< Acts 14 >

1 In Iconium the same thing happened. Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and spoke so convincingly that many of both the Jewish and Greek-speaking worshipers trusted in Jesus.
tau dvau janau yugapad ikaniyanagarasthayihuudiiyaanaa. m bhajanabhavana. m gatvaa yathaa bahavo yihuudiiyaa anyade"siiyalokaa"sca vya"svasan taad. r"sii. m kathaa. m kathitavantau|
2 But the Jews that refused to believe in Jesus stirred up the feelings of the foreigners, and poisoned them against the believers.
kintu vi"svaasahiinaa yihuudiiyaa anyade"siiyalokaan kuprav. rtti. m graahayitvaa bhraat. rga. na. m prati te. saa. m vaira. m janitavanta. h|
3 Paul and Barnabas stayed there a long time, speaking to them boldly in the Lord, who confirmed their message of grace through the miraculous signs that they were enabled to perform.
ata. h svaanugrahakathaayaa. h pramaa. na. m datvaa tayo rhastai rbahulak. sa. nam adbhutakarmma ca praakaa"sayad ya. h prabhustasya kathaa ak. sobhena pracaaryya tau tatra bahudinaani samavaati. s.thetaa. m|
4 The inhabitants of the town were divided, with some supporting the Jews and some the apostles.
kintu kiyanto lokaa yihuudiiyaanaa. m sapak. saa. h kiyanto lokaa. h preritaanaa. m sapak. saa jaataa. h, ato naagarikajananivahamadhye bhinnavaakyatvam abhavat|
5 But then the foreigners and the Jews, together with their leaders, decided to attack and stone Paul and Barnabas.
anyade"siiyaa yihuudiiyaaste. saam adhipataya"sca dauraatmya. m kutvaa tau prastarairaahantum udyataa. h|
6 However, they found out about it and fled to the region of Lycaonia, to the towns of Lystra and Derbe,
tau tadvaarttaa. m praapya palaayitvaa lukaayaniyaade"sasyaantarvvarttilustraadarbbo
7 where they continued to share the good news.
tatsamiipasthade"sa nca gatvaa tatra susa. mvaada. m pracaarayataa. m|
8 In the town of Lystra there was a disabled man who was lame in both feet. He had been crippled from birth and had never been able to walk.
tatrobhayapaadayo"scalana"saktihiino janmaarabhya kha nja. h kadaapi gamana. m naakarot etaad. r"sa eko maanu. so lustraanagara upavi"sya paulasya kathaa. m "srutavaan|
9 He sat there listening to Paul speaking. When Paul looked directly at him, and realized that the man was trusting in God to heal him,
etasmin samaye paulastamprati d. r.s. ti. m k. rtvaa tasya svaasthye vi"svaasa. m viditvaa proccai. h kathitavaan
10 Paul said in a loud voice, “Stand up on your feet!” The man jumped to his feet and started walking.
padbhyaamutti. s.than. rju rbhava|tata. h sa ullampha. m k. rtvaa gamanaagamane kutavaan|
11 When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted out in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us looking like men!”
tadaa lokaa. h paulasya tat kaaryya. m vilokya lukaayaniiyabhaa. sayaa proccai. h kathaametaa. m kathitavanta. h, devaa manu. syaruupa. m dh. rtvaasmaaka. m samiipam avaarohan|
12 They identified Barnabas as the Greek god Zeus, and Paul as the god Hermes because he was one who did most of the talking.
te bar. nabbaa. m yuupitaram avadan paula"sca mukhyo vaktaa tasmaat ta. m markuriyam avadan|
13 The priest of the temple of Zeus that lay just outside the town, brought oxen and wreaths to the town gates. He planned to carry out a sacrifice in front of the crowds.
tasya nagarasya sammukhe sthaapitasya yuupitaravigrahasya yaajako v. r.saan pu. spamaalaa"sca dvaarasamiipam aaniiya lokai. h sarddha. m taavuddi"sya samuts. rjya daatum udyata. h|
14 But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul learned what was happening, they tore their clothes, and rushed into the crowds, shouting out,
tadvaarttaa. m "srutvaa bar. nabbaapaulau sviiyavastraa. ni chitvaa lokaanaa. m madhya. m vegena pravi"sya proccai. h kathitavantau,
15 “People, what are you doing? We are human beings with the same kind of nature as you. We came to bring you good news, so you could turn from these pointless things to a God who is truly alive. He is the one who made heaven, earth, and sea, and everything in them.
he mahecchaa. h kuta etaad. r"sa. m karmma kurutha? aavaamapi yu. smaad. r"sau sukhadu. hkhabhoginau manu. syau, yuyam etaa. h sarvvaa v. rthaakalpanaa. h parityajya yathaa gaga. navasundharaajalanidhiinaa. m tanmadhyasthaanaa. m sarvve. saa nca sra. s.taaramamaram ii"svara. m prati paraavarttadhve tadartham aavaa. m yu. smaaka. m sannidhau susa. mvaada. m pracaarayaava. h|
16 In past times he allowed all the nations to follow their own ways.
sa ii"svara. h puurvvakaale sarvvade"siiyalokaan svasvamaarge calitumanumati. m dattavaan,
17 Even so he still provided evidence of himself by doing good, sending you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons, providing all the food you need, and filling you with happiness.”
tathaapi aakaa"saat toyavar. sa. nena naanaaprakaara"sasyotpatyaa ca yu. smaaka. m hitai. sii san bhak. syairaananadena ca yu. smaakam anta. hkara. naani tarpayan taani daanaani nijasaak. sisvaruupaa. ni sthapitavaan|
18 With these words they barely managed to stop the crowds from offering sacrifices to them.
kintu taad. r"saayaa. m kathaayaa. m kathitaayaamapi tayo. h samiipa utsarjanaat lokanivaha. m praaye. na nivarttayitu. m naa"saknutaam|
19 But then some Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived and won over the crowds. They stoned Paul, and dragged him outside the town, thinking he was dead.
aantiyakhiyaa-ikaniyanagaraabhyaa. m katipayayihuudiiyalokaa aagatya lokaan praavarttayanta tasmaat tai paula. m prastarairaaghnan tena sa m. rta iti vij naaya nagarasya bahistam aak. r.sya niitavanta. h|
20 But when the believers gathered around him, he got up, and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.
kintu "si. syaga. ne tasya caturdi"si ti. s.thati sati sa svayam utthaaya punarapi nagaramadhya. m praavi"sat tatpare. ahani bar. nabbaasahito darbbiinagara. m gatavaan|
21 After sharing the good news with the people in that town, and after many had become believers, they went back to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch.
tatra susa. mvaada. m pracaaryya bahulokaan "si. syaan k. rtvaa tau lustraam ikaniyam aantiyakhiyaa nca paraav. rtya gatau|
22 They encouraged the believers to remain firm and to continue to trust in Jesus. “We have to go through many trials to enter God's kingdom,” they said.
bahudu. hkhaani bhuktvaapii"svararaajya. m prave. s.tavyam iti kaara. naad dharmmamaarge sthaatu. m vinaya. m k. rtvaa "si. syaga. nasya mana. hsthairyyam akurutaa. m|
23 After they had appointed elders for every church, and had prayed and fasted with them, Paul and Barnabas left them in the Lord's care, the one that they trusted in.
ma. n.daliinaa. m praaciinavargaan niyujya praarthanopavaasau k. rtvaa yatprabhau te vya"svasan tasya haste taan samarpya
24 They passed through Pisidia, and arrived in Pamphylia.
pisidiyaamadhyena paamphuliyaade"sa. m gatavantau|
25 They spoke God's word in Perga, and then went on to Attalia.
pa"scaat pargaanagara. m gatvaa susa. mvaada. m pracaaryya attaaliyaanagara. m prasthitavantau|
26 From there they sailed back to Antioch where they had started out, having been dedicated there in God's grace to the work they had now accomplished.
tasmaat samudrapathena gatvaa taabhyaa. m yat karmma sampanna. m tatkarmma saadhayitu. m yannagare dayaalorii"svarasya haste samarpitau jaatau tad aantiyakhiyaanagara. m gatavantaa|
27 When they arrived, they called the church together. They reported everything God had done through them, and how he had opened a door for the foreigners to trust in him.
tatropasthaaya tannagarasthama. n.dalii. m sa. mg. rhya svaabhyaama ii"svaro yadyat karmmakarot tathaa yena prakaare. na bhinnade"siiyalokaan prati vi"svaasaruupadvaaram amocayad etaan sarvvav. rttaantaan taan j naapitavantau|
28 They stayed there with the believers for a long time.
tatastau "siryyai. h saarddha. m tatra bahudinaani nyavasataam|

< Acts 14 >