< 2 Samuel 12 >

1 The Lord sent Nathan to see David. When he got there, he said, “Once there were two men living in the same town. One was rich, and one was poor.
Bwana akamtuma Nathani kwa Daudi. Alipofika kwake akamwambia, “Katika mji mmoja kulikuwepo na watu wawili, mmoja alikuwa tajiri na mwingine alikuwa maskini.
2 The rich man had many thousands of sheep and cattle,
Yule mtu tajiri alikuwa na idadi kubwa sana ya kondoo na ngʼombe,
3 but the poor man didn't have anything but one small ewe lamb that he had bought. He cared for it, and it grew up with him and his children. It would eat from his plate and drank from his cup. It slept on his lap and was like a daughter to him.
lakini yule maskini hakuwa na chochote ila kondoo jike mdogo aliyekuwa amemnunua. Akamtunza kondoo huyo, akakulia kwake pamoja na watoto wake. Kondoo huyo alishiriki chakula cha bwana wake na kunywea kikombe chake hata pia huyo kondoo alilala mikononi mwa bwana wake. Kwake alikuwa kama binti yake.
4 One day the rich man had a visitor. He didn't want to take one of his own sheep or cattle to feed his visitor. He took the poor man's lamb instead to prepare a meal for his visitor.”
“Siku moja yule tajiri akafikiwa na mgeni, lakini huyo tajiri akaacha kuchukua mmoja wa kondoo au ngʼombe wake mwenyewe amwandalie mgeni. Badala yake akachukua yule kondoo jike mdogo aliyekuwa mali ya yule maskini na kumwandalia yule mgeni wake.”
5 David became absolutely furious with what that man did, and angrily told Nathan. “As the Lord lives, the man who did this should be put to death!
Daudi akawakwa na hasira dhidi ya mtu huyo tajiri na kumwambia Nathani, “Hakika kama Bwana aishivyo, mtu huyo aliyefanya hivyo anastahili kufa!
6 He must repay that lamb with four of his own for doing this, for being so heartless.”
Lazima alipe mara nne zaidi, kwa ajili ya kondoo huyo, kwa sababu amefanya jambo kama hilo na hakuwa na huruma.”
7 “You are that man!” Nathan told David. “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I anointed you king of Israel, and I saved you from Saul.
Ndipo Nathani akamwambia Daudi, “Wewe ndiwe huyo mtu! Hivi ndivyo asemavyo Bwana, Mungu wa Israeli: ‘Nilikupaka mafuta uwe mfalme juu ya Israeli, nilikuokoa kutokana na mkono wa Sauli.
8 I gave your master's house to you and placed your master's wives in your lap. I gave you the kingdom of Israel and Judah, and if that hadn't been enough, I would have given you so much more.
Nilikupa nyumba ya bwana wako na wake za bwana wako mikononi mwako. Nikakupa nyumba ya Israeli na Yuda. Kama haya yote yalikuwa madogo sana, ningekupa hata zaidi.
9 So why have you treated what Lord said with contempt by doing evil in his sight? You killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword and stole his wife—you killed him using the sword of the Ammonites.
Kwa nini ulilidharau neno la Bwana kwa kufanya lililo ovu machoni pake? Ulimuua Uria, Mhiti kwa upanga na kumchukua mke wake awe mkeo. Ulimuua kwa upanga wa Waamoni.
10 So your descendants will always face the sword that kills because you treated me with contempt and stole Uriah's wife.
Basi kwa hiyo, upanga hautaondoka nyumbani mwako kamwe kwa sababu ulinidharau mimi na kumchukua mke wa Uria, Mhiti kuwa mkeo.’
11 This is what the Lord says: I'm going to bring disaster in you from your own family. I will take your wives before your very eyes and give them to someone else, and he will sleep openly with your wives where everyone can see.
“Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Kutoka kwa nyumba yako mwenyewe nitaleta maafa juu yako. Mbele ya macho yako mwenyewe nitatwaa wake zako na kumpa yeye aliye wa karibu nawe, naye atakutana kimwili na wake zako mchana mwangavu.
12 You did it all in secret, but I will do it openly where everyone in all of Israel can see.”
Ulifanya kwa siri, lakini nitalifanya jambo hili wakati wa mchana mwangavu mbele ya Israeli yote.’”
13 David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” “The Lord has forgiven your sins. You're not going to die,” Nathan replied.
Ndipo Daudi akamjibu Nathani, “Nimefanya dhambi dhidi ya Bwana.” Nathani akamjibu, “Bwana amekuondolea dhambi yako. Hutakufa.
14 “But because by doing this you have treated the Lord with complete contempt, the son you have will die.”
Lakini kwa sababu kwa kufanya hili umefanya adui za Bwana kuonyesha dharau kabisa, mwana atakayezaliwa kwako atakufa.”
15 Then Nathan went home. The Lord made the child that Uriah's wife had borne to David become very sick.
Baada ya Nathani kurudi nyumbani kwake, Bwana akampiga yule mtoto ambaye mke wa Uria alikuwa amemzalia Daudi, akaugua.
16 David pleaded with God on behalf of the boy. He fasted, went to his bedroom, and spent the night lying in sackcloth on the ground.
Daudi akamwomba Mungu kwa ajili ya mtoto. Akafunga na akaingia ndani ya nyumba yake akawa siku zote analala sakafuni usiku kucha.
17 His senior officials approached him and tried to help him up from the ground, but he didn't want to, and he refused their appeals to eat.
Wazee wa nyumbani mwake wakamwendea wakasimama karibu naye ili kumwamsha kutoka pale sakafuni, lakini akakataa, wala hakula chochote pamoja nao.
18 On the seventh day the child died. But David's officials were scared to tell him that the child was dead, for they said to each other, “Look, while the child was still alive, we talked with him, and he refused to listen to us. How on earth can we tell him the child is dead? He may do something really bad!”
Kunako siku ya saba yule mtoto akafa. Watumishi wa Daudi wakaogopa kumwambia kuwa mtoto amekufa, kwa maana walifikiri, “Wakati mtoto alipokuwa angali hai, tulizungumza na Daudi lakini hakutusikiliza. Tutawezaje kumwambia kwamba mtoto amekufa? Anaweza kufanya kitu cha kujidhuru.”
19 But David saw his officials were whispering among themselves, he realized that the child was dead. So he asked his officials, “Did the child die?” “Yes, he died,” they replied.
Daudi akaona kuwa watumishi wake wananongʼonezana wenyewe, naye akatambua kuwa mtoto alikuwa amekufa. Akauliza “Je, ni kwamba huyo mtoto amekufa?” Wakamjibu, “Ndiyo, mtoto amekufa.”
20 David got up from the ground, washed and put on scented oils, and changed his clothes. Then he went to the house of the Lord and worshiped. Afterwards he went back home, and asked for some food. So they served him a meal which he ate.
Basi Daudi akainuka kutoka pale sakafuni. Baada ya kuoga, akajipaka mafuta na kubadilisha nguo zake kisha akaenda ndani ya nyumba ya Bwana, akaabudu. Baada ya hapo akaenda nyumbani kwake kwa kutaka kwake, wakamwandalia chakula, naye akala.
21 “Why are you acting like this?” his officials asked him. “While the child was still alive, you fasted and cried aloud, but now that he's dead, you get up and eat.”
Watumishi wake wakamuuliza, “Kwa nini unafanya hivi? Mtoto alipokuwa angali hai, ulifunga na kulia; lakini sasa mtoto amekufa, umeinuka na kula.”
22 David replied, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and cried aloud, for I thought to myself, ‘Who knows? Maybe the Lord will be gracious to me and let him live.’
Akajibu, “Wakati mtoto alipokuwa bado yungali hai, nilifunga na kulia. Nilifikiri, ‘Nani ajuaye? Bwana aweza kunirehemu ili kumwacha mtoto aishi.’
23 But now that he's dead, what's the point for me to go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? One day I will die and go to him, but he will never come back to me.”
Lakini sasa kwa kuwa amekufa, kwa nini nifunge? Je, naweza kumrudisha tena? Mimi nitakwenda kwake, lakini yeye hatanirudia mimi.”
24 David consoled his wife Bathsheba, and he made love to her. She gave birth to a son, and named him Solomon. The Lord loved the child,
Ndipo Daudi akamfariji Bathsheba mkewe, akaingia kwake akakutana naye kimwili. Akazaa mwana, wakamwita jina lake Solomoni. Bwana alimpenda Solomoni.
25 so he sent a message through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah, because the Lord loved him.
Kwa kuwa Bwana alimpenda, akatuma neno kwa Daudi kwa kinywa cha nabii Nathani kuwa mtoto aitwe Yedidia kwa ajili ya Bwana.
26 At this time Joab had been fighting against the Ammonite town of Rabbah, and had captured the royal fortress.
Wakati huo Yoabu akapigana dhidi ya Raba jamii ya Waamoni na kuteka ngome la kifalme.
27 Joab sent messengers to David to tell him, “I have attacked Rabbah and I have also captured its water supply.
Kisha Yoabu akatuma wajumbe kwa Daudi, kusema, “Nimepigana dhidi ya Raba, nami nimetwaa chanzo chake cha maji.
28 So please call up the rest of the army, besiege the town, and capture it. Otherwise I will capture the city, and I will get the credit.”
Sasa kusanya vikosi vilivyobaki na ukauzingire mji kwa jeshi na kuuteka. La sivyo, nitauteka mimi, nao utaitwa kwa jina langu.”
29 So David called up the rest of the army and marched on Rabbah. He attacked it and captured it.
Kwa hiyo Daudi akakusanya jeshi lote akaenda Raba, akaushambulia na kuuteka.
30 He took the crown from the head of their king, and it was placed on David's head. It weighed a talent of gold and was decorated with precious stones. David took a large amount of plunder from the town.
Akachukua taji kutoka kwa kichwa cha mfalme wao, lililokuwa na uzito wa talanta moja ya dhahabu, nayo ilizungushiwa vito vya thamani. Ikawekwa juu ya kichwa cha Daudi. Alichukua nyara nyingi kutoka mjini huo.
31 David took the inhabitants and forced them to work with saws, iron picks, and axes, and he also made them work making bricks. He did the same in all the Ammonite towns. Then David and the whole Israelite army returned to Jerusalem.
Akawatoa watu waliokuwa humo, akawaweka wafanye kazi kwa misumeno, sululu za chuma na mashoka, naye akawaweka kwenye kazi ya kutengeneza matofali. Akafanya hivi kwa miji yote ya Waamoni. Kisha Daudi na jeshi lake lote wakarudi Yerusalemu.

< 2 Samuel 12 >