinsa kowace halitta take cin abinci.
13 As I went on dreaming, lying on my bed, I saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven.
“A cikin wahayin da gani sa’ad da nake kwance a kan gadona, Na duba, a gabana kuwa ga wani ɗan saƙo, mai tsarki, yana saukowa daga sama.
14 He cried out in a loud voice, ‘Cut down the tree and chop off its branches! Shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit! Drive the animals away from its shade, and scare off the birds from its branches.
Sai ya yi kira da babbar murya ya ce, ‘A sare itacen a kuma yayyanka rassansa; a karkaɗe ganyensa a kuma warwatsar da’ya’yansa. Bari dabbobi su tashi daga ƙarƙashinsa da kuma tsuntsayen da suke a rassansa.
15 But leave the stump and its roots in the ground, and bind it with iron and bronze, surrounded by the new grass of the field. Let him become soaked with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals outside in the undergrowth.
Amma a bar kututturen da kuma saiwoyinsa, a daure shi da ƙarfe da kuma tagulla, a bar shi a cikin ƙasa, a cikin ciyayin filaye. “‘Bari yă jiƙu da raɓar, bari yă zauna cikin dabbobi tare da tsire-tsiren duniya.
16 Let his mind become like that of an animal. Let him be like this for seven times.
Bari a canja tunaninsa irin na mutane a ba shi tunani irin na dabbobi, har sau bakwai su wuce a kansa.
17 This is the decree conveyed by the watchers, the verdict declared by the holy ones in order that everyone alive may know that the Most High rules over human kingdoms. He gives them to whoever he chooses—he puts the most humble individuals in charge.’
“‘An sanar da wannan matsayi ne ta bakin’yan saƙo, masu tsarki ne kuwa suka sanar da hukuncin, domin masu rai su sani Mafi Ɗaukaka ne mai iko duka a bisa kowane mulkin mutane, yakan kuma ba wa duk wanda ya ga dama, yakan sanya talaka yă zama sarki.’
18 This is what I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw in my dream. Now it's up to you, Belteshazzar, to give me the explanation as you have before. None of the wise men in my kingdom could explain it to me. But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”
“Wannan shi ne mafarkin da ni, Nebukadnezzar, na yi. Yanzu Belteshazar, sai ka faɗa mini abin da yake nufi, domin babu wani a cikin masu hikima a mulkina da ya iya fassara mini shi. Amma za ka iya, domin ruhun alloli masu tsarki yana a bisanka.”
19 When Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) heard this, he was upset for a while, disturbed as he thought about it. The king told him, “Belteshazzar, don't be worried about the dream and what it means.” “My lord, I only wish this dream was for those who hate you and the explanation for your enemies,” Daniel replied.
Sai Daniyel (wanda ake kira Belteshazar) ya tsaya zugum na ɗan lokaci, tunaninsa ya ba shi tsoro. Saboda haka sarki ya ce, “Belteshazar, kada ka bar mafarkin ko ma’anarsa ta tayar maka da hankali.” Belteshazar ya amsa ya ce, “Ranka yă daɗe, in dai har mafarkin zai tsaya a kan abokan gābanka da ma’anarsa kuma ta faɗa kan maƙiyan!
20 “The tree you saw was growing strong and tall, reaching high into the sky so it could be seen by everyone in the whole world.
Itacen da ka gani; wanda ya yi girma da ƙarfe, da tsayinsa ya taɓa sararin sama, wanda ana ganinsa ko’ina a duniya,
21 Its leaves were beautiful, and it was full of fruit for all to eat. Wild animals lived under its shade, and birds nested in its branches.
wanda ganyayensa masu kyau ne yana da’ya’yan itace da yawa, wanda yake ba da abinci ga duka, yana ba da wurin hutu ga namun jeji, kuma rassansa suna ɗauke da sheƙar tsuntsayen sama.
22 This is you, Your Majesty. You have grown strong, your power has become so great that it has reached high into the sky, and your rule extends to the ends of the earth.
Ya sarki kai ne itacen nan! Ka yi girma da ƙarfi; girmanka kuma ta kai har sama, mulkinka kuma ya kai ko’ina a duniya.
23 Then Your Majesty saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven who said, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump and its roots in the ground, and bind it with iron and bronze, surrounded by the new grass of the field. Let him become soaked with the dew of heaven and let him live with the animals outside in the undergrowth. Let his mind become like that of an animal. Let him be like this for seven times.’
“Ya sarki ka ga ɗan saƙon mai tsarkin nan, yana saukowa daga sama yana cewa, ‘A sare itacen a hallaka shi, amma a bar kututturensa daure da ƙarfe da tagulla, a bar shi can a ɗanyar ciyawar filaye, ya jiƙe da raɓa, ya zauna tare da namun jeji har shekara bakwai.’
24 This is what it means, Your Majesty, and what the Most High has decreed will happen to my lord the king.
“Ga fassarar, ya sarki, wannan ita ce doka wadda Mafi Ɗaukaka ya bayar a kan ranka yă daɗe, sarkina.
25 You will be driven away from human society and you will live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like the cattle, and you will be soaked with the dew of heaven. You will be like this for seven times until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over human kingdoms, and that he gives them to those he chooses.
Za a kore ka daga cikin mutane, za ka kuma zauna cikin namun jeji; za ka ci ciyawa kamar shanu, za ka jiƙe da raɓa har shekara bakwai cif sa’an nan za ka sani cewa Mafi Ɗaukaka ne mai iko duka a kan dukan mulkoki a duniya, yake kuma ba da mulki ga duk wanda ya ga dama.
26 However, as it was decreed, the stump and its roots were to be left in the ground. Your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
Umarni na barin kututturen itacen da saiwoyinsa yana nufin cewa za a maido maka da mulkinka a lokacin da ka gane cewa Mai sama ne yake mulki.
27 So, Your Majesty, please take my advice. Stop sinning and do what's right. End your iniquities and be merciful to the oppressed. Maybe then things will continue to go well for you.”
Saboda haka, ya sarki, ina roƙonka ka karɓi shawarar da zan ba ka; ka furta zunubanka ta wurin yin abin da yake daidai. Ka bar muguntarka, ka aikata alheri ga waɗanda ake wulaƙantawa, wataƙila za a ƙara tsawon kwanakinka da salama.”
28 (However, all this did happen to King Nebuchadnezzar.
Duk wannan kuwa ya faru da sarki Nebukadnezzar.
29 Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace in Babylon.
Bayan wata goma sha biyu, a sa’ad da sarki yake takawa a bisan saman ɗakin fadar Babilon,
30 He said, “I was the one who built this great city of Babylon! By my own great power I built it as my royal residence for my majestic glory!”
sai ya ce, “Ba wannan ita ce Babilon babba da na gina domin wurin zaman sarautar Babilon, da ikona kuma domin ɗaukakar darajata ba?”
31 The words were still on the king's lips when a voice came from heaven, “King Nebuchadnezzar, this is what is decreed concerning you: the kingdom has been taken away from you.
Tun kalmomin suna cikin bakinsa sai ya ji murya daga sama tana cewa, “Wannan shi ne abin da aka zartar a kanka, Sarki Nebukadnezzar. An karɓe ikon mulkinka.
32 You will be driven away from human society and you will live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like the cattle, and you will become soaked with the dew of heaven. You will be like this for seven times until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over human kingdoms, and that he gives them to whoever he chooses.”
Za a kore ka daga cikin mutane za ka kuma yi rayuwa tare da namun jeji. Za ka ci ciyawa kamar sa har shekara bakwai cif, sa’an nan za ka gane Mafi Ɗaukaka ne mai iko duka a kan dukan mulkoki a duniya, yake kuma ba da mulki ga duk wanda ya ga dama.”
33 Immediately the decree was fulfilled, and Nebuchadnezzar was driven away from human society. He ate grass like the cattle, and his body was soaked with the dew of heaven. His hair grew matted like a vulture, and his nails like bird claws.)
Nan da nan abin da aka faɗa a kan Nebukadnezzar tabbatarsa ya cika. Aka kore shi daga cikin mutane ya kuma shiga cin ciyawa kamar shanu. Jikinsa ya jiƙe da raɓa, har gashinsa ya yi tsawo kamar fikafikan gaggafa, kumbarsa kuma suka yi tsawo kamar na tsuntsu.
34 Once the time had passed, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven and my sanity returned to me. I blessed and praised the Most High and worshiped the One who lives forever. His rule is an eternal rule, and his kingdom lasts for all generations.
A ƙarshen waɗannan kwanaki, ni, Nebukadnezzar, na ɗaga idanuna sama, sai hankalina ya komo mini. Na kuwa yabi Maɗaukaki, na girmama shi, na ɗaukaka shi wanda yake rayayye har abada.
35 Everyone who lives on earth are as nothing compared to him. He does whatever he chooses among the heavenly host and among those who live on earth. No one can hold him back from what he does, or ask him, “What are you doing?”
Dukan mutanen duniya
36 When my sanity returned, then my kingdom, majesty, and splendor also returned to me. My advisors and nobles came looking for me, and I was restored as ruler over my kingdom, even greater than before.
A lokacin nan hankalina ya komo mini, sai aka mayar mini da masarautata mai daraja, da martabata, da girmana.’Yan majalisata da fadawana suka nemo ni. Aka maido ni kan gadon sarautata da daraja fiye da ta dā.
37 So now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, honor, and glorify the King of Heaven, for everything he does is right, and his ways are true. He is able to humble those who are proud.
Yanzu ni, Nebukadnezzar, ina yabon Sarkin sama, ina waƙa ina kuma darjanta shi, saboda dukan abin da ya yi mini, mai kyau ne kuma dukan hanyoyinsa gaskiya ne. Kuma duk masu tafiya da girman kai zai ƙasƙantar da su.

< Daniel 4 >