< 2 Kings 7 >

1 Elisha replied, “Listen to the message from the Lord. This is what the Lord says: Around this time tomorrow a seah of the best flour will sell for a shekel, and two seahs of barley will sell for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.”
Naye Erisa n’agamba nti, “Muwulire ekigambo kya Mukama, kubanga bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama nti, Jjo obudde nga buno ekigero ky’obutta obulungi ekyenkana lita omusanvu ne desimoolo ssatu kiritundibwa gulaamu kkumi n’emu, n’ebigero bibiri ebya sayiri bitundibwe gulaamu kkumi n’emu ebweru wa wankaaki w’e Samaliya.”
2 The officer who was the king's assistant said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord opened windows in heaven what you say couldn't happen!” Elisha replied, “You'll see it with your own eyes, but you won't get to eat any of it.”
Awo omukungu kabaka gwe yeesigamangako n’agamba omusajja wa Katonda nti, “Mukama ne bw’anakuba ebituli mu ggulu, ekyo tekiyinzika kubaawo.” Erisa n’amuddamu nti, “Ekyo olikiraba n’amaaso go, naye tolibaako na kimu ky’olyako ku byo.”
3 There happened to be four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, “Why are we sitting around here until we die?
Waaliwo abasajja bana abaagengewala abaabeeranga ku mulyango gwa wankaaki w’ekibuga. Ne bagambagana bokka ne bokka nti, “Kiki ekitutuuza wano okutuusa okufa?
4 If we say, ‘Let's go into the city,’ we'll die because of the famine there; but if we go on sitting here, we'll die too. So come on, let's go to the camp of the Arameans and surrender to them. If they let us live, we'll live; if they kill us, we'll die.”
Bwe tunaagamba nti, ‘Tuyingire mu kibuga,’ enjala gy’eri, era tunaafiirayo; ate bwe tusigala wano, era nawo tujja kufiirawo. Noolwekyo tulage mu nkambi y’Abasuuli, bwe banaatusaasira, tunaaba balamu, bwe banaatutta, kale kinaaba bwe kityo.”
5 So they set off when it was getting dark and went to the camp of the Arameans. But when they arrived at the edge of the camp, nobody was there!
Awo ekiro mu ttumbi ne bagolokoka ne balaga mu lusiisira lw’Abasuuli. Naye bwe baatuuka mu kitundu ekisembayo eky’olusiisira, tewaali muntu n’omu.
6 For the Lord had made the Arameans hear the sound of chariots, horses, and a large army approaching, so they said to each other, “The king of Israel has hired the kings of the Hittites and Egyptians to come and attack us.”
Mukama yalowozesa eggye ly’Abasuuli nti kabaka wa Isirayiri yali apangisizza bakabaka b’Abakiiti n’ab’Abamisiri okujja okumulwanirira, bwe lyawulira eddoboozi ly’amagaali n’eddoboozi ly’embalaasi.
7 So they jumped up and ran away into the night, leaving behind their tents, their horses, and their donkeys. In fact the camp was left just as it was when they ran for their lives.
Ne bagolokoka ne badduka okuva mu nkambi yaabwe amatumbibudde ne baleka awo eweema zaabwe, n’embalaasi zaabwe n’endogoyi zaabwe, ne badduka okuwonya obulamu bwabwe.
8 When the lepers got to the edge of the camp, they went into a tent and ate and drank. Then they took the silver, gold, and clothes, and hid them. After that they went back to another tent, took some things from there, and hid them.
Abagenge bwe baatuuka ku nkambi w’ekoma, ne bayingira mu emu ku weema, ne balya ne banywa era ne beetikka n’effeeza ne zaabu n’engoye, ne bagenda ne babikweka. N’oluvannyuma ne bakomawo, ne bayingira mu weema endala, ne baggyayo ebyalimu, ne bagenda ne babikweka nabyo.
9 Then they said to each other, “It's not right what we're doing. This is a day of good news, and if we keep quiet about it and wait until it gets light, we're sure to be punished. So let's go right away and let them know at the king's palace.”
Awo ne bagambagana nti, “Kye tukola si kituufu. Luno olunaku lwa bigambo birungi; bwe tunaasirika ne tulinda okutuusa enkya, tujja kubonerezebwa. Noolwekyo tugende tutegeeze ab’omu nju ya kabaka.”
10 They went and called to the gatekeepers of the city, “We went over to the Aramean camp and no one was there, not a sound of anybody! There were just horses and donkeys tied up, and the tents just as they were.”
Awo ne bagenda ne bakoowoola abakuumi ba wankaaki w’ekibuga, ne boogera nti, “Twalaze mu nkambi y’Abasuuli ne tutasangayo muntu n’omu okuggyako embalaasi nga zisibiddwa, n’endogoyi nga zisibiddwa, n’eweema nga ziri nga bwe baazirese.”
11 The gatekeepers shouted out the news, and reports reached the royal palace.
Abakuumi ne balangirira amawulire ago, n’ab’omu lubiri ne bakiwulira.
12 The king got up in the night and said to his officers, “Let me tell you the trick the Arameans are trying to play on us. They know we're starving, so they have left the camp and hidden in the field, thinking, ‘When they leave the city, we'll take them alive and be able to enter the city.’”
Kabaka n’agolokoka mu kiro ekyo, n’agamba abakungu be nti, “Ka mbategeeze Abasuuli kye bategese okutukola. Bamanyi nga tuli bayala; era bavudde mu nkambi yaabwe ne bagenda okwekweka ku ttale, nga balowooza nti, ‘Mazima ddala bajja kuvaayo, n’oluvannyuma tunaabawamba nga balamu, tulyoke tuyingire mu kibuga.’”
13 One of his officers suggested, “Have some men take five of the remaining horses in the city. What happens to them will be the same as that of all the Israelites left here, All the Israelites here are doomed. Let's send them to find out what's going on.”
Awo omu ku bakungu be n’aleeta ekirowoozo nti, “Ffuna abasajja bagende n’embalaasi ttaano ku ezo ezisigaddewo, kubanga bali ng’ekibiina kyonna ekya Isirayiri ekisigaddewo; baliba ng’ekibiina kyonna ekya Isirayiri ekimaliddwawo. Ka tubasindikeyo bagende balabe ekiriyo.”
14 So they got two chariots ready with their horses, and the king sent them out to the Aramean camp, telling them “Go and take a look.”
Awo ne balonda abeebagala embalaasi babiri n’embalaasi zaabwe, kabaka n’abatuma okuwondera eggye ly’Abasuuli, ng’abagamba nti, “Mugende mulabe.”
15 They went after them as far as the Jordan, and the whole way was full of clothing and equipment the Arameans had thrown aside as they ran away. The messengers returned and reported to the king.
Ne babawondera okutuukira ddala ku Yoludaani, ne basanga ng’ekkubo lyonna lijjudde engoye n’ebintu ebirala Abasuuli bye baasuula nga badduka. Awo ababaka ne bakomawo eri kabaka ne bamutegeeza bye baalaba.
16 Then the people went out and looted the camp of the Arameans. So a seah of the best flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, just as the Lord had predicted.
Awo abantu ne bafuluma, ne bakaliza olusiisira lw’Abasuuli. Ekigero ky’obutta obulungi ekyenkana lita musanvu ne desimoolo ssatu ne kitundibwa gulaamu kkumi n’emu, n’ebigero bibiri ebya sayiri ne bitundibwa gulaamu kkumi n’emu, ng’ekigambo kya Mukama bwe kyali.
17 The king had put the officer who was his assistant in charge of the gate. In their rush the people trampled him in the gateway and he died, just as the man of God had said when the king visited him.
Kabaka yali alonze omukungu we oli gwe yeesigamangako, okuvunaanyizibwa wankaaki, abantu ne bamulinnyiririra mu mulyango, n’afa, ng’omusajja wa Katonda bwe yayogera, mu kiseera kabaka bwe yalaga ewuwe.
18 What the man of God had told the king also came true when he said, “Around this time tomorrow a seah of the best flour will sell for a shekel, and two seahs of barley will sell for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.”
Bwe kityo bwe kyali kubanga omusajja wa Katonda bwe yagamba kabaka nti, “Jjo essaawa nga zino ebigero bibiri ebya sayiri biritundibwa gulaamu kkumi n’emu, n’ekigero ky’obutta obulungi ne kitundibwa gulaamu kkumi n’emu, mu wankaaki ya Samaliya,”
19 Also the officer who was the king's assistant had said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord opened windows in heaven what you say couldn't happen!” Elisha had replied, “You'll see it with your own eyes, but you won't get to eat any of it.”
omukungu oyo, yaddamu omusajja wa Katonda nti, “Laba, Mukama ne bwaggulawo ebituli eby’omu ggulu, tekiyinzika kubaawo.” Omusajja wa Katonda n’amugamba nti, “Olikiraba n’amaaso go, naye toliryako na kimu.”
20 This is what happened to him. The people trampled him in the gateway and he died.
Era bwe kityo bwe kyali ekyamutuukako, abantu bwe bamulinnyiririra mu wankaaki, n’afa.

< 2 Kings 7 >