< Daniel 1 >

1 During the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, attacked Jerusalem and surrounded it.
Mgbe afọ atọ gafere site na mgbe Jehoiakim bidoro bụrụ eze na-achị Juda, Nebukadneza eze na-achị Babilọn bịara buso Jerusalem agha.
2 The Lord allowed him to defeat King Jehoiakim, and also to remove some of the objects used in the Temple of God. He took them back to Babylon, to the house of his god, placing them in the treasury of his god.
Onyenwe anyị nyefere Jehoiakim, eze Juda nʼaka ya, na ihe ụfọdụ e jiri chọọ ụlọnsọ Chineke mma. O buuru ha niile gawa Shaịna nʼụlọ chi ya, dobe ha nʼime nʼụlọakụ chi ya.
3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to take charge of some of the captured Israelites from the royal and noble families,
Eze nyere Ashipenaz, onyeisi ndị ozi ya iwu ka ọ kpọbata ụmụ okorobịa sitere nʼezinaụlọ eze na nke ndị ọchịchị nʼala Izrel nʼije ozi eze.
4 “They are to be young men without any physical defect who are good-looking,” he said. “They must be well-educated, quick to learn, have good insight, and be well able to serve in the king's palace and be taught the literature and language of Babylon.”
Ụmụ okorobịa ndị a ga-abụ ndị nʼenweghị nkwarụ ọbụla nʼahụ ha, ndị mara mma ile anya na ndị nwere nghọta banyere ihe ọmụma dị iche iche. Ha kwesikwara ịbụ ndị maara ihe, ndị na-amụta ihe ọsịịsọ na ndị tozuru oke ije ozi nʼụlọeze. Ọ ga-akụziri ha asụsụ na akwụkwọ ọgụgụ dị iche iche nke ndị Kaldịa.
5 The king also provided them with a daily allowance of the same kind of rich food and wine he was served. At the end of their three years of education they would enter the king's service.
Onye eze si nʼoche nri ya na-ewepụta nri na mmanya a ga-enye ha kwa ụbọchị. Ha ga-anọ nʼọzụzụ a afọ atọ, nke ọ ga-abụ e mechaa, ha ga-abụ ndị kwesiri ịnọ nʼije ozi nʼobi onye eze.
6 Among those chosen were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, from the tribe of Judah.
Ndị so nʼime ha bụ Daniel, na Hananaya, na Mishael, na Azaraya, ha bụ ndị Juda.
7 The chief eunuch gave them new names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
Ma onyeisi ndị na-ejere eze ozi nyere ha aha ọhụrụ ọzọ Daniel ka ọ kpọrọ Belteshaza; Hananaya ka ọ kpọrọ Shedrak; ọ kpọrọ Mishael, Mishak; kpọkwa Azaraya, Abednego.
8 However, Daniel made up his mind not to make himself impure by eating the king's rich food and wine. He asked the chief eunuch to allow him not to make himself impure.
Ma Daniel kpebiri nʼobi ya na ọ gaghị emerụ onwe ya site nʼiri nri maọbụ ịṅụ mmanya eze. Ya mere ọ rịọrọ onyeisi ndị ozi ka ọ hapụ ya ka ọ ghara imerụ onwe ya.
9 God had helped Daniel to be viewed with kindness and sympathy by the chief eunuch.
Ma Chineke mere ka Daniel nweta ihuọma na obi ebere nʼaka onyeisi ndị na-ejere eze ozi. O nwekwara ọmịiko nʼebe Daniel nọ nʼihi ọnọdụ ha.
10 But the chief eunuch told Daniel, “I'm afraid of what my lord the king would do to me. He's the one who decided what you should eat and drink. What if he were to see you looking pale and sickly compared to the other young men of your age. Because of you the king would have my head!”
Ma onyeozi a gwara Daniel, “Ana m atụ egwu nʼihi onyenwe m eze, onye kwuru ihe unu ga-eri na ihe unu ga-aṅụ. Ọ bụrụ na ọ hụ na unu tara ahụ karịa ndị ọgbọ unu ndị ọzọ, ndụ m ga-anọ na nsogbu nʼaka onye eze.”
11 Daniel then spoke with the guard that the chief eunuch had put in charge of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
Daniel sịrị onyeisi ahụ e tinyere ọrụ ilekọta Daniel, na Hananaya, na Mishael, na Azaraya nʼaka,
12 “Please put us, your servants, to the test and just give us vegetables to eat and water to drink for ten days,” Daniel told him.
“Biko, nye anyị naanị ahịhịa nri, na mmiri ọṅụṅụ, ka ọ bụrụ ihe oriri anyị na ihe ọṅụṅụ anyị. Jiri ya lee anyị ule ụbọchị iri.
13 “After that, compare us with those young men who ate the king's rich food. Then decide on the basis of what you see.”
Jirizie anya gị chọpụta ma o nwere ihe dị iche nʼetiti anyị na ndị ọzọ, ndị na-eri nri ọma nke eze nyere, site nʼihe ị hụrụ, mee ụmụodibo gị otu o kwesiri.”
14 The guard agreed to the proposal they made and tested them for ten days.
O kwenyere ime ihe ha kwuru, ọ nwalere ha abalị iri.
15 When the ten days were up they looked healthier and better fed than all the young men who had eaten the king's rich food.
Mgbe ụbọchị iri ahụ zuru, a chọpụtara na ahụ dị ha mma, chọpụtakwa na ha dị mma ile anya karịa ụmụ okorobịa ndị ọzọ e ji nri ọma niile eze nyere zụọ.
16 After that the guard didn't give them the rich food and wine, just vegetables.
Ya mere onyeisi ozi ahụ wepụrụ nri na mmanya ọma ahụ ha kwesiri iri ma nye ha naanị akwụkwọ nri.
17 God gave these four young men the ability to learn and understand in all areas of literature and knowledge, while Daniel was also given the gift of interpreting all kinds of visions and dreams.
Chineke mere ka ụmụ okorobịa anọ ndị a nwee ọgụgụisi pụrụ iche na nghọta nʼihe ọbụla gbasara edemede na amamihe niile. Daniel nwekwara nghọta ịkọwa ụdị ọhụ niile na nrọ niile.
18 When their time of education ordered by the king was over, the chief eunuch brought all the young men before King Nebuchadnezzar.
Mgbe oge eze nyere a ga-eji kpọbata ha nʼije ozi ya zuru, onyeisi ndị na-eje ozi chere ha nʼihu Nebukadneza.
19 The king talked with them and none could compare with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. So they entered the king's service.
Ha na eze kparịtakwara ụka. Ma nʼime ụmụ okorobịa ahụ niile a zụrụ, o nweghị nke amamihe ya juru eze afọ dịka amamihe Daniel, na Hananaya, na Mishael, na Azaraya. Nʼihi nke a, o mere ka ha soro bụrụ ndị na-adụ ya ọdụ.
20 Whatever subject the king asked them about, everything that required wisdom of understanding, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.
Mgbe ọ bụlakwa eze chọrọ ndụmọdụ banyere amamihe na nghọta, ọ na-achọpụta na ndụmọdụ ha na-enye ya na-adị mma okpukpu iri karịa ndụmọdụ nke ndị majiki ya na ndị maara ihe banyere kpakpando nọ nʼalaeze ya na-enye ya.
21 Daniel remained in this position until the first year of King Cyrus' reign.
Daniel nọgidere bụrụ onye na-adụ eze ọdụ tutu ruo afọ mbụ nke Sairọs bidoro ịchị dịka eze.

< Daniel 1 >