< 2 Samuel 10 >

1 Sometime after this, Nahash, the Ammonite king died and his son Hanun succeeded him.
Factum est autem post hæc ut moreretur rex filiorum Ammon, et regnavit Hanon filius ejus pro eo.
2 David said, “I will be kind to Hanun, son of Nahash, just as his father was kind to me.” So David sent representatives to take his condolences to Hanun regarding his father. But when they arrived in the country of the Ammonites,
Dixitque David: Faciam misericordiam cum Hanon filio Naas, sicut fecit pater ejus mecum misericordiam. Misit ergo David, consolans eum per servos suos super patris interitu. Cum autem venissent servi David in terram filiorum Ammon,
3 the Ammonite military leaders said to Hanun their king, “Do you really believe David sent condolences to you out of respect for your father? Isn't it more likely that David sent his representatives to scout out the city, spy on it, and then conquer it?”
dixerunt principes filiorum Ammon ad Hanon dominum suum: Putas quod propter honorem patris tui miserit David ad te consolatores, et non ideo ut investigaret, et exploraret civitatem, et everteret eam, misit David servos suos ad te?
4 So Hanun had David's representatives detained, shaved off half of each man's beard, cut off their clothes at the buttocks, and then sent them back home.
Tulit itaque Hanon servos David, rasitque dimidiam partem barbæ eorum et præscidit vestes eorum medias usque ad nates, et dimisit eos.
5 When David was told about this, he sent messengers to meet them, because they were very embarrassed. The king instructed them, “Stay in Jericho until your beards have re-grown, and then you can return.”
Quod cum nuntiatum esset David, misit in occursum eorum: erant enim viri confusi turpiter valde, et mandavit eis David: Manete in Jericho donec crescat barba vestra, et tunc revertimini.
6 When the Ammonites realized they had become like a bad smell to David, they sent a request to the Arameans and hired twenty thousand of their foot soldiers from Beth Rehob and Zobah, as well as one thousand men from the king of Maakah, and also twelve thousand men from Tob.
Videntes autem filii Ammon quod injuriam fecissent David, miserunt, et conduxerunt mercede Syrum Rohob, et Syrum Soba, viginti millia peditum, et a rege Maacha mille viros, et ab Istob duodecim millia virorum.
7 When David learned of this, he sent Joab and the entire army to confront them.
Quod cum audisset David, misit Joab et omnem exercitum bellatorum.
8 The Ammonites set up their battle lines near the entrance to their town gate, while the Arameans of Zobah and Rehob and the men of Tob and Maacah took up positions by themselves in the open fields.
Egressi sunt ergo filii Ammon, et direxerunt aciem ante ipsum introitum portæ: Syrus autem Soba, et Rohob, et Istob, et Maacha, seorsum erant in campo.
9 Joab realized he would have to fight both in front of him and behind him, he chose some of Israel's best troops and he took charge of them to lead the attack the Arameans.
Videns igitur Joab quod præparatum esset adversum se prælium et ex adverso et post tergum, elegit ex omnibus electis Israël, et instruxit aciem contra Syrum:
10 He put the rest of the army under the command of Abishai, his brother. They were to attack the Ammonites.
reliquam autem partem populi tradidit Abisai fratri suo, qui direxit aciem adversus filios Ammon.
11 Joab told him, “If the Arameans are stronger than me, you come and help me. If the Ammonites are stronger than you, I'll come and help you.
Et ait Joab: Si prævaluerint adversum me Syri, eris mihi in adjutorium: si autem filii Ammon prævaluerint adversum te, auxiliabor tibi.
12 Be brave, and fight your best for our people and the towns of our God. May the Lord do what he sees as good!”
Esto vir fortis, et pugnemus pro populo nostro et civitate Dei nostri: Dominus autem faciet quod bonum est in conspectu suo.
13 Joab attacked the Arameans with his forces and they ran away from him.
Iniit itaque Joab, et populus qui erat cum eo, certamen contra Syros: qui statim fugerunt a facie ejus.
14 When the Ammonites saw that the Arameans had run away, they also ran away from Abishai, and retreated into the town. So Joab went back to Jerusalem after fighting the Ammonites.
Filii autem Ammon videntes quia fugissent Syri, fugerunt et ipsi a facie Abisai, et ingressi sunt civitatem: reversusque est Joab a filiis Ammon, et venit Jerusalem.
15 As soon as the Arameans saw they had been defeated by the Israelites they reassembled their forces.
Videntes igitur Syri quoniam corruissent coram Israël, congregati sunt pariter.
16 Hadadezer sent for more Arameans to be brought from beyond the Euphrates River. They arrived in Helam under the leadership of Shobach, commander of Hadadezer's army.
Misitque Adarezer, et eduxit Syros qui erant trans fluvium, et adduxit eorum exercitum: Sobach autem, magister militiæ Adarezer, erat princeps eorum.
17 When this was reported to David, he assembled all Israel together. He crossed the Jordan and advanced on Helam. The Arameans positioned themselves in battle line against David and fought him.
Quod cum nuntiatum esset David, contraxit omnem Israëlem, et transivit Jordanem, venitque in Helam: et direxerunt aciem Syri ex adverso David, et pugnaverunt contra eum.
18 But the Aramean army ran away from the Israelites, and David killed 700 charioteers and 40,000 infantry. He also attacked Shobach, their army commander, and he died there.
Fugeruntque Syri a facie Israël, et occidit David de Syris septingentos currus, et quadraginta millia equitum: et Sobach principem militiæ percussit, qui statim mortuus est.
19 When all the kings allied with Hadadezer realized that they had been defeated by Israel, they made peace with David and became subject to him. As a result, the Arameans were afraid to help the Ammonites any more.
Videntes autem universi reges qui erant in præsidio Adarezer, se victos esse ab Israël, expaverunt, et fugerunt quinquaginta et octo millia coram Israël. Et fecerunt pacem cum Israël, et servierunt eis: timueruntque Syri auxilium præbere ultra filiis Ammon.

< 2 Samuel 10 >