< 2 Kings 10 >

1 There were seventy sons of the house of Ahab living in Samaria. So Jehu wrote letters and sent them to the officials of Samaria, to the elders, and to the guardians of the sons of Ahab, saying:
Ie amy zao, nanañ’ anake fitom-polo e Somerone ao t’i Akabe. Aa le nanokitse taratasy t’Ieho vaho nampi­hitrife’e mb’e Somerone mb’eo, amo mpifehe’ Iezreeleo, naho amo androanavio, vaho amo mpañabey o ana’ i Akabeoo, nanao ty hoe:
2 “Since your master's sons are with you, and you have at your disposal chariots, horses, a fortified city, and weapons, when you receive this letter,
Ie mivotrak’ ama’ areo ty taratasy toy, zoeñe te ama’ areo o anan-talè’ areoo naho sarete reke-tsoavala naho rova vaho fialiañe;
3 choose the best and most appropriate son of your master, place him on his father's throne, and fight for your master's house.”
le paiao ty soa mañeva amo anan-talè’ areoo, le ajoño am-piambesan-drae’e eo vaho mialia ho a i anjomban-talè’ areoy.
4 But they were extremely frightened, and said to themselves, “If two kings couldn't defeat him, how could we?”
F’ie nangebahebake, nifanao ty hoe: Hehe te roe ty mpanjaka tsy nahafiatreatre aze; akore arè ty hijohañan-tika?
5 So the palace and the city leaders, the elders, and the guardians sent a message to Jehu: “We are your servants, and we will do whatever you tell us. We're not going to make anyone king. Do what you think is best.”
Aa le nañitrik’ am’ Ieho ty talè’ i anjombay naho i bein-drovay naho o androanavio vaho i mpañabey i ajaja reiy, ty hoe; Mpi­toro’o zahay, le hene hanoe’ay ze hatoro’o anay; tsy aman-dahilahy hanoe’ay mpanjaka; aa le ano ze soa am-pihaino’o.
6 Then Jehu wrote them a second letter, saying, “If you are on my side, and if you are going to obey what I say, bring the heads of your master's sons to me in Jezreel by this time tomorrow.” The seventy king's sons were being raised by the leading men of the city.
Nanokira’e taratasy fañindroe’e, nanao ty hoe; Aa ie ho mpiamako vaho mahafitsen­dreñe ty feoko, le rambeso ty loha’ o lahilahin’ anan-talè’ areoo vaho mihavia amako e Iezreele atoy hamaray manahake henaneo. O anam-panjakao amy zao, i fitompolo rey, le tam’ ondati-bei’ i rovaio amo mpañabey iareoo.
7 When the letter arrived, they seized the king's sons and killed all seventy of them, placed their heads in baskets, and sent them to Jehu at Jezreel.
Aa ie pok’ am’ iereo i taratasiy, le rinambe’ iereo i anam-panjaka rey, naho zinevo’ iareo indaty fitompolo rey naho najoñe an-koroñe ao o loha’ iareoo vaho nampihitrifeñe mb’e Iezreele mb’eo.
8 A messenger came in and told Jehu, “They have brought the heads of the king's sons.” Jehu gave the order, “Put them in two piles at the entrance to the city gate until the morning.”
Nandoak’ ao amy zao ty ìrake, nitali­ly ama’e, ty hoe: Fa nendese’ iereo ty loha’ o ana-dahi’ i mpanjakaio. Le hoe re, Apoho am-botry roe am-pimoahañe an-dalambey eo pake maraindray.
9 In the morning Jehu went out to speak to the people who had gathered. “You haven't done anything wrong,” he told them. “I was the one who plotted against my master and killed him. But who killed all these?
Ie maraindray, niavotse le nijohañe eo, nanao ty hoe am’ ondaty iabio: Vo­ts­otse nahareo; Heheke, nikilily amy talèkoy iraho le nanjevoñ’ aze; fa ia ka ty nañoho-doza amo retoañeo?
10 Rest assured that nothing of what the Lord has prophesied against the house of Ahab will fail, for the Lord has done what he promised through his servant Elijah.”
Mahafohina te ndra loli’e tsy hipok’ an-tane amy nitsaràe’ Iehovà i anjomba’ i Akabeiy, fa nanoe’ Iehovà i tsinara’e añamy mpitoro’e Eliàiy.
11 So Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel who was left of the house of Ahab, as well as all his high officials, close friends, and priests. This left Ahab without a single survivor.
Fonga zinevo’ Ieho ze sehanga’ ty anjomba’ i Akabe e Iezreele ao, naho ondati-bei’eo naho ze hene longo’e naho o mpi­soro’e iabio, ampara’ te tsy aman-konka’e.
12 Then Jehu left and went Samaria. At Beth-eked of the Shepherds,
Niavotse amy zao re nienga mb’eo vaho nigodañe e Some­rone ao. Ie nioza an-trañom-pañi­tsi­fam-bolon’ añondry an-dalañe ey,
13 he met some relatives of Ahaziah, king of Judah. “Who are you?” he asked them. “We're relatives of Ahaziah,” they replied. “We've come to visit the sons of the king and of the queen mother.”
le nifanampe aman-drolongo’ i Ahkazià, mpanjaka’ Iehoda, naho nanao ty hoe; Ia v’ina­ha­reoo? vaho hoe ty natoi’ iareo: Longo’ i Ahkazià zahay, mizotso mb’eo hifañontane amo anam-panjakao naho amo ana’ i mpanjaka-ampelaio.
14 “Take them alive!” Jehu ordered. So they took them alive, then killed them at the well of Beth-eked. There were forty-two men. He didn't allow any of them to live.
Le hoe re: Itsepaho veloñe. Aa le rinambe veloñe vaho zinevo’ iereo an-kobo’ i trañom-pihitsifañey t’indaty efa-polo-ro’ amby; le tsy napo’e sehanga’e.
15 He left there and came across Jehonadab, son of Rekab, who was coming to meet him. Jehu greeted him and asked him, “Are you as committed to me, as I am to you?” “Yes I am,” Jehonadab replied. “In that case, give me your hand,” said Jehu. So he stretched out his hand, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot.
Ie nienga ao, le tendreke Iehonadabe ana’ i Rekabe, ie nimb’ eo hifanalaka ama’e; le nañontanea’e ty hoe: Mazava hao ty arofo’o manahake ty troko amo arofo’oo? Eka, hoe ty natoi’ Iehonadabe. Aa naho izay, atoloro ahy o fità’oo. Le nahiti’e ama’e i fità’ey vaho rinambe’e amy sarete’ey.
16 “Come with me and see how dedicated I am to the Lord!” Jehu said, and had him ride in his chariot.
Le hoe re: Mindreza amako, hahaisaha’o ty fahimbañako am’ Iehovà. Aa le najo’e an-tsarete’e ao.
17 When Jehu arrived in Samaria, he went around killing everyone who was left of Ahab's family until he had killed all of them, just as the Lord had said through Elijah.
Ie nivotrake e Somerone le fonga linihi’e ze nisisa’ i Akabe e Somerone ao, ampara’ te nimongore’e, ty amy tsara’ Iehovà nitsarae’e amy Eliày.
18 Jehu had all the people gather together and told them, “Ahab worshiped Baal a little, but Jehu will worship him a lot.
Hene natonto’ Ieho amy zao ondatio le nanoe’e ty hoe; Nitoroñe i Baale tsy ampeampe t’i Akabe; fa hito­roñe aze fatratse ka t’Ieho.
19 So summon all the prophets of Baal, all his servants and all his priests. Make sure no one is missing, because I'm organizing a great sacrifice for Baal. Anyone who doesn't attend will be executed.” But Jehu's plan was a trick to destroy the followers of Baal.
Aa le koiho iaby o mpitoki’ i Baaleo, ze hene mpitalaho ama’e, o fonga mpisoro’eo, le ko apo’o ndra raike; fa hanao sorom-bey amy Baale iraho, tsy ho veloñe ze tsy eo. Fe am-pamañahiañe ty nanoe’ Ieho i hoe zay hanjamana’e o mpitalaho amy Baaleo.
20 Jehu gave the order, “Call a religious assembly to honor Baal!” So they did so.
Le hoe t’Ieho: Añefero fivory miambake amy Baale. Le kinoi’ iereo.
21 Jehu sent the announcement through the whole of Israel. All the followers of Baal came—not a single man was missing. They went into the temple of Baal, filling it from end to end.
Aa le nañitrik’ am-panitsihañe Israele t’Ieho; le nimb’eo iaby o mpitalaho amy Baaleo, ampara’ t’ie fonga niavy tsy poke raike. Ie nimoak’ an-tsokemitraha’ i Baaley le ninitse sikal’ am-pata’e pak’an-tondohà’e i anjomba’ i Baaley.
22 Jehu said to the keeper of the wardrobe, “Distribute clothes for all the servants of Baal.” So he brought out clothes for them.
Le hoe re amy mpamandroñe saroñey, Añakaro sikiñe iaby o mpita­laho amy Baaleo. Le sindre nañakara’e saroñe.
23 Then Jehu and Jehonadab, son of Rekab, went into the temple of Baal. Jehu told the followers of Baal, “Look around and make sure that no one who follows the Lord is here with you, only the worshipers of Baal.”
Nimoak’ añ’anjomba’ i Baaley t’Iohabe rekets’ Iehonadabe ana’ i Rekabe; le hoe re amo mpitalaho amy Baaleo; Paiavo, le rendreho tsy ho zoeñe ama’ areo ao ndra raik’ amo mpitoro’ Iehovà fa mpitoro’ i Baale avao.
24 They were inside presenting sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had positioned eighty men outside and cautioned them, “I'm handing these men over to you. If you let any of them escape, you will pay for his life with yours.”
Aa le nimb’ ao iereo hañenga naho hisoroñe. Ie amy zao fa nanendre ondaty valompolo alafe’e ao, ami’ty hoe: Naho mipolititse ty raik’ am’ ondaty hatoloko am-pità’ areoo le ty fiai’ i nañaha azey ty hisolo ty fiai’e.
25 As soon as Jehu had finished presenting the burnt offering, he ordered his guards and officers, “Go in and kill them all! Don't let even one escape!” So they killed them with their swords. The guards and officers threw their bodies outside, and then they went into the inner sanctuary of the temple of Baal.
Aa ie vata’e nigadoñe i fisoroñañey, le hoe t’Ieho amo mpañambeñeo naho amo mpifeheo. Mimoaha, le zevòño; ko apo’ areo hiakatse, leo raike. Aa le zinevo’ iereo an-delam-pibara; le navokovoko’ o mpañambeñeo naho o mpifeheo alafe’e ao vaho nizilik’ añate’ ty efe’ i Baale ao.
26 They dragged out the idol pillars and burned them.
Nakare’ iereo o hazomanga añ’ anjomba’ i Baaleo, le niforototoeñe.
27 They smashed the sacred pillar of Baal, and tore down the temple of Baal and turned it into a toilet, which it still is to this day.
Nakoroma’ iereo i hazomanga’ i Baaley naho narotsa’ iereo i anjomba’ i Baaley vaho nanoe’ iereo fieveñañe am-para’ henanekeo.
28 This was how Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel,
Izay ty namongora’ Ieho i Baale am’ Israele.
29 but he did not end the sins that Jeroboam, son of Nebat, had made Israel commit—the worship of the golden calves at Bethel and Dan.
Fe, tsy napo’ Ieho ty hakeo’ Iarovame ana’ i Nebate, i nampanan-tahiñe Israele amy bania volamena e Betele naho e Dane ao rey.
30 The Lord said to Jehu, “Since you have done well, and have carried out what is right in my sight, and have accomplished all that I planned for the house of Ahab, your descendants will sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation.”
Le hoe t’Iehovà am’Ieho, Ami’ty hasoa nanoe’o a masoko amy nitoloña’o amy anjomba’ i Akabeiy, ie hene nanoe’o ze tan-troko, le hiambesatse amy fiambesa’ Israeley o ana’oo am-para’ty tariratse fah’efatse.
31 But Jehu was not completely committed to following the law of the Lord, the God of Israel. He did not end the sins that Jeroboam had made Israel commit.
Fe tsy nihaoñe’ Ieho añ’ àmpon’arofo ty fañaveloa’e amy Tsara’ Iehovà Andria­nañahare’ Israeley, vaho tsy nisitaha’e o hakeo’ Iarovame nampanan-tahiñe Israeleo.
32 At that time the Lord began to reduce the extent of Israel. Hazael defeated the Israelites throughout their territory
Niorotse nampitomotse Isra­ele t’Iehovà; le linafa’ i Kazaele o añ’olon-tane’ Israeleo iabio;
33 east of the Jordan, all the land of Gilead (the region occupied by Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh), and from Aroer through the Arnon Valley up to Gilead and Bashan.
boak’ am’ Iordaney maniñanañe, i tanen-Gilade iabiy, o nte-Gadeo, naho o nte Reobeneo, vaho o nte-Menasèo, boak’ amy Aroere, añ’ ilam-bavatane’ Arnone eo le i Gilade naho i Basane.
34 The rest of what happened in Jehu's reign, all that he did and what he accomplished, are recorded in the Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
Aa naho o fitoloña’ Ieho ila’eo naho ze he’e nanoe’e, i haozara’e iabiy, tsy fa sinokitse am-bokem-pamolili­añe o mpanjaka’ Israeleo hao?
35 Jehu died and was buried in Samaria. His son Jehoahaz succeeded him as king.
Nitrao-piròtse aman-droa’e t’Ieho, ie nalente’ iareo e Somerone ao. Nandimbe aze nifehe t’Iehoakaze ana’e.
36 Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria for twenty-eight years.
Roapolo-valo’ amby taoñe ty nifehea’ Ieho Israele e Somerone ao.

< 2 Kings 10 >