< 2 John 1 >

1 This letter comes from the elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth. Not just from me, but from everyone who knows the truth,
Daga dattijon zuwa ga uwar gida zababbiya da yayanta, wadanda nake kauna da gaskiya, ba ni kadai ba, amma da dukan wadanda sun san gaskiya -
2 because the truth lives in us and will be with us forever. (aiōn g165)
domin gaskiya da take cikinmu za ta kuma kasance tare da mu har abada. (aiōn g165)
3 May grace, mercy and peace continue to be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and in love.
Alheri da jinkai da salama za su kasance tare da mu, daga Allah Uba da kuma daga Yesu Almasihu Dan Uba, a cikin gaskiya da kauna.
4 I was delighted to discover that some of your children are following the truth, just as the Father commanded us.
Na yi murna sosai sa'anda na sami wadansu yayanki suna tafiya cikin gaskiya, kamar yadda muka karbi wannan umarni daga Uba.
5 Now I'm telling you, dear lady, not as a new instruction, but following what we've understood from the beginning, that we should love one another.
Yanzu ina rokon ki, uwar gida, ba kamar ina rubuta maki sabon umarni ba, amma wannan da muka samu tun da can, cewa mu kaunaci junanmu.
6 This is what love is: we should follow God's commands. The command, just as you heard right from the beginning, is that you should live in love.
Wannan kuma itace kauna, cewa mu yi tafiya bisa ga umarnin sa. Wannan shine umarnin, daidai kamar yadda kuka ji da fari, da cewa ku yi tafiya a cikinsa.
7 I'm telling you this because many deceivers have left and gone out into the world. They don't accept that Jesus Christ has come as a human being. Anyone like this is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Gama masu yaudara sun fito a duniya, wadanda ba su yarda cewa Yesu ya zo cikin jiki ba. Wannan ne mayaudari da kuma magabcin Almasihu.
8 Be careful that you don't lose what we've worked so hard for, and that you receive all that you should.
Ku dubi kanku, domin kada ku rasa abubuwan da mu duka muka yi aiki a kansu, amma domin ku karba dukan sakamon ku.
9 All those who become extremists and don't continue to follow the teaching of Christ don't have God with them. Those who continue to follow the teaching of Christ have both the Father and the Son with them.
Duk wanda ya ci gaba da tafiya ba cikin koyarwa Almasihu ba, ba shi da Allah. Wanda ya zauna cikin koyarwar kwa yana tare da Uban da kuma Dan.
10 If people come to you and don't show evidence of Christ's teaching, don't take them in, don't welcome them—
Duk wanda ya zo wurinku, ba tare da wannan koyarwar ba, kar ku karbe shi cikin gidanku, kada ma ku gaishe shi.
11 for if you encourage them you share in their evil work.
Domin duk wanda ya gaishe shi ya yi tarayya da shi kenan cikin miyagun ayyukan sa.
12 I have so many things to tell you that I won't write any more with paper and ink, for I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face. How happy that would make us!
Ina da abubuwa dayawa da nake so in rubuta maki amma al'kalami tawada da takarda baza su iya daukar su duka ba. Amma duk da haka ina begen zuwa gare ki domin mu yi magana fuska da fuska, domin farin cikn mu ya zama cikakke.
13 Greetings to you from the children of your chosen sister.
Yayan yar'uwarki zababbiya suna gaishe ki.

< 2 John 1 >