< Daniel 12 >

1 At that time Michael the great prince, the protector of your people, will stand up and there will be a time of trouble like never before, since nations first existed. But at that time your people will be saved, all whose names are written in the book.
Te vaeng tue ah mangpa puei Michael pai vetih na pilnam paca te a pai puei ni. Namtom a om lamloh te vaeng tue hil aka om noek pawh citcai tue om ni. Tedae na pilnam khaw cabu dongah daek tangtae a hmuh boeih tah te khohnin ah loeih ni.
2 Millions sleeping in the ground in death will awake, some to eternal life, and some to eternal shame and disgrace.
Diklai laipi la aka ip muelh khuikah khaw muep haenghang uh vetih a ngen rhoek te kumhal hingnah khuila, a ngen tah dungyan koletnah neh kokhahnah khuila om ni.
3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky; those who have shown many the right way to live will shine as bright as the stars forever and ever.
Te vaengah lungming rhoek tah bangyai khophaa bangla sae vetih muep aka tang sak tah aisi bangla kumhal due om yoeyah ni.
4 But as for you, Daniel, keep this message secret, and seal the book closed until the time of the end. Many will search this way and that way, and knowledge will grow greater and greater.”
Tedae Daniel nang loh a bawtnah tue hil ol he khoem lamtah cabu he catui hnah thil. Muep van thikthuek uh vetih mingnah khaw ping ni.
5 Then I, Daniel, noticed two others, each standing on opposite sides of the river.
Kai Daniel loh ka sawt vaengah, a tloe rhoi tah he kah sokko tuikaeng kah pakhat, ke kah sokko tuikaeng ah pakhat tarha pai rhoi.
6 One of then asked the man dressed in linen who was above the river's waters, “How long before these outrageous things come to an end?”
Te vaengah sokko tui sokah takhlawk pueinak aka bai hlang te, “Khobaerhambae a bawtnah me hil lae?” a ti nah.
7 The man dressed in linen, who was above the river's waters, lifted both hands to heaven made a solemn promise by the One who lives eternally. I heard him say, “It will last for a time, times, and half a time. When the scattering of the power of the holy people has come to an end, then all these things will also come to an end.”
Ka yaak vaengah sokko tui so ah takhlawk pueinak aka bai hlang te khaw a banvoei bantang te vaan la a thueng tih, tingtunnah khoning loengboeng vaengah a boek ham, pilnam cim kah kut a phop vaengah te te boeih a khah ham khaw kumhal kah hingnah neh a toemngam coeng.
8 I heard the answer, but I didn't understand it. So I asked, “My lord, what's the final result of all this?”
Ka yaak dae ka yakming pawt dongah ka Boeipa te, “A bawtnah he balae?” ka ti nah.
9 “Daniel, you can go on your way now,” he replied, “for this message is secret and kept sealed until the time of the end.
Te dongah, “Daniel cet laeh, a bawtnah tue hil ol he khoem lamtah catui hnah thil.
10 Many will be purified and cleansed and refined, but the wicked will go on being wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.
A meet uh vetih a ngo uh phoeiah muep a picai uh ni. Halang rhoek tah boe uh vetih a halang boeih te yakming uh mahpawh. Tedae lungming rhoek loh a yakming uh ni.
11 From the time the continual ministry is stopped in order to set up the idolatry that causes devastation will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Sainoek a khoe tue lamloh aka pong rhoek kah sarhingkoi a khueh hil te khohnin la thawngkhat yahnih sawmko lo.
12 Blessed are those who patiently wait for and reach the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
Khohnin thawngkhat ya thum sawmthum panga a cup hil aka rhing tah a yoethen.
13 But as for you, go your way until your life ends, and then rest. You will rise to receive your reward at the end of time.”
Tedae nang tah a bawtnah hil cet lamtah na duem bitni. Khohnin a bawtnah dongah tah na hmulung dongah na pai bitni,” a ti.

< Daniel 12 >