< Daniel 11 >

1 And I myself, in the first year of Darius the Mede, took my stand to support and defend him.
Also I, in ye first yere of Darius of ye Medes, euen I stood to incourage and to strengthen him.
2 So now let me reveal the truth to you. There are still three kings to come to power in Persia, and then a fourth who will be far richer than all the others. When he becomes strong through his wealth, he will rally the whole kingdom against Greece.
And now wil I shew thee ye trueth, Behold, there shall stand vp yet three Kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be farre richer then they all: and by his strength, and by his riches he shall stirre vp all against the realme of Grecia.
3 Then a mighty king will come to power. He will rule with great authority and do whatever he wants.
But a mightie King shall stand vp, that shall rule with great dominion, and doe according to his pleasure.
4 But as he extends his power his kingdom will be broken up, divided towards the four winds of heaven. It will not go to his descendants, and it will not be ruled as he ruled. It will be pulled up and given to others.
And when he shall stand vp, his kingdome shall be broken, and shall be deuided towarde the foure windes of heauen: and not to his posteritie, nor according to his dominion, which he ruled: for his kingdome shall be pluckt vp, euen to be for others besides those.
5 The king of the south will grow strong, but one of his officers will grow even stronger and will rule his kingdom with great authority.
And ye King of ye South shalbe mightie, and one of his princes, and shall preuaile against him, and beare rule: his dominio shalbe a great dominion.
6 Some years later they will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the south will be married to the king of the north to guarantee the peace treaty. However, she will not be able to keep her hold on power, nor will his power continue. She and her attendants will be betrayed, along with her child and husband. Later on, however,
And in the ende of yeeres they shalbe ioyned together: for the Kings daughter of ye South shall come to the King of the North to make an agreement, but she shall not reteine the power of the arme, neither shall he continue, nor his arme: but she shall be deliuered to death, and they that brought her, and he that begate her, and he that comforted her in these times.
7 a new king of the south from her family will take over. He will come to attack the army of the king of the north and enter his fortress. He will fight against them and will win.
But out of the bud of her rootes shall one stand vp in his stead, which shall come with an armie, and shall enter into the fortresse of the King of the North, and doe with them as he list, and shall preuaile,
8 In addition he will take back with him to Egypt the idols of their gods, along with their expensive vessels of silver and gold. For some years he will leave the king of the north alone.
And shall also carie captiues into Egypt their gods with their molten images, and with their precious vessels of siluer and of golde, and he shall continue more yeeres then the King of the North.
9 Then the king of the north will march into the kingdom of the king of the south but will have to retreat to his own land.
So the King of ye South shall come into his kingdome, and shall returne into his owne land.
10 However, his sons will prepare for war, assembling a huge number of troops. One of them will lead an advance that rushes forward like a river bursting its banks, crossing over and pressing forward to attack the enemy fortress.
Wherefore his sonnes shall be stirred vp, and shall assemble a mightie great armie: and one shall come, and ouerflowe, and passe through: then shall he returne, and be stirred vp at his fortresse.
11 This will infuriate the king of the south, who will go out into battle against the large army assembled by the king of the north and will defeat it.
And the King of the South shall be angrie, and shall come foorth, and fight with him, euen with the King of the North: for he shall set foorth a great multitude, and the multitude shall be giuen into his hand.
12 After capturing such a large army, he will become very proud, and will kill thousands. But this triumph will not last long.
Then the multitude shall be proude, and their heart shall be lifted vp: for hee shall cast downe thousands: but he shall not still preuaile.
13 Years later the king of the north will once again raise an army, even larger than before, and will invade with this huge army, accompanied by plenty of supplies.
For the King of the North shall returne, and shall set foorth a greater multitude then afore, and shall come foorth (after certeine yeeres) with a mightie armie, and great riches.
14 At the same time many will rebel against the king of the south. Violent men from your own people will rebel in order to fulfill this vision, but they shall fail.
And at the same time there shall many stand vp against the King of the South: also the rebellious children of thy people shall exalt them selues to establish the vision, but they shall fall.
15 Then the king of the north will come and build siege ramps and he will capture a city with strong defenses. The forces of the south will not be able to prevent it—even his best troops won't be able to resist the attack.
So the King of the North shall come, and cast vp a mount, and take the strong citie: and the armes of the South shall not resist, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
16 The invader will do whatever he wants; no one will be able to oppose him. He will stand in the Beautiful Land with the power to destroy it.
But he that shall come, shall doe vnto him as he list, and none shall stand against him: and he shall stand in the pleasant land, which by his hand shalbe consumed.
17 He will be determined to come with all the power of his kingdom and will make a peace treaty with the king of the south. To secure this he will give him a daughter of women to marry in order to destroy the kingdom. But she will not be successful and will not support him.
Againe he shall set his face to enter with the power of his whole kingdome, and his confederates with him: thus shall he doe, and he shall giue him the daughter of women, to destroy her: but she shall not stande on his side, neither bee for him.
18 Then he will turn to attack the coastlands and will conquer many, but a commander will put a stop to his arrogant behavior, paying him back for it.
After this shall he turne his face vnto the yles, and shall take many, but a prince shall cause his shame to light vpon him, beside that he shall cause his owne shame to turne vpon himselfe.
19 He will return to the fortresses of his own land, but he will stumble and fall, and will be gone.
For he shall turne his face toward the fortes of his owne land: but he shall be ouerthrowen and fall, and be no more founde.
20 His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain royal wealth. However, in a short time he will die, but not violently or in battle.
Then shall stand vp in his place in the glorie of the kingdome, one that shall raise taxes: but after fewe dayes he shall be destroyed, neither in wrath, nor in battell.
21 A contemptible person will follow him who will not be given royal majesty. He will take over peacably and assume control of the kingdom through deception.
And in his place shall stand vp a vile person, to whom they shall not giue the honour of the kingdome: but he shall come in peaceably, and obteine the kingdome by flatteries.
22 Great armies will be swept away before him. They will be broken, as well as the prince of the agreement.
And the armes shall be ouerthrowen with a flood before him, and shall be broken: and also the prince of the couenant.
23 After making an alliance with him, he will act deceptively. He will come to power peacably, becoming strong though only having a few supporters.
And after the league made with him, he shall worke deceitfully: for he shall come vp, and ouercome with a small people.
24 He will invade the richest parts of the land and do what his fathers and forefathers never did—he will distribute plunder, spoil, and possessions. He will make plans to attack fortresses, but only for a time.
He shall enter into the quiet and plentifull prouince, and he shall doe that which his fathers haue not done, nor his fathers fathers: he shall deuide among them the pray and the spoyle, and the substance, yea, and he shall forecast his deuises against the strong holdes, euen for a time.
25 Then he will draw on his strength and courage to gather a large army against the king of the south. The king of the south will prepare for war. Fighting back with a large and powerful army, but he will not be successful because of plots made against him.
Also he shall stirre vp his power and his courage against the King of the South with a great armie, and the King of the South shall be stirred vp to battell with a very great and mightie armie: but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast and practise against him.
26 Those closest to him will destroy him. His army will be wiped out—many will fall in battle.
Yea, they that feede of the portion of his meate, shall destroy him: and his armie shall ouerflowe: and many shall fall, and be slaine.
27 The two kings, with evil intentions, will tell each other lies even as they sit together at the same table. But their scheming is pointless—the end will come at the time predicted.
And both these Kings hearts shall be to do mischiefe, and they shall talke of deceite at one table: but it shall not auaile: for yet the ende shall be at the time appointed.
28 The king of the north will return to his own country with all the wealth he has looted. He will be determined to attack the people of the holy agreement, and do all he can to destroy it before returning to his own country.
Then shall he returne into his land with great substance: for his heart shall be against the holy couenant: so shall he doe and returne to his owne land.
29 At the time predicted he will return to invade the south again, but this time it won't be like before.
At the time appointed he shall returne, and come toward the South: but the last shall not be as the first.
30 Ships from Cyprus will come to attack him, frightening him off so that he retreats. But this will make him mad, and he will attack the people of the holy agreement, recognizing those who abandon their commitment to the holy agreement.
For the shippes of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shalbe sorie and returne, and freat against the holy couenant: so shall he doe, he shall euen returne and haue intelligence with them that forsake the holy couenant.
31 His forces will occupy and defile the Temple fortress. They will put a stop to the continual service, and set up a form of idolatry that causes devastation.
And armes shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Sanctuarie of strength, and shall take away the dayly sacrifice, and they shall set vp the abominable desolation.
32 The king will use flattery to corrupt those who break the solemn agreement, but the people who know their God will stand firm in their resistance.
And such as wickedly breake ye couenant, shall he cause to sinne by flatterie: but the people that do know their God, shall preuaile and prosper.
33 Wise leaders of the people will teach many, though for a time they will be killed by sword and fire, or they will be imprisoned and robbed.
And they that vnderstand among the people, shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by sword, and by flame, by captiuitie and by spoile many dayes.
34 During this time of persecution they will receive a little help, and many who join them won't be sincere.
Nowe when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a litle helpe: but many shall cleaue vnto them fainedly.
35 Some of the wise will be killed, so that they may be refined and purified and cleansed until the time of the end, for the predicted time is still to come.
And some of the of vnderstanding shall fall to trie them, and to purge, and to make them white, till the time be out: for there is a time appointed.
36 The king will do whatever he wants, praising himself and considering himself greater than any god, even saying outrageous things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of anger has finished, for what has been decided will be accomplished.
And the King shall doe what him list: he shall exalt himselfe, and magnifie himselfe against all, that is God, and shall speake marueilous things against ye God of gods, and shall prosper, till ye wrath be accomplished: for ye determination is made.
37 He will have no time for the gods of his forefathers, nor for the one loved by women, nor for any other god, for he considers himself greater than any of these.
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desires of women, nor care for any God: for he shall magnifie himselfe aboue all.
38 Instead he will honor the god of fortresses—a god unknown to his forefathers—giving him offerings of gold and silver and precious stones and expensive gifts.
But in his place shall he honour the god Mauzzim, and the god whom his fathers knewe not, shall he honour with golde and with siluer, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 He will deal with strong fortresses with the help of this foreign god. He will give riches to those who acknowledge him, making them rulers over the people, and distributing the land at a price.
Thus shall he do in the holdes of Mauzzim with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge: he shall increase his glory, and shall cause them to rule ouer many and shall deuide ye land for gaine.
40 At the time of the end the king of the south will attack him. But the king of the north will retaliate with force like a storm, with chariots and horsemen and many ships. He will advance, sweeping through many lands.
And at ye end of time shall the King of the South push at him, and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlewind with charets, and with horsemen, and with many ships, and he shall enter into ye countreis, and shall ouerflow and passe through.
41 He will invade the Beautiful Land and kill many people there. However, Moab, Edom, and most of the Ammonites will escape his power.
He shall enter also into the pleasant land, and many countreis shalbe ouerthrowen: but these shall escape out of his hand, euen Edom and Moab, and the chiefe of the children of Ammon.
42 He will extend his attacks against different countries—even the land of Egypt will not be able to escape.
He shall stretch foorth his hands also vpon the countreis, and ye land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 He will acquire the gold and silver and riches of Egypt, ruling over them and also the Libyans and Ethiopians.
But he shall haue power ouer the treasures of golde and of siluer, and ouer all the precious things of Egypt, and of the Lybians, and of the blacke Mores where he shall passe.
44 But news from the east and the north will alarm him, and in a furious rage he will set out to destroy and exterminate many people.
But the tidings out of the East and the North shall trouble him: therefore he shall goe foorth with great wrath to destroy and roote out many.
45 He will set up his royal camp between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain. But he will die with no one to help him.
And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace betweene the seas in the glorious and holy mountaine, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall helpe him.

< Daniel 11 >