< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 After David had gone a little way past the top of the mountain, there was Ziba, Mephibosheth's servant, waiting to meet him. He had two donkeys already saddled with him carrying two hundred loaves of bread, a hundred raisin cakes, a hundred summer fruits, and a skin of wine.
Da David var kommet lidt paa den anden Side af Bjergets Top, Kom Mefibosjets Tjener Ziba ham i Møde med et Par opsadlede Æsler, som bar 200 Brød, 100 Rosinkager, 100 Frugter og en Dunk Vin.
2 “What did you bring these for?” David asked Ziba. Ziba replied, “The donkeys are for the king's family to ride on, the bread and summer fruit are for the men to eat, and the wine is for those to drink who get worn out in the wilderness.”
Da sagde Kongen til Ziba: »Hvad vil du med det?« Og Ziba svarede: »Æslerne er bestemt til Ridedyr for Kongens Hus, Brødene og Frugterne til Spise for Folkene og Vinen til Drikke for dem, der bliver trætte i Ørkenen!«
3 “Where is your master's grandson?” the king asked. Ziba answered, “He decided to stay in Jerusalem. He's saying, ‘Today the people of Israel will give me back my grandfather's kingdom.’”
Saa sagde Kongen: »Hvor er din Herres Søn?« Ziba svarede Kongen: »Han blev i Jerusalem; thi han tænkte: Nu vil Israels Hus give mig min Faders Kongedømme tilbage!«
4 The king told Ziba, “I give you everything that belongs to Mephibosheth!” “I bow before you,” Ziba replied. “May you approve of me, Your Majesty.”
Da sagde Kongen til Ziba: »Dig skal hele Mefibosjets Ejendom tilhøre!« Og Ziba sagde: »Jeg bøjer mig dybt! Maatte jeg finde Naade for min Herre Kongens Øjne!«
5 As King David arrived at the town of Bahurim, a man from Saul's family was just leaving. His name was Shimei, son of Gera, and he was shouting out curses as he came.
Men da Kong David kom til Bahurim, se, da kom en Mand ved Navn Simeï, Geras Søn, af samme Slægt som Sauls Hus, gaaende ud af Byen, alt imedens han udstødte Forbandelser,
6 He threw stones at David and all the king's officers, even though the king's men and all his bodyguards surrounded David.
og han kastede Sten efter David og alle Kong Davids Folk, skønt alle Krigerne og alle Kærnetropperne gik paa begge Sider af ham.
7 “Get out of here, just get out, you murderer, you wicked man!” Shimei said as he cursed.
Og Simeï forbandede ham med de Ord: »Bort, bort med dig, din Blodhund, din Usling!
8 “The Lord has paid you back for all of Saul's family that you killed, and for stealing Saul's throne. The Lord has given the kingdom to your son Absalom. Look how you've ended up in disaster because you're a murderer!”
HERREN har nu bragt alt Sauls Hus's Blod over dig, han, i hvis Sted du blev Konge, og HERREN har nu givet din Søn Absalom Kongedømmet; nu har Ulykken ramt dig, fordi du er en Blodhund!«
9 Abishai, son of Zeruiah, asked the king, “Why should this dead dog curse Your Majesty? Let me go and cut off his head!”
Da sagde Abisjaj, Zerujas Søn, til Kongen: »Hvorfor skal den døde Hund have Lov at forbande min Herre Kongen? Lad mig gaa hen og hugge Hovedet af ham!«
10 “What's that got to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah?” the king replied. “If he's cursing me because the Lord told him to, then who can question what he's doing?”
Men Kongen svarede: »Hvad har jeg med eder at gøre, Zerujasønner! Naar han forbander, og naar HERREN har budt ham at forbande David, hvem tør da sige: Hvorfor gør du det?«
11 David said to Abishai and to all his officers, “Look, if my very own son is trying to kill me, why shouldn't this Benjamite want to even more! Leave him alone; let him curse me, for the Lord told him to.
Og David sagde til Abisjaj og alle sine Folk: »Naar min egen Søn, som er udgaaet af min Lænd, staar mig efter Livet, hvad kan man da ikke vente af denne Benjaminit! Lad ham kun forbande, naar HERREN har budt ham det!
12 Perhaps the Lord will see how I'm suffering and will pay me back with good for his curses today.”
Maaske vil HERREN se til mig i min Nød og gøre mig godt til Gengæld for hans Forbandelse i Dag!«
13 David and his men continued down the road, with Shimei keeping up with them on the hillside opposite. He went on cursing as he went along, throwing stones and dirt at David.
Derpaa gik David med sine Mænd hen ad Vejen, medens Simeï fulgte ham oppe paa Bjergskraaningen og stadig udstødte Forbandelser, slog med Sten og kastede Støv efter ham.
14 The king and everyone with him were tired out when they arrived at the Jordan. David rested there.
Saaledes kom Kongen og alle Krigerne, som fulgte ham, udmattede til Jordan og hvilede ud der.
15 In the meantime Absalom and all the Israelites with him arrived in Jerusalem, along with Ahithophel.
Imidlertid var Absalom draget ind i Jerusalem med alle Israels Mænd, og Akitofel var hos ham.
16 Hushai the Arkite, David's friend, went to see Absalom and declared, “Long live the king! Long live the king!”
Da nu Arkiten Husjaj, Davids Ven, kom til Absalom, sagde han til ham: »Kongen leve, Kongen leve!«
17 “Is this how you show loyalty to your friend?” Absalom asked. “Why didn't you leave with your friend?”
Absalom sagde til Husjaj: »Er det saadan, du viser din Ven Godhed? Hvorfor fulgte du ikke din Ven?«
18 “Certainly not!” Hushai replied. “I'm on the side of the one chosen by the Lord, by the army, and by all the people of Israel. I will remain loyal to him.
Husjaj svarede Absalom: »Nej, den, som HERREN og dette Folk og alle Israels Mænd har valgt, i hans Tjeneste vil jeg træde, og hos ham vil jeg blive!
19 In any case, why shouldn't I serve his son? In the same way I served your father I will serve you.”
Og desuden: Hvem er det, jeg tjener? Mon ikke hans Søn? Som jeg har tjent din Fader, vil jeg tjene dig!«
20 Then Absalom asked Ahithophel, “Give me your advice. What shall we do?”
Absalom sagde saa til Akitofel: »Kom med eders Raad! Hvad skal vi gøre?«
21 Ahithophel told him, “Go and sleep with your father's concubines—the ones he left here to look after the palace. Then everyone in Israel will realize that you have so offended your father there's no turning back, which will encourage all your supporters.”
Akitofel svarede Absalom: »Gaa ind til din Faders Medhustruer, som han har ladet blive tilbage for at se efter Huset; saa kan hele Israel skønne, at du har lagt dig for Had hos din Fader, og alle de, der har sluttet sig til dig, vil faa nyt Mod!«
22 So they put up a tent on the palace roof and Absalom went in and had sex with his father's concubines in the full view of everyone.
Absaloms Telt blev saa rejst paa Taget, og Absalom gik ind til sin Faders Medhustruer i hele Israels Paasyn.
23 At that time Ahithophel's advice was like receiving messages from God himself. This was how both David and Absalom viewed Ahithophel's advice.
Det Raad, Akitofel gav i de Tider, gjaldt nemlig lige saa meget, som naar man adspurgte Gud; saa meget gjaldt ethvert Raad af Akitofel baade hos David og Absalom.

< 2 Samuel 16 >