< Amos 6 >

1 How disastrous it will be for you who have an easy life in Zion, and you who feel secure living on Mount Samaria—you who are the most famous men in all of Israel to whom people come for help!
I Zionda hatirjǝm olturƣanlar ⱨǝm Samariyǝ teƣiƣa tayinip aman-esǝn yaxiƣanlar! I ǝllǝrning kattisining ǝrbabliri! Israil jǝmǝti silǝrni izdǝp kelidu — — Silǝrning ⱨalinglarƣa way!
2 But go to Calneh, and see what took place there. Then go on to the great city of Hamath, and down to the Philistine city of Gath. Were they better kingdoms than yours? Did they have more territory than you?
[Silǝr hǝlⱪⱪǝ]: — «Kalnǝⱨ xǝⱨirigǝ berip kɵrünglar; Xu yǝrdin «büyük Hamat» xǝⱨirigǝ beringlar, Andin Filistiylǝrning xǝⱨiri Gatⱪa qüxüp beⱪinglar; Bular silǝrning ikki padixaⱨliⱪinglardin ǝwzǝlmu? Ularning qegrisi silǝrningkidin kǝngmu?» — [dǝp mahtinip sɵzlǝysilǝr].
3 You put out of your minds any thought of coming disaster, yet you are bringing closer the time when violence reigns.
I yaman künni keqiktürmǝkqi bolƣanlar! Silǝr jǝbir-zulumning ⱨɵkümranliⱪini ornitip, uni ɵzünglarƣa yeⱪin ⱪilmaⱪqi bolisilǝr,
4 How disastrous it will be for you people who lie on beds decorated with ivory and lounge on couches, eating lamb from your flocks and fattened calves from the stall.
Pil qixida nǝⱪixlǝngǝn kariwatlar üstidǝ yatisilǝr, Diwanliringlar üstidǝ kerilip yatisilǝr, Pada topidin pahlanlarni, Kala ⱪotanliridin mozayni tallap yǝysilǝr,
5 You make up songs accompanied by the harp, thinking you're great composers like David.
Qiltar aⱨangiƣa tǝngkǝx ⱪilip eytisilǝr, Dawuttǝk ɵzünglarƣa sazlarni ijad ⱪilisilǝr,
6 You drink wine by the bowlful, and anoint yourselves with the finest oils, but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph's descendants.
Xarabni qinilǝp-qinilǝp iqisilǝr, Ɵzünglarƣa sǝrhil mayliⱪ ǝtirlǝrni sürisilǝr, — Biraⱪ kɵnglünglar Yüsüp jǝmǝtining ziyan-zǝhmiti üqün ⱨeq azablanmaydu!
7 So you will be at the head of those led away into exile; the feasting and lazing around will be over.
Xunga ular tunji ǝsirgǝ qüxkǝnlǝr arisida ǝsirgǝ elinidu; Kerilip yatⱪanlarning ǝyx-ixriti ahirlixidu.
8 The Lord God has sworn an oath on his own life. This is what the Lord God of power declares: I detest Jacob's arrogance and I hate his fortresses; I will hand over this city and all in it to the enemy.
Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar Ɵz ⱨayati bilǝn ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilƣanki, — dǝydu Pǝrwǝrdigar, samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, — Mǝn Yaⱪupning ƣururidin bizar boldum, Uning orda-istiⱨkamliridin nǝprǝtlinimǝn; Mǝn bu xǝⱨǝrni, xundaⱪla uningdiki ⱨǝmmini düxmǝngǝ tǝngla ɵtküzüp berimǝn;
9 If there are ten people in a house, they will die.
Wǝ ǝmǝlgǝ axuruliduki, Bir ɵydǝ on adǝm bolup ⱪalsa, bu onǝylǝnmu ɵlidu.
10 And when a relative comes to take away the bodies from the house, he will ask someone inside “Is there anyone else with you?” The person will reply, “No...” Then the other will say, “Quiet! Don't even mention the Lord's name.”
Əgǝr mǝlum bir ɵlgüqining tuƣⱪini, yǝni ɵlgüqining jǝsitini kɵydürüxkǝ mǝs’ul kixi ustihanlarni kɵtürüp ɵydin qiⱪiwetip, ɵy iqidiki yǝnǝ birsidin: — «Ⱪexingda yǝnǝ birsi barmu?» dǝp sorisa, u «Yoⱪ» dǝydu, Andin [tuƣⱪini] yǝnǝ: «Süküt! Pǝrwǝrdigarning namini tilƣa eliximizƣa bolmaydu!» — dǝydu.
11 Watch out! When the Lord gives the command, large houses will be reduced to rubble, and small houses smashed to pieces.
Sǝwǝbi, Pǝrwǝrdigar buyruⱪ qüxüridu, Wǝ qong ɵyni parǝ-parǝ ⱪiliwetidu, Kiqik ɵynimu qak-qekidin yerip qeⱪiwetidu.
12 Can horses gallop over rocks? Can oxen plow the sea? But you have turned justice into poison, and the fruit of doing good into bitterness!
Atlar tax üstidǝ qapalamdu? Adǝmlǝr axu yǝrni kalilar bilǝn aƣduralamdu? Biraⱪ silǝr adalǝtni ɵt süyigǝ, Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪning mewisini ǝmǝngǝ aylandurƣansilǝr —
13 You joyfully celebrate your conquest of Lodebar, and say “Didn't we in our own strength capture Karnaim?”
— Yoⱪ bir nǝrsidin xadlinip kǝtkǝnsilǝr, «Ɵz küqimizgǝ tayinip ⱪudrǝtkǝ igǝ bolƣanmiz» — degǝnsilǝr.
14 Watch out, people of Israel! I am going to send an enemy nation to attack you, says the Lord God of power, and they will oppress you from the Pass of Hamath to the Arabah Valley.
Qünki mana, i Israil jǝmǝti, — dǝydu Pǝrwǝrdigar, samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, — Mǝn silǝr bilǝn ⱪarxilixidiƣan bir ǝlni turƣuzimǝn; Ular Hamat xǝⱨirining dawinidin Arabaⱨ eⱪimiƣiqǝ silǝrni harlaydu.

< Amos 6 >