< 2 Peter 3 >

1 My friends, this is my second letter to you. In both of them I've tried to stir you up and remind you to think clearly with pure minds.
hē priyatamāḥ, yūyaṁ yathā pavitrabhaviṣyadvaktr̥bhiḥ pūrvvōktāni vākyāni trātrā prabhunā prēritānām asmākam ādēśañca sāratha tathā yuṣmān smārayitvā
2 Remember the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets, and what the Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles.
yuṣmākaṁ saralabhāvaṁ prabōdhayitum ahaṁ dvitīyam idaṁ patraṁ likhāmi|
3 Above all you should know that derisive people will come in the last days, full of mockery and following their own evil desires.
prathamaṁ yuṣmābhiridaṁ jñāyatāṁ yat śēṣē kālē svēcchācāriṇō nindakā upasthāya
4 “So what happened to this coming he promised?” they ask. “Right from the time our ancestors died, everything's continued as it always has, ever since creation began.”
vadiṣyanti prabhōrāgamanasya pratijñā kutra? yataḥ pitr̥lōkānāṁ mahānidrāgamanāt paraṁ sarvvāṇi sr̥ṣṭērārambhakālē yathā tathaivāvatiṣṭhantē|
5 But they deliberately ignore the fact that by God's command the heavens were created long ago. The earth came into existence from the water, and was surrounded by water.
pūrvvam īśvarasya vākyēnākāśamaṇḍalaṁ jalād utpannā jalē santiṣṭhamānā ca pr̥thivyavidyataitad anicchukatātastē na jānānti,
6 It was through water that the world that then existed was destroyed—through being flooded by water.
tatastātkālikasaṁsārō jalēnāplāvitō vināśaṁ gataḥ|
7 But by means of that same divine command the heavens and the earth that now exist are reserved for destruction by fire at the day of judgment when the wicked will be destroyed.
kintvadhunā varttamānē ākāśabhūmaṇḍalē tēnaiva vākyēna vahnyarthaṁ guptē vicāradinaṁ duṣṭamānavānāṁ vināśañca yāvad rakṣyatē|
8 However, my friends, don't forget this one thing: that for the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.
hē priyatamāḥ, yūyam ētadēkaṁ vākyam anavagatā mā bhavata yat prabhōḥ sākṣād dinamēkaṁ varṣasahasravad varṣasahasrañca dinaikavat|
9 The Lord is not delaying the fulfillment of his promise, as some define delay, but he is being very patient with you. He doesn't want anyone to be lost, but everyone to come and repent.
kēcid yathā vilambaṁ manyantē tathā prabhuḥ svapratijñāyāṁ vilambatē tannahi kintu kō'pi yanna vinaśyēt sarvvaṁ ēva manaḥparāvarttanaṁ gacchēyurityabhilaṣan sō 'smān prati dīrghasahiṣṇutāṁ vidadhāti|
10 However, the day of the Lord will come, unexpectedly like a thief. The heavens will explode with a thunderous roar, and the elements will be destroyed as they are burned up. The earth and everything in it will vanish.
kintu kṣapāyāṁ caura iva prabhō rdinam āgamiṣyati tasmin mahāśabdēna gaganamaṇḍalaṁ lōpsyatē mūlavastūni ca tāpēna galiṣyantē pr̥thivī tanmadhyasthitāni karmmāṇi ca dhakṣyantē|
11 Since everything is going to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people should you be? You should be living lives that are pure, dedicated to God,
ataḥ sarvvairētai rvikārē gantavyē sati yasmin ākāśamaṇḍalaṁ dāhēna vikāriṣyatē mūlavastūni ca tāpēna galiṣyantē
12 waiting expectantly and being eager for the coming of the day of God. That day the heavens will catch fire and be destroyed, and the elements will melt in the heat.
tasyēśvaradinasyāgamanaṁ pratīkṣamāṇairākāṅkṣamāṇaiśca yūṣmābhi rdharmmācārēśvarabhaktibhyāṁ kīdr̥śai rlōkai rbhavitavyaṁ?
13 But as for us, we are looking for new heavens and a new earth that God has promised where everything is good and right.
tathāpi vayaṁ tasya pratijñānusārēṇa dharmmasya vāsasthānaṁ nūtanam ākāśamaṇḍalaṁ nūtanaṁ bhūmaṇḍalañca pratīkṣāmahē|
14 So, my friends, since you're anticipating these things, make sure you'll be found pure and blameless, and at peace with God.
ataēva hē priyatamāḥ, tāni pratīkṣamāṇā yūyaṁ niṣkalaṅkā aninditāśca bhūtvā yat śāntyāśritāstiṣṭhathaitasmin yatadhvaṁ|
15 Remember that it is our Lord's patience that gives the opportunity for salvation. That's what our dear brother Paul was explaining to you in all his letters with the wisdom given to him by God.
asmākaṁ prabhō rdīrghasahiṣṇutāñca paritrāṇajanikāṁ manyadhvaṁ| asmākaṁ priyabhrātrē paulāya yat jñānam adāyi tadanusārēṇa sō'pi patrē yuṣmān prati tadēvālikhat|
16 He spoke about these things, though some of what he wrote is certainly hard to understand. Some ignorant and unbalanced people have twisted what he wrote to their own loss—just as they do other scriptures.
svakīyasarvvapatrēṣu caitānyadhi prastutya tadēva gadati| tēṣu patrēṣu katipayāni durūhyāṇi vākyāni vidyantē yē ca lōkā ajñānāścañcalāśca tē nijavināśārtham anyaśāstrīyavacanānīva tānyapi vikārayanti|
17 My friends, since you already know this, make sure that these errors of the wicked don't lead you astray, and you don't fall from your firm position.
tasmād hē priyatamāḥ, yūyaṁ pūrvvaṁ buddhvā sāvadhānāstiṣṭhata, adhārmmikāṇāṁ bhrāntisrōtasāpahr̥tāḥ svakīyasusthiratvāt mā bhraśyata|
18 May you grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May he have glory, both now and forever! Amen. (aiōn g165)
kintvasmākaṁ prabhōstrātu ryīśukhrīṣṭasyānugrahē jñānē ca varddhadhvaṁ| tasya gauravam idānīṁ sadākālañca bhūyāt| āmēn| (aiōn g165)

< 2 Peter 3 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood