< 2 Corinthians 9 >

1 I really don't need to write to you about this offering for God's people.
پَوِتْرَلوکانامْ اُپَکارارْتھَکَسیوامَدھِ یُشْمانْ پْرَتِ مَمَ لِکھَنَں نِشْپْرَیوجَنَں۔
2 I know how keen you are to help—I was boasting about this to those in Macedonia that you in Achaia have been ready for over a year, and your enthusiasm has encouraged many of them to give.
یَتَ آکھایادیشَسْتھا لوکا گَتَوَرْشَمْ آرَبھْیَ تَتْکارْیَّ اُدْیَتاح سَنْتِیتِ واکْییناہَں ماکِدَنِییَلوکاناں سَمِیپے یُشْماکَں یامْ اِچّھُکَتامَدھِ شْلاگھے تامْ اَوَگَتوسْمِ یُشْماکَں تَسْمادْ اُتْساہاچّاپَریشاں بَہُونامْ اُدْیوگو جاتَح۔
3 But I'm sending these brothers so that my boasting about you regarding this won't be proved wrong, and that you're prepared, just as I said you would be.
کِنْچَیتَسْمِنْ یُشْمانْ اَدھْیَسْماکَں شْلاگھا یَدْ اَتَتھْیا نَ بھَویتْ یُویَنْچَ مَمَ واکْیانُسارادْ یَدْ اُدْیَتاسْتِشْٹھیتَ تَدَرْتھَمیوَ تے بھْراتَرو مَیا پْریشِتاح۔
4 This is just in case some Macedonians should come with me and find you unprepared. We, not to mention you, would be really embarrassed if this project failed!
یَسْماتْ مَیا سارْدّھَں کَیشْچِتْ ماکِدَنِییَبھْراترِبھِراگَتْیَ یُویَمَنُدْیَتا اِتِ یَدِ درِشْیَتے تَرْہِ تَسْمادْ درِڈھَوِشْواسادْ یُشْماکَں لَجّا جَنِشْیَتَ اِتْیَسْمابھِ رْنَ وَکْتَوْیَں کِنْتْوَسْماکَمیوَ لَجّا جَنِشْیَتے۔
5 That's why I decided I should ask these brothers to visit you in advance, and complete the arrangements to collect this offering, so that it would be ready as a gift, and not as something demanded.
اَتَح پْراکْ پْرَتِجْناتَں یُشْماکَں دانَں یَتْ سَنْچِتَں بھَویتْ تَچَّ یَدْ گْراہَکَتایاح پھَلَمْ اَبھُوتْوا دانَشِیلَتایا ایوَ پھَلَں بھَویتْ تَدَرْتھَں مَماگْرے گَمَنایَ تَتْسَنْچَیَنایَ چَ تانْ بھْراترِنْ آدیشْٹُمَہَں پْرَیوجَنَمْ اَمَنْیے۔
6 I want to remind you of this: If you only sow a little, you'll only reap a little; if you sow plenty, you'll reap plenty.
اَپَرَمَپِ وْیاہَرامِ کینَچِتْ کْشُدْرَبھاوینَ بِیجیشُوپْتیشُ سْوَلْپانِ شَسْیانِ کَرْتِّشْیَنْتے، کِنْچَ کینَچِدْ بَہُدَبھَوینَ بِیجیشُوپْتیشُ بَہُونِ شَسْیانِ کَرْتِّشْیَنْتے۔
7 Everybody should give as they've already decided—not reluctantly, or because they have to, for God loves those who give with a cheerful spirit.
ایکَیکینَ سْوَمَنَسِ یَتھا نِشْچِییَتے تَتھَیوَ دِییَتاں کیناپِ کاتَرینَ بھِیتینَ وا نَ دِییَتاں یَتَ اِیشْوَرو ہرِشْٹَمانَسے داتَرِ پْرِییَتے۔
8 God is able to graciously provide you with everything, so that you will always have all you need—with plenty to help others too.
اَپَرَمْ اِیشْوَرو یُشْمانْ پْرَتِ سَرْوَّوِدھَں بَہُپْرَدَں پْرَسادَں پْرَکاشَیِتُمْ اَرْہَتِ تینَ یُویَں سَرْوَّوِشَیے یَتھیشْٹَں پْراپْیَ سَرْوّینَ سَتْکَرْمَّنا بَہُپھَلَوَنْتو بھَوِشْیَتھَ۔
9 As Scripture says, “He gives generously to the poor; his generosity is everlasting.” (aiōn g165)
ایتَسْمِنْ لِکھِتَماسْتے، یَتھا، وْیَیَتے سَ جَنو رایَں دُرْگَتیبھْیو دَداتِ چَ۔ نِتْیَسْتھایِی چَ تَدّھَرْمَّح (aiōn g165)
10 God, who provides seed to the sower and gives bread for food, will provide and multiply your “seed” and increase your harvest of generosity.
بِیجَں بھیجَنِییَمْ اَنَّنْچَ وَپْتْرے یینَ وِشْرانْیَتے سَ یُشْمَبھْیَمْ اَپِ بِیجَں وِشْرانْیَ بَہُلِیکَرِشْیَتِ یُشْماکَں دھَرْمَّپھَلانِ وَرْدّھَیِشْیَتِ چَ۔
11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can always be very generous, and your generosity will lead others to be grateful to God.
تینَ سَرْوَّوِشَیے سَدھَنِیبھُوتَے رْیُشْمابھِح سَرْوَّوِشَیے دانَشِیلَتایاں پْرَکاشِتایامْ اَسْمابھِرِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادَح سادھَیِشْیَتے۔
12 When you serve in this way, not only are the needs of God's people met, but also many will give grateful thanks to God.
ایتَیوپَکارَسیوَیا پَوِتْرَلوکانامْ اَرْتھابھاوَسْیَ پْرَتِیکارو جایَتَ اِتِ کیوَلَں نَہِ کِنْتْوِیشْچَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادوپِ باہُلْیینوتْپادْیَتے۔
13 By giving this offering you show your true nature, and those who receive it will thank God for your obedience, since it shows your commitment to the good news of Christ and your generosity in giving to them and everyone else.
یَتَ ایتَسْمادْ اُپَکارَکَرَنادْ یُشْماکَں پَرِیکْشِتَتْوَں بُدّھوا بَہُبھِح کھْرِیشْٹَسُسَںوادانْگِیکَرَنے یُشْماکَمْ آجْناگْراہِتْواتْ تَدْبھاگِتْوے چَ تانْ اَپَراںشْچَ پْرَتِ یُشْماکَں داترِتْوادْ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادَح کارِشْیَتے،
14 They will pray for you with much fondness because of God's abundant grace working through you.
یُشْمَدَرْتھَں پْرارْتھَناں کرِتْوا چَ یُشْماسْوِیشْوَرَسْیَ گَرِشْٹھانُگْرَہادْ یُشْماسُ تَیح پْریمَ کارِشْیَتے۔
15 Thank God for his gift that is far greater than words can express!
اَپَرَمْ اِیشْوَرَسْیانِرْوَّچَنِییَداناتْ سَ دھَنْیو بھُویاتْ۔

< 2 Corinthians 9 >