< Acts 3 >
1 Peter and John were on their way up to the Temple at the time of the afternoon prayer, around 3 p.m.
A Petar i Jovan iðahu zajedno gore u crkvu na molitvu u deveti sahat.
2 A man who had been lame from birth was being carried there. Every day he was placed beside the Temple gate called “Beautiful” so he could beg from the people going into the Temple.
I bijaše jedan èovjek hrom od utrobe matere svoje, kojega nošahu i svaki dan metahu pred vrata crkvena koja se zovu Krasna da prosi milostinju od ljudi koji ulaze u crkvu;
3 He saw Peter and John as they were about to enter the Temple and asked them for some money.
Koji vidjevši Petra i Jovana da hoæe da uðu u crkvu prošaše milostinju.
4 Peter looked right at him. John did, too. “Look at us!” Peter said.
A Petar pogledavši na nj s Jovanom, reèe: pogledaj na nas.
5 The lame man gave them his full attention, expecting to get something from them.
A on gledaše u njih misleæi da æe mu oni što dati.
6 “I don't have any silver or gold,” Peter told him, “but I'll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”
A Petar reèe: srebra i zlata nema u mene, nego što imam ovo ti dajem: u ime Isusa Hrista Nazareæanina ustani i hodi.
7 Peter took him by the right hand and helped him up. Right away his feet and ankles became strong.
I uze ga za desnicu i podiže. I odmah se utvrdiše njegova stopala i gležnji.
8 He jumped to his feet, and then began to walk. He went with them into the Temple, walking and jumping and praising God.
I skoèivši ustade, i hoðaše, i uðe s njima u crkvu iduæi i skaèuæi i hvaleæi Boga.
9 Everyone there saw him walking around and praising God.
I vidješe ga svi ljudi gdje ide i hvali Boga.
10 They recognized him as the beggar who used to sit by the Temple's Beautiful Gate, and they were surprised and amazed at what had happened to him.
A znadijahu ga da onaj bješe što milostinje radi sjeðaše kod Krasnijeh vrata crkvenijeh, i napuniše se èuda i straha za to što bi od njega.
11 He held on tightly to Peter and John while everyone ran to them by Solomon's Porch in complete astonishment at what had happened.
A kad se iscijeljeni hromi držaše Petra i Jovana, navališe k njima svi ljudi u trijem, koji se zvaše Solomunov, i èuðahu se.
12 When Peter saw this opportunity he told them, “People of Israel, why are you surprised at what's happened to this man? Why are you staring at us as if it was by our own power or faith that we made him walk?
A kad vidje Petar, odgovaraše ljudima: ljudi Izrailjci! što se èudite ovome? Ili šta gledate na nas, kao da smo svojom silom ili pobožnošæu uèinili da on ide?
13 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the God of our forefathers—has glorified his servant Jesus. He was the one you betrayed and rejected in the presence of Pilate, even after Pilate had decided to release him.
Bog Avraamov i Isakov i Jakovljev, Bog otaca našijeh, proslavi sina svojega Isusa, kojega vi predadoste i odrekoste ga se pred licem Pilatovijem kad on sudi da ga pusti.
14 You rejected the one who is holy and good, and demanded a murderer be released to you.
A vi sveca i pravednika odrekoste se, i isprosiste èovjeka krvnika da vam pokloni;
15 You killed the author of life, the one God raised from the dead—and we are witnesses to this.
A naèelnika života ubiste, kojega Bog vaskrse iz mrtvijeh, èemu smo mi svjedoci.
16 By trusting in Jesus' name this man was healed by him. You see this man here; you know him. Through trusting in Jesus this man has received complete healing right in front of all of you.
I za vjeru imena njegova ovoga, koga vidite i poznajete, utvrdi ime njegovo; i vjera koja je kroza nj dade mu cijelo zdravlje ovo pred svima vama.
17 Now I know, brothers and sisters, that you did this in ignorance, like your rulers.
I sad, braæo, znam da iz neznanja ono uèiniste, kao i knezovi vaši.
18 But God fulfilled what he had prophesied through all the prophets: that his Messiah would suffer.
A Bog kako naprijed javi ustima sviju proroka svojijeh da æe Hristos postradati, izvrši tako.
19 Now repent, and change your ways, that your sins can be wiped away, so the Lord can send opportunities for you to heal and recover,
Pokajte se dakle, i obratite se da se oèistite od grijeha svojijeh, da doðu vremena odmaranja od lica Gospodnjega,
20 and send Jesus, the Messiah appointed for you.
I da pošlje naprijed nareèenoga vam Hrista Isusa,
21 For he must stay in heaven until the time when everything is restored, as God announced through his holy prophets long ago. (aiōn )
Kojega valja dakle nebo da primi do onoga vremena kad se sve popravi, što Bog govori ustima sviju svetijeh proroka svojijeh od postanja svijeta. (aiōn )
22 Moses said, ‘The Lord God will send you a prophet from among your own people who is like me. You must listen to everything he tells you.
Mojsije dakle ocevima našijem reèe: Gospod Bog vaš podignuæe vam proroka iz vaše braæe, kao mene; njega poslušajte u svemu što vam kaže.
23 Anybody who doesn't listen to him will be totally removed from the people.’
I biæe da æe se svaka duša koja ne posluša toga proroka istrijebiti iz naroda.
24 All the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel on, prophesied about these days.
A i svi proroci od Samuila i potom koliko ih god govori, i za ove dane javljaše.
25 You are the sons of the prophets, and of the agreement which God made with your fathers when he said to Abraham, ‘From your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed.’
Vi ste sinovi proroka i zavjeta koji uèini Bog s ocevima vašijem govoreæi Avraamu: i u sjemenu tvojemu blagosloviæe se svi narodi na zemlji.
26 God prepared his Servant and sent him to you first, to bless you by turning every one of you from your evil ways.”
Vama najprije Bog podiže sina svojega Isusa, i posla ga da vas blagosilja da se svaki od vas obrati od pakosti svojijeh.