< 2 Kings 8 >

1 Elisha told the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “You and your family need to pack up and leave, and live where you can somewhere else like a foreigner. For the Lord announced a famine will come to the land and will last seven years.”
Zvino Erisha akanga ati kumukadzi waakararamisira mwanakomana wake, “Enda kure iwe neimba yako unogara chero paunogona kugara, nokuti Jehovha akarayira nzara ichapedza makore manomwe panyika.”
2 The woman packed up and did what the man of God had told her. She and her family went and lived as foreigners for seven years in the country of the Philistines.
Naizvozvo mukadzi akasimuka akaita sezvakanga zvarehwa nomunhu waMwari. Akaenda iye neveimba yake akandogara kwamakore manomwe kunyika yavaFiristia.
3 When the seven years were over, she came back from the country of the Philistines and went to the king to appeal for the return of her house and lands.
Makore manomwe akati akapera, akadzoka kunyika yavaFiristia akaenda kuna mambo akandokumbira kuti adzorerwe imba yake nomunda wake.
4 The king was talking with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, asking him, “Please tell me about all the wonderful things Elisha did.”
Zvino mambo akanga achitaurirana naGehazi, muranda womunhu waMwari, uye akanga ati kwaari, “Nditaurirewo pamusoro pezvinhu zvikuru zvose zvakaitwa naErisha.”
5 It so happened that right then Gehazi was telling the king the story of how Elisha had brought the dead boy back to life when his mother arrived to make her appeal to the king for the return of her house and lands. “My lord the king,” Gehazi called out, “this is the woman, and this is her son that Elisha brought back to life.”
Gehazi achiri kutaurira mambo kuti Erisha akanga araramisa sei mukomana akanga afa, mukadzi aiva nomwanakomana akanga araramiswa naErisha akabva asvika kuti azokumbira imba yake nomunda wake kuna mambo. Gehazi akati, “Uyu ndiye mukadzi wacho, ishe wangu mambo, uye uyu ndiye mwanakomana wake akararamiswa naErisha.”
6 The king asked the woman about it and she explained the whole story to him. The king gave orders to an official, saying, “Make sure everything that belonged to her is returned to her, together with all the profit from her lands from the day that she left the country until now.”
Zvino mambo akabvunza mukadzi pamusoro paizvozvo, iye akamutaurira. Ipapo akatuma mubati kuti aone nezvenyaya yomukadzi uyu akati, “Mudzorerei zvake zvose pamwe nezvibereko zvinobva pamunda wake kubvira pazuva raakabva munyika ino kusvikira zvino.”
7 Elisha went to Damascus when Ben-hadad king of Aram was ill. The king was informed, “The man of God has arrived in town.”
Erisha akaenda kuDhamasiko uye Bheni-Hadhadhi mambo wavaAramu airwara. Mambo akati audzwa kuti, “Munhu waMwari asvika kuno,”
8 The king ordered Hazael, “Take a gift with you and go and meet the man of God. Ask him to ask the Lord, ‘Will I recover from this illness?’”
iye akati kuna Hazaeri, “Tora chipo uende nacho unosangana nomunhu waMwari. Undibvunzirewo Jehovha kubudikidza naye; umubvunze kuti, ‘Ndichaporawo here pakurwara uku?’”
9 So Hazael went to meet Elisha. He took with him a gift of all the best things from Damascus—forty camel-loads of goods. He came in and stood before him and said, “Your son Ben-hadad, king of Aram, has sent me to you to ask, ‘Will I recover from this illness?’”
Hazaeri akaenda kundosangana naErisha, akamuvigira chipo chezvipfeko zvose zvakanga zvakanaka kwazvo zveDhamasiko zvaitakurwa namakumi mana engamera. Akapinda mumba akamira pamberi pake, akati, “Mwanakomana wenyu Bheni-Hadhadhi mambo wavaAramu andituma kuti ndizobvunza kuti, ‘Ndichaporawo here pakurwara uku?’”
10 “Go and tell him, ‘You will definitely recover.’ But the Lord has shown me that definitely he is going to die,” Elisha replied.
Erisha akapindura akati, “Enda unoti kwaari, Zvirokwazvo muchapora, asi Jehovha akandiratidza kuti vachafa zvirokwazvo.”
11 Elisha stared at him for a long time until Hazael became uncomfortable. Then the man of God started to cry.
Akaramba akamutarisa kusvikira Hazaeri anyara. Ipapo munhu waMwari akatanga kuchema.
12 “Why are you crying, my lord?” asked Hazael. “Because I know the evil things you are going to do to the Israelites,” Elisha replied. “You will set their fortresses on fire, kill their young men with the sword, dash to pieces their little ones, and rip open their pregnant women.”
Hazaeri akamubvunza akati, “Seiko ishe wangu achichema?” Iye akapindura akati, “Nokuti ndinoziva zvakaipa zvauchaitira vaIsraeri. Uchapisa nhare dzavo nomoto, uchauraya majaya avo nomunondo, ucharovera pwere dzavo pasi, uye uchatumbura vakadzi vavo vane mimba.”
13 “But how could someone like me who's just a ‘dog’ achieve anything like that?” Hazael asked. “The Lord has shown me that you are going to be the king of Aram,” Elisha replied.
Hazaeri akati, “Ko, muranda wenyu chiiko, iyo imbwa zvayo, kuti angaita chinhu chakakura kudai?” Erisha akapindura akati, “Jehovha akandiratidza kuti iwe uchava mambo wavaAramu.”
14 Hazael left Elisha and went to his master, who asked him, “What did Elisha tell you?” Hazael replied, “He told me you would definitely recover.”
Ipapo Hazaeri akabva pana Erisha akadzokera kuna tenzi wake. Bheni-Hadhadhi paakabvunza achiti, “Erisha akati kudini kwauri?” Hazaeri akapindura akati, “Akandiudza kuti zvirokwazvo muchapora.”
15 But the following day Hazael took the bed cover, soaked it in water, and spread it over the king's face until he died. Then Hazael took over from him as king.
Asi nezuva raitevera akatora jira akarinyika mumvura akapfumbira chiso chamambo kusvikira afa. Ipapo Hazaeri akamutevera paumambo.
16 Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, began his reign as king of Judah in the fifth year of the reign of Joram, son of Ahab, king of Israel, while Jehoshaphat was still king of Judah.
Mugore rechishanu raJoramu mwanakomana waAhabhu mambo weIsraeri, Jehoshafati ari mambo weJudha, Jehoramu mwanakomana waJehoshafati akatanga kutonga kwake samambo weJudha.
17 He was thirty-two when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for eight years.
Akanga ava namakore makumi matatu namaviri paakava mambo, uye akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore masere.
18 Jehoram followed the ways of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for he married a daughter of Ahab and did what was evil in the Lord's sight.
Akafamba munzira dzamadzimambo eIsraeri, sezvakaita imba yaAhabhu, nokuti akawana mwanasikana waAhabhu. Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha.
19 But for the sake of David his servant the Lord didn't want to destroy Judah since he had promised him that there would always be a ruler from his descendants, like a lamp forever.
Kunyange zvakadaro, Jehovha akanga asingadi kuparadza Judha, nokuda kwomuranda wake Dhavhidhi. Akanga avimbisa kupa mwenje kwaari nokuvana vake nokusingaperi.
20 During Jehoram's time as king, Edom rebelled against Judah's rule and chose their own king.
Munguva yaJehoramu, Edhomu yakapandukira Judha ikazvigadzira mambo wayo.
21 So Jehoram went over to Zair with all his chariots. The Edomites surrounded him and his chariot commanders, but he took action and attacked at night. But his army ran back to their homes.
Naizvozvo Jehoramu akaenda kuZairi nengoro dzake dzose. VaEdhomu vakamukomba iye navakuru vake vengoro, asi akamuka usiku akavarwisa; uye hondo yake yakatizira kumusha.
22 As a result Edom has been in rebellion against Judah's rule to this day. At the same time Libnah also decided to rebel.
Naizvozvo vaEdhomu vakabva vamukira vaJudha kusvikira nhasi. Ribhina yakapandukawo panguva imwe cheteyo.
23 The rest of what happened in Jehoram's reign and all that he did are recorded in the Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Judah.
Zvimwe zvakaitwa pamazuva okutonga kwaJehoramu nezvose zvaakaita, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzamadzimambo aJudha?
24 Jehoram died and was buried with his forefathers in the City of David. His son Ahaziah succeeded him as king.
Jehoramu akavata namadzibaba ake akavigwa pamwe chete navo muguta raDhavhidhi. Ahazia mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.
25 Ahaziah, son of Jehoram, became king of Judah in the twelfth year of the reign of Joram, son of Ahab, king of Israel.
Mugore regumi namaviri raJoramu, mwanakomana waAhabhu, mambo weIsraeri, Ahazia, mwanakomana waJehoramu, mambo weJudha akatanga kutonga.
26 Ahaziah was twenty-two when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for one year. His mother's name was Athaliah, the granddaughter of Omri, king of Israel.
Ahazia akanga ana makore makumi maviri namaviri paakava mambo, akatonga muJerusarema kwegore rimwe chete. Zita ramai vake rainzi Ataria, muzukuru waOmuri, mambo weIsraeri.
27 Ahaziah also followed the evil ways of the family of Ahab, and did what was evil in the Lord's sight as the family of Ahab had done, for he was related to them by marriage.
Akafamba munzira dzeimba yaAhabhu akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha, sezvakaitwa neimba yaAhabhu, nokuti akanga ari mukuwasha kumhuri yaAhabhu.
28 Ahaziah went with Joram, son of Ahab, to fight against Hazael, king of Aram, at Ramoth-gilead. The Arameans wounded Joram,
Ahazia akaenda naJoramu mwanakomana waAhabhu kundorwa naHazaeri, mambo weAramu, paRamoti Gireadhi. VaAramu vakakuvadza Joramu;
29 and he returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds he'd received in Ramah fighting against Hazael king of Aram. Ahaziah, son of Jehoram, king of Judah, went to Jezreel to visit Joram, son of Ahab, because Joram was wounded.
naizvozvo mambo Joramu akadzokera kuJezireeri kuti ambondopora maronda aakanga akakuvadzwa navaAramu paRamoti mukurwa kwake naHazaeri mambo weAramu. Ipapo Ahazia mwanakomana waJehoramu, mambo weJudha, akadzika kuJezireeri kundoona Joramu, mwanakomana waAhabhu, nokuti akanga akuvadzwa.

< 2 Kings 8 >