< 2 Timothy 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus chosen by God, sent to tell about the promise of real life that is in Christ Jesus.
Paulo mtume wa Kristo Yesu kwa mapenzi ya Mungu, kulingana na ile ahadi ya uzima uliomo ndani ya Kristo Yesu.
2 I'm sending it to you Timothy, my dear son. May you have grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
Kwa Timotheo, mwanangu mpendwa: Neema, rehema na amani itokayo kwa Mungu Baba, na kwa Kristo Yesu Bwana wetu.
3 I'm always thinking of you and I'm so thankful to God, whom I serve as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience. I never forget to mention you in my prayers.
Ninamshukuru Mungu, ninayemtumikia kwa dhamiri safi, kama walivyofanya baba zangu, ninapokukumbuka usiku na mchana katika maombi yangu.
4 I remember how you cried, and I so want to see you! That would make me really happy.
Nikiyakumbuka machozi yako, ninatamani sana kukuona ili nipate kujawa na furaha.
5 I keep in mind your sincere trust in God, the same trust that your grandmother Lois and mother Eunice also had—and I know that same trust continues in you.
Nimekuwa nikiikumbuka imani yako ya kweli, waliokuwa nayo bibi yako Loisi na mama yako Eunike na ambayo mimi ninasadiki sasa wewe pia unayo.
6 That's why I want to remind you to revitalize God's gracious gift to you which you received when I placed my hands on you.
Kwa sababu hii nakukumbusha uchochee ile karama ya Mungu, iliyowekwa ndani yako nilipokuwekea mikono yangu.
7 God didn't give us a spirit that makes us fearful, but a spirit of power and love and good sense.
Maana Mungu hakutupa roho ya woga, bali roho ya nguvu, ya upendo na ya moyo wa kiasi.
8 So don't be ashamed to tell others about our Lord, or be ashamed of me. Instead be ready to share in suffering for the good news as God gives you strength.
Kwa hiyo usione haya kushuhudia kuhusu Bwana wetu, wala usinionee haya mimi niliye mfungwa kwa ajili yake. Bali uishiriki pamoja nami taabu ya Injili, kwa kadiri ya nguvu ya Mungu,
9 He is the one who has saved us and called us to live a holy life—not through what we do, but by God's own plan and through his grace. (aiōnios g166)
ambaye alituokoa na kutuita katika mwito mtakatifu: si kwa kadiri ya matendo yetu mema bali kwa sababu ya kusudi lake mwenyewe na neema yake. Neema hii tulipewa katika Kristo Yesu tangu milele. (aiōnios g166)
10 He gave this grace to us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, and is now revealed in the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus. He destroyed death, making life and immortality brilliantly clear through the good news.
Lakini sasa imefunuliwa kwa kudhihirishwa kwake Mwokozi wetu, Kristo Yesu, ambaye amebatilisha mauti na kuleta uzima na kutokufa kwa njia ya Injili.
11 I was appointed speaker, apostle, and teacher of this good news.
Nami nimewekwa kuwa mhubiri, mtume na mwalimu wa Injili hii.
12 That's also the reason I'm suffering all this, but I'm not ashamed, because I know whom I've trusted. I'm confident that he can look after what I've entrusted to him until the Day he returns.
Hii ndiyo sababu ninateseka namna hii, lakini sioni haya kwa maana ninamjua yeye niliyemwamini, na kusadiki ya kuwa anaweza kukilinda kile nilichokiweka amana kwake hadi siku ile.
13 You should follow the model of good advice that you learned from me, with an attitude of trust and love in Christ Jesus.
Shika kwa uthabiti kielelezo cha mafundisho yenye uzima yale uliyoyasikia kwangu, pamoja na imani na upendo katika Kristo Yesu.
14 Guard the truth that was entrusted to you through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
Ilinde ile amana uliyokabidhiwa kwa Roho Mtakatifu akaaye ndani yetu.
15 You already know that everyone from Asia has abandoned me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.
Unajua ya kuwa watu wote katika Asia wameniacha, miongoni mwao wamo Filego na Hermogene.
16 May the Lord be kind to the family of Onesiphorus, because he often took care of me and wasn't embarrassed about me being in prison.
Bwana akawahurumie watu wa nyumbani mwa Onesiforo, kwa sababu aliniburudisha mara kwa mara wala hakuionea aibu minyororo yangu.
17 When he was in Rome, he took the trouble to search for me, and he found me.
Badala yake, alipokuwa Rumi, alinitafuta kwa bidii mpaka akanipata.
18 May the Lord grant him his blessing in the Day of Judgment. (Timothy, you're very much aware of how much Onesiphorus did for me when he was in Ephesus.)
Bwana na amjalie kupata rehema zake siku ile! Nawe unajua vyema jinsi alivyonisaidia huko Efeso.

< 2 Timothy 1 >