< Acts 24 >
1 Five days later Ananias the high priest arrived with some of the Jewish leaders, and with a lawyer called Tertullus. They presented formal charges against Paul to the governor.
A poslije pet dana siðe poglavar sveštenièki Ananija sa starješinama i s ritorom nekijem Tertulom, koji iziðoše pred sudiju protiv Pavla.
2 When Paul was summoned, Tertullus began making his case against him. He said, “Your Excellency Governor Felix, we have enjoyed a long period of peace under you, and as a result of your wise judgment reforms have been enacted for the benefit of the nation.
A kad njega dozvaše, poèe Tertul tužiti ga govoreæi: što živimo pod tobom u velikom miru, i pravice koje se ovome narodu èine tvojijem promišljanjem,
3 All of us throughout the country are so very grateful to you for this.
U svakom dogaðaju i svuda, èestiti Filikse! primamo sa svakom zahvalnošæu.
4 But in order not to bore you, please be so kind as to give us your attention for a short while.
Ali da ti mnogo ne dosaðujem, molim te da nas ukratko poslušaš sa svojom krotošæu.
5 We discovered that this man is a real pest, stirring up rebellions among Jews all over the world, a ringleader of the Nazarene sect.
Jer naðosmo ovoga èovjeka da je kuga, i podiže bunu protiv sviju Jevreja po vasionom svijetu, i da je kolovoða jeresi Nazaretskoj;
6 He tried to defile the Temple, so we arrested him.
Koji se usudi i crkvu poganiti; koga mi i uhvatismo, i šæasmo da mu sudimo po zakonu svojemu.
Ali doðe Lisija vojvoda, i ote ga iz našijeh ruku na veliku silu, i posla k tebi,
8 By interrogating him yourself you will discover the truth of our accusations.”
Zapovjedivši i nama, koji ga tužimo, da idemo k tebi; a od njega možeš sam ispitavši doznati za sve ovo za što ga mi tužimo.
9 The Jews joined in, saying that this was all true.
A i Jevreji se složiše govoreæi da je ovo tako.
10 The Governor motioned for Paul to respond. “Recognizing you have been a judge over this nation for many years, I gladly make my defense,” Paul began.
A Pavle odgovori kad mu namaže sudija da govori: znajuæi od mnogo godina da si ti pravedni sudija ovome narodu, slobodno odgovaram za sebe:
11 “You can easily verify that I arrived in Jerusalem to worship just twelve days ago.
Ti možeš doznati da nema više od dvanaest dana kako ja iziðoh u Jerusalim da se pomolim Bogu,
12 Nobody found me arguing in the Temple with anyone, or inciting people to riot in any synagogue or anywhere in the city.
I niti me u crkvi naðoše da kome govorim, ili bunu da èinim u narodu, ni po zbornicama, ni u gradu,
13 Nor can they prove to you any of their accusations against me.
Niti oni mogu posvjedoèiti šta tebi sad na mene govore.
14 But I will admit this to you: I serve the God of our fathers following the beliefs of the Way, which they call a heretical sect. I believe everything the law teaches and what is written in the books of the prophets.
Ovo ti pak priznajem da u putu, koji ovi nazivaju jeres, tako služim Bogu otaèkome, vjerujuæi sve što je napisano u zakonu i u prorocima,
15 I have the same hope in God that they do, believing that there will be a resurrection of the good and the wicked.
I imajuæi nadanje na Boga da æe biti vaskrsenije mrtvima, i pravednicima i grješnicima, koje i sami ovi èekaju.
16 Consequently I try to make sure I always have a clear conscience before God and everyone.
A za ovo se i ja trudim da imam èistu savjest svagda i pred Bogom i pred ljudima.
17 Having been away for a few years I returned to bring some money to help the poor and to give offerings to God.
I poslije mnogo godina doðoh i donesoh milostinju narodu svome i prinose.
18 That's what they found me doing in the Temple—completing the ceremony of purification. There was no crowd and no disturbance.
U tome me naðoše oèišæena u crkvi, ni s narodom, ni s vikom.
19 But some Jews from the province of Asia were there, who should be present here before you today to bring their charges, if they have anything against me.
A imaju i Jevreji neki iz Azije kojima je trebalo da doðu preda te, i da se tuže ako imaju što na me.
20 Otherwise let these men here explain themselves what crime they found me guilty of when I stood before the council,
Ili ovi sami neka kažu, ako su našli na meni kakvu krivicu, kad sam stajao na skupštini,
21 except for the time when I shouted out to them, ‘I am on trial before you today because of my belief in the resurrection of the dead.’”
Osim jednoga ovoga glasa kojijem povikah stojeæi meðu njima: za vaskrsenije mrtvijeh dovedoste me danas na sud.
22 Felix who was well-informed about the Way then adjourned the trial. “When Lysias the commander comes I will make my decision regarding your case,” he said.
A kad Filiks èu ovo, odgodi im znajuæi vrlo dobro za ovaj put i reèe: kad doðe Lisija vojvoda, izvidjeæu vašu stvar.
23 He ordered the centurion to keep Paul in custody but to allow him some measure of freedom and to let Paul's friends care for him without interference.
A kapetanu zapovjedi da se èuva Pavle, i da mu se oblakša, i nijednome od njegovijeh da se ne zabranjuje posluživati ga ili dolaziti k njemu.
24 Some days later Felix returned with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and listened to him speak about trusting in Christ Jesus.
A poslije nekoliko dana doðe Filiks sa Drusilom ženom svojom, koja bješe Jevrejka, i dozva Pavla da èuje od njega vjeru u Hrista Isusa.
25 He discussed with them about living right, self-control, and the coming judgment. Felix became alarmed and told Paul, “You can go now, and I'll send for you when I get the chance.”
A kad Pavle govoraše o pravdi i o èistoti i o sudu koji æe biti, uplaši se Filiks i odgovori: idi zasad; a kad uzimam kad, dozvaæu te.
26 Hoping that Paul would give him a bribe, Felix often sent for Paul and talked with him.
A uz to se i nadaše da æe mu Pavle dati novaca da bi ga pustio; zato ga i èesto dozivaše i razgovaraše se s njim.
27 Two years passed and Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. To stay in favor with the Jews, Felix left Paul in prison.
A kad se navršiše dvije godine, izmijeni Filiksa Porkije Fist. A Filiks, hoteæi Jevrejima uèiniti na volju, ostavi Pavla u sužanjstvu.