< 2 Kings 3 >

1 Joram, son of Ahab, became king of Israel in the eighteenth year of the reign of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. He reigned in Samaria for twelve years.
Mu mwaka ogw’ekkumi n’omunaana ogw’obwakabaka bwa Yekosafaati kabaka wa Yuda, Yekolaamu mutabani wa Akabu n’alya obwakabaka bwa Isirayiri e Samaliya, era n’afugira emyaka kkumi n’ebiri.
2 He did evil in the Lord's sight, but not like his father and mother had done, for he got rid of the stone image of Baal that his father had made.
Yakola ebibi mu maaso ga Mukama, newaakubadde nga teyatuuka ku bibi bya kitaawe ne nnyina. Yazikiriza n’empagi eya Baali kitaawe gye yali asimbye.
3 However, he still held on to the sins that Jeroboam, son of Nebat, had made Israel commit—he did not give them up.
Newaakubadde ng’ekyo yakikola, teyalekayo kukola ebibi ng’ebyo Yerobowaamu mutabani wa Nebati bye yakola, n’ayonoonyesa Isirayiri.
4 Mesha, king of Moab, was a sheep breeder. He used to provide a tribute to the king of Israel of one hundred thousand lambs and the wool of one hundred thousand rams.
Mesa Kabaka wa Mowaabu yalundanga endiga, era yalina omutemwa ogw’okuwangayo abaana b’endiga emitwalo kkumi, n’ebyoya by’endiga ennume emitwalo kkumi eri Akabu.
5 But after Ahab died, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel.
Naye Akabu olwafa, kabaka wa Mowaabu n’atandika okujeemera kabaka wa Isirayiri.
6 Immediately King Joram called up the whole Israelite army and left Samaria.
Awo mu biro ebyo kabaka Yekolaamu n’asitula okuva e Samaliya, n’akunga Isirayiri yenna okugenda naye.
7 On his way he sent a message to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, saying, “The king of Moab has rebelled against me. Will you join me in an attack on Moab?” Jehoshaphat replied, “Yes, I will join you. You and I are as one, my men and your men are as one, and my horses and your horses are as one.”
N’atumira ne Yekosafaati kabaka wa Yuda nti, “Kabaka wa Mowaabu anjeemedde, onooyinza okumbeera tumulwanyise?” Yekosafaati n’amuddamu nti, “Nnaagenda naawe, kubanga nze ndi nga bw’oli, era abantu bange be bantu bo, n’embalaasi zange ze zizo.”
8 Then he asked, “Which way shall we go?” “We'll take the road through the desert of Edom,” he replied.
Yekosafaati n’amubuuza nti, “Ye, tunaalumba kuva ku luuyi ki?” Yekolaamu n’amuddamu nti, “Tunaayita mu ddungu erya Edomu.”
9 So the king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom set off. Having followed an indirect route for seven days, they ran out of water for their army and for their animals.
Awo kabaka wa Isirayiri, n’asitukira wamu ne kabaka wa Yuda ne kabaka wa Edomu ne bagenda mu lutalo. Ne batambula olugendo lwa nnaku musanvu, n’oluvannyuma ne beesanga ng’eggye amazzi galiweddeko, nga n’ebisolo byabwe tebirina wadde ettondo.
10 “What are we doing?” complained the king of Israel. “The Lord has brought us three kings here to hand us over to the Moabites!”
Kabaka wa Isirayiri ne yeekanga nnyo. N’ayogera nti, “Zitusanze! Ffenna abasatu, Mukama atuwaddeyo mu mukono gwa Mowaabu?”
11 But Jehoshaphat asked, “Isn't there a prophet of the Lord here with us? Let us consult the Lord through him.” One of the king of Israel's officers answered, “Elisha, son of Shaphat, is here. He was Elijah's assistant.”
Kyokka Yekosafaati n’abuuza nti, “Tewali wano nnabbi wa Mukama tumwebuuzeeko?” Awo omu ku bakungu ba kabaka wa Isirayiri n’amuddamu nti, “Wano waliwo Erisa mutabani wa Safati. Ye yali omuweereza wa Eriya ow’oku mwanjo.”
12 Jehoshaphat agreed, “The Lord communicates by him.” So the king of Israel, Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom went to see him.
Yekosafaati n’ayogera nti, “Alina ekigambo okuva eri Mukama.” Awo Yekosafaati kabaka wa Yuda, awamu ne kabaka wa Isirayiri, ne kabaka wa Edomu ne baserengeta gy’ali.
13 Elisha said to the king of Israel, “What have I got to do with you? Go to your own prophets, those of your father and your mother.” But the king of Israel said to him, “No—because it's the Lord who has brought these three kings here to hand them over to the Moabites!”
Awo Erisa n’agamba kabaka wa Isirayiri nti, “Onnanga ki? Genda eri bannabbi ba kitaawo n’aba maama wo.” Kabaka wa Isirayiri n’amuddamu nti, “Nedda sijja kugendayo; kubanga kirabika nga Mukama atukuŋŋaanyiza ffensatule, okutuwaayo mu mukono gwa Mowaabu.”
14 Elisha replied, “As the Lord Almighty lives, the one I serve, if I didn't respect the fact that Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, is here, I wouldn't even look in your direction or acknowledge you.
Erisa n’ayogera nti, “Nga Mukama Katonda Ayinzabyonna gwe mpeereza bw’ali omulamu, singa nnali siwa Yekosafaati kabaka wa Yuda kitiibwa, sandikukubyeko munye ya liiso wadde okukusaako omwoyo.
15 Now bring me a musician.” While the musician played, the Lord's power came upon Elisha,
Naye kaakano, mundeetere omukubi w’ennanga.” Omukubi w’ennanga bwe yali ng’akyakuba ennanga, amaanyi ga Mukama ne gakka ku Erisa,
16 and he announced, “This is what the Lord says: This valley will be filled with pools of water. For the Lord says:
n’ayogera nti, “Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti, ‘Musime ensalosalo mu kiwonvu kino.’
17 You won't see any wind, you won't see any rain, but even so this valley will be filled with water. You will drink, and your cattle, and your animals.
Mukama agamba nti, ‘Temuulabe mbuyaga wadde enkuba, naye ekiwonvu kino kijja kujjula amazzi, era mmwe munaanywa, n’ente zammwe zinaanywa, n’ebisolo byammwe ebirala nabyo binywe.
18 The Lord views this as something trivial to do; and he will also make you victorious over the Moabites.
Eyo nsonga nnyangu mu maaso ga Mukama, era n’Abamowaabu mujja kubawangula.
19 You will conquer every fortified town, and every important town. You will chop down every good tree, block up every spring, and spoil every good field by throwing stones on them.”
Mulizikiriza buli kibuga ekyetooloddwa bbugwe na buli kibuga ekikulu, era mulitema buli muti omulungi, ne muziyiza n’enzizi okuleeta amazzi, era ne mwonoona buli nnimiro nga mugijjuza amayinja.’”
20 The next day, around the time of the morning sacrifice, water suddenly flowed from the direction of Edom, filling the whole countryside with water.
Awo obudde bwe bwakya, mu kiseera eky’okuweerayo ssaddaaka, amazzi ne gakulukuta nga gava ku luuyi olwa Edomu, ensi n’ejjula amazzi.
21 All the Moabites had heard that the kings had come to attack them. So everyone who could wear a sword, young and old, was called up and went to guard the border.
Abamowaabu bonna bwe baawulira nga bakabaka babalumbye okulwana nabo, buli musajja, omuto n’omukulu abaali basobola okwambala ebyokulwanyisa, ne bayitibwa okugenda okutabaala.
22 But the next morning when they got up the sun was shining on the water, and to the Moabites on the other side it looked blood red.
Enkeera enjuba bwe yayaka ku mazzi, Abamowaabu ne balowooza nti amazzi mamyufu kubanga gaabalabikira ng’omusaayi.
23 “This is blood!” they said. “The kings and their armies must have attacked and killed each other! Moabites, let's grab the plunder!”
Ne bagamba nti, “Guno musaayi! Kirabika nga bakabaka baalwanye bokka ne bokka, ne battiŋŋana, kale Mowaabu mugwe ku munyago.”
24 But when the Moabites arrived at the Israelite camp, the Israelites ran out and attacked them, and they ran away from them. So the Israelites invaded their country and killed the Moabites.
Naye Abamowaabu bwe baali nga baakayingira mu nkambi y’Abayisirayiri, amangwago Abayisirayiri ne batandika okulwana nabo, okutuusa Abamowaabu lwe badduka.
25 They destroyed the towns, and each soldier threw stones on every good field until it was covered. They blocked up every spring and chopped down every good tree. Only Kir-haraseth still had its walls, but soldiers using slingshots surrounded it and attacked it as well.
Ne bamenyaamenya ebibuga by’Abamowaabu, ne bakanyuga amayinja ku buli kibanja ekirungi okutuusa lwe gaakolangako entuumo; ne baziba enzizi zonna ez’amazzi, ne batema na buli muti omulungi. Kirukalesesi kye kifo kyokka ekyali kitalumbiddwa, naye oluvannyuma abasajja ab’envuumuulo ne bakirumba.
26 When the king of Moab realized he'd lost the battle, he led seven hundred swordsmen in an attempt to break through and attack the king of Edom, but they weren't able to do so.
Awo kabaka wa Mowaabu bwe yalaba ng’olutalo lumugendedde bubi, n’atwala abasajja ab’ebitala lusanvu, ne bagenda naye okulumba kabaka wa Edomu, kyokka ne balemelerwa.
27 So the king of Moab took his firstborn son, who was meant to succeed him, and sacrificed him as a burnt offering on the town wall. Great anger came upon the Israelites, so they left and went back to their own country.
N’addira mutabani we omuggulanda, eyali ateekwa okumusikira, n’amuweerayo ku bbugwe w’ekibuga ng’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa. Abayisirayiri ne beesisiwala nnyo ne beetamwa, era ne baddayo mu nsi yaabwe.

< 2 Kings 3 >