< Acts 26 >
1 Agrippa then said to Paul, “You are free to speak on your own behalf.” With a sweep of his arm, Paul began his defense.
tata aagrippa. h paulam avaadiit, nijaa. m kathaa. m kathayitu. m tubhyam anumati rdiiyate| tasmaat paula. h kara. m prasaaryya svasmin uttaram avaadiit|
2 “I am delighted, King Agrippa, to make my defense before you today regarding everything I am accused of by the Jews,
he aagripparaaja yatkaara. naadaha. m yihuudiiyairapavaadito. abhava. m tasya v. rttaantam adya bhavata. h saak. saan nivedayitumanumatoham ida. m sviiya. m parama. m bhaagya. m manye;
3 particularly because you are an expert in all Jewish issues and customs. I beg your patient indulgence as you listen to what I have to say.
yato yihuudiiyalokaanaa. m madhye yaa yaa riiti. h suuk. smavicaaraa"sca santi te. su bhavaan vij natama. h; ataeva praarthaye dhairyyamavalambya mama nivedana. m "s. r.notu|
4 All the Jews know my life story—from my earliest days beginning in my own country and then in Jerusalem.
aha. m yiruu"saalamnagare svade"siiyalokaanaa. m madhye ti. s.than aa yauvanakaalaad yadruupam aacaritavaan tad yihuudiiyalokaa. h sarvve vidanti|
5 They have known me for a long time and can verify, if they choose to, that I have followed the religious school that observes our faith in the strictest way—I lived as a Pharisee.
asmaaka. m sarvvebhya. h "suddhatama. m yat phiruu"siiyamata. m tadavalambii bhuutvaaha. m kaala. m yaapitavaan ye janaa aa baalyakaalaan maa. m jaanaanti te etaad. r"sa. m saak. sya. m yadi dadaati tarhi daatu. m "saknuvanti|
6 Now I am standing here to be judged regarding the promised hope God gave to our fathers
kintu he aagripparaaja ii"svaro. asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. saa. naa. m nika. te yad a"ngiik. rtavaan tasya pratyaa"saahetoraham idaanii. m vicaarasthaane da. n.daayamaanosmi|
7 that our twelve tribes hoped to receive as they continually dedicated themselves in God's service. Yes, it's because of this hope that I'm accused by the Jews, Your Majesty!
tasyaa"ngiikaarasya phala. m praaptum asmaaka. m dvaada"sava. m"saa divaani"sa. m mahaayatnaad ii"svarasevana. m k. rtvaa yaa. m pratyaa"saa. m kurvvanti tasyaa. h pratyaa"saayaa hetoraha. m yihuudiiyairapavaadito. abhavam|
8 Why should any of you think it's unbelievable that God raises the dead?
ii"svaro m. rtaan utthaapayi. syatiiti vaakya. m yu. smaaka. m nika. te. asambhava. m kuto bhavet?
9 Previously I was sincerely convinced I should do as much as I could to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
naasaratiiyayii"so rnaamno viruddha. m naanaaprakaarapratikuulaacara. nam ucitam ityaha. m manasi yathaartha. m vij naaya
10 This is what I did in Jerusalem. I threw many of the believers in prison, having been given authority to do this by the chief priests. When they were sentenced to death I cast my vote against them.
yiruu"saalamanagare tadakarava. m phalata. h pradhaanayaajakasya nika. taat k. samataa. m praapya bahuun pavitralokaan kaaraayaa. m baddhavaan vi"se. sataste. saa. m hananasamaye te. saa. m viruddhaa. m nijaa. m sammati. m prakaa"sitavaan|
11 I had them punished in all the synagogues, trying to make them recant. I was so furiously opposed to them that I went to cities outside our country to persecute them.
vaara. m vaara. m bhajanabhavane. su tebhyo da. n.da. m pradattavaan balaat ta. m dharmma. m nindayitavaa. m"sca puna"sca taan prati mahaakrodhaad unmatta. h san vide"siiyanagaraa. ni yaavat taan taa. ditavaan|
12 That's why one day I was on my way to Damascus with the authority and orders from the chief priests.
ittha. m pradhaanayaajakasya samiipaat "saktim aaj naapatra nca labdhvaa damme. saknagara. m gatavaan|
13 At about noon as I was on my way, Your Majesty, I saw a light from heaven that blazed brighter than the sun. It shone around me and those who were traveling with me.
tadaaha. m he raajan maargamadhye madhyaahnakaale mama madiiyasa"nginaa. m lokaanaa nca catas. r.su dik. su gaga. naat prakaa"samaanaa. m bhaaskaratopi tejasvatii. m diipti. m d. r.s. tavaan|
14 All of us fell to the ground. Then I heard a voice speaking to me in Aramaic, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It's hard for you to fight against me!’
tasmaad asmaasu sarvve. su bhuumau patite. su satsu he "saula hai "saula kuto maa. m taa. dayasi? ka. n.takaanaa. m mukhe paadaahanana. m tava du. hsaadhyam ibriiyabhaa. sayaa gadita etaad. r"sa eka. h "sabdo mayaa "sruta. h|
15 ‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. ‘I am Jesus, the one you're persecuting,’ the Lord replied.
tadaaha. m p. r.s. tavaan he prabho ko bhavaan? tata. h sa kathitavaan ya. m yii"su. m tva. m taa. dayasi soha. m,
16 ‘But pick yourself up and get to your feet. The reason why I've appeared to you is to appoint you as my servant, to be a witness for me, telling others how you have seen me and everything I will reveal to you.
kintu samutti. s.tha tva. m yad d. r.s. tavaan ita. h puna nca yadyat tvaa. m dar"sayi. syaami te. saa. m sarvve. saa. m kaaryyaa. naa. m tvaa. m saak. si. na. m mama sevaka nca karttum dar"sanam adaam|
17 I will save you from your own people and from the foreigners. I am sending you to them
vi"se. sato yihuudiiyalokebhyo bhinnajaatiiyebhya"sca tvaa. m manoniita. m k. rtvaa te. saa. m yathaa paapamocana. m bhavati
18 to open their eyes so they can turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, and so that they can receive forgiveness for their sins and a place with those who are set right as they trust in me.’
yathaa te mayi vi"svasya pavitriik. rtaanaa. m madhye bhaaga. m praapnuvanti tadabhipraaye. na te. saa. m j naanacak. suu. m.si prasannaani karttu. m tathaandhakaaraad diipti. m prati "saitaanaadhikaaraacca ii"svara. m prati matii. h paraavarttayitu. m te. saa. m samiipa. m tvaa. m pre. syaami|
19 Clearly, King Agrippa, I could not disobey this vision from heaven.
he aagripparaaja etaad. r"sa. m svargiiyapratyaade"sa. m agraahyam ak. rtvaaha. m
20 First in Damascus, then in Jerusalem, and then all over Judea and also to the foreigners I shared the message of repentance: how they should turn to God, demonstrating their repentance through their actions.
prathamato damme. saknagare tato yiruu"saalami sarvvasmin yihuudiiyade"se anye. su de"se. su ca yena lokaa mati. m paraavarttya ii"svara. m prati paraavarttayante, mana. hparaavarttanayogyaani karmmaa. ni ca kurvvanti taad. r"sam upade"sa. m pracaaritavaan|
21 That's why the Jews seized me in the Temple and tried to kill me.
etatkaara. naad yihuudiiyaa madhyemandira. m maa. m dh. rtvaa hantum udyataa. h|
22 God has looked after me so I can stand here today as a witness to everyone, both to ordinary people and to those who are important. I am only repeating what Moses and the prophets said would happen—
tathaapi khrii. s.to du. hkha. m bhuktvaa sarvve. saa. m puurvva. m "sma"saanaad utthaaya nijade"siiyaanaa. m bhinnade"siiyaanaa nca samiipe diipti. m prakaa"sayi. syati
23 how the Messiah had to suffer, and that by being the first to rise from the dead he would announce the light of God's salvation to both Jews and foreigners.”
bhavi. syadvaadiga. no muusaa"sca bhaavikaaryyasya yadida. m pramaa. nam adaduretad vinaanyaa. m kathaa. m na kathayitvaa ii"svaraad anugraha. m labdhvaa mahataa. m k. sudraa. naa nca sarvve. saa. m samiipe pramaa. na. m dattvaadya yaavat ti. s.thaami|
24 Festus interrupted Paul as he made his defense, shouting out, “Paul, you've gone mad! All your knowledge is driving you insane!”
tasyamaa. m kathaa. m ni"samya phii. s.ta uccai. h svare. na kathitavaan he paula tvam unmattosi bahuvidyaabhyaasena tva. m hataj naano jaata. h|
25 “I'm not mad, Festus your Excellency,” Paul replied. “What I am saying is true and makes sense.
sa uktavaan he mahaamahima phii. s.ta naaham unmatta. h kintu satya. m vivecaniiya nca vaakya. m prastaumi|
26 The king recognizes this, and I'm explaining it very clearly. I am sure that he is aware of what's been happening, because none of this took place as if it were hidden in a corner.
yasya saak. saad ak. sobha. h san kathaa. m kathayaami sa raajaa tadv. rttaanta. m jaanaati tasya samiipe kimapi gupta. m neti mayaa ni"scita. m budhyate yatastad vijane na k. rta. m|
27 King Agrippa, do you believe what the prophets said? I'm sure you do!”
he aagripparaaja bhavaan ki. m bhavi. syadvaadiga. noktaani vaakyaani pratyeti? bhavaan pratyeti tadaha. m jaanaami|
28 “Do you think you can convince me to become a Christian so quickly?” Agrippa asked Paul.
tata aagrippa. h paulam abhihitavaan tva. m prav. rtti. m janayitvaa praaye. na maamapi khrii. s.tiiya. m karo. si|
29 “Whether it takes a short time or a long time doesn't matter,” Paul answered. “But my prayer to God is that not just you, but everybody listening to me today would become like me—except for these chains!”
tata. h so. avaadiit bhavaan ye ye lokaa"sca mama kathaam adya "s. r.nvanti praaye. na iti nahi kintvetat "s. r"nkhalabandhana. m vinaa sarvvathaa te sarvve maad. r"saa bhavantvitii"svasya samiipe praarthaye. aham|
30 The king stood up, along with the governor and Bernice, and everyone who had been sitting with them.
etasyaa. m kathaayaa. m kathitaayaa. m sa raajaa so. adhipati rbar. niikii sabhaasthaa lokaa"sca tasmaad utthaaya
31 They conferred together after they had left. “This man hasn't done anything that deserves death or imprisonment,” they concluded.
gopane paraspara. m vivicya kathitavanta e. sa jano bandhanaarha. m praa. nahananaarha. m vaa kimapi karmma naakarot|
32 Agrippa told Festus, “He could have been freed if he hadn't appealed to Caesar.”
tata aagrippa. h phii. s.tam avadat, yadye. sa maanu. sa. h kaisarasya nika. te vicaarito bhavitu. m na praarthayi. syat tarhi mukto bhavitum a"sak. syat|