< 2 Corinthians 4 >

1 So then, since God in his mercy has given us this new way of relating to him, we don't give up.
Ker imamo to službo, kakor smo prejeli usmiljenje, ne omahujemo,
2 But we have given up secret, shameful acts. We don't behave in deceitful ways and we don't distort the word of God. We demonstrate who we are by revealing the truth before God so everybody can decide in their own minds.
temveč smo se odrekli skritim stvarem nepoštenosti in ne hodimo v prebrisanosti niti z Božjo besedo ne ravnamo varljivo, temveč se z manifestacijo resnice v Božjih očeh priporočamo vesti vsakega človeka.
3 Even if the good news we share is veiled, it is veiled to those who are dying.
Toda če je naš evangelij skrit, je skrit tistim, ki so izgubljeni,
4 The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't trust in God. They can't see the light of the good news of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (aiōn g165)
v katerih je bog tega sveta zaslepil misli tistih, ki ne verujejo, da jim ne bi zasijala svetloba veličastnega Kristusovega evangelija, ki je podoba Boga. (aiōn g165)
5 We are not promoting ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord. In fact we are your servants for Jesus' sake.
Kajti ne oznanjamo sebe, temveč Kristusa Jezusa, Gospoda; in sebe, vaše služabnike, zaradi Jezusa.
6 For God who said, “Let light shine out of the darkness,” shone in our minds to illuminate the knowledge of God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
Kajti Bog, ki je zapovedal svetlobi, da zasije iz teme, je zasijal v naših srcih, da nudi svetlobo spoznanja Božje slave na obrazu Jezusa Kristusa.
7 But we have this treasure in clay jars, to show that this supreme power comes from God and not from ourselves.
Toda ta zaklad imamo v lončenih posodah, da bi bila odličnost moči lahko od Boga in ne od nas.
8 We are attacked from every direction, but we are not crushed. We are at a loss as to what to do, but never in despair.
Na vsaki strani smo vznemirjeni, vendar ne v tegobi; zmedeni smo, vendar ne v obupu;
9 We are persecuted, but never abandoned by God. We are knocked down, but not dead yet!
preganjani, toda ne zapuščeni; mêtani [ob tla], toda ne uničeni;
10 In our bodies we always share in the death of Jesus, so that we can also demonstrate the life of Jesus in our bodies.
vedno v telesu naokrog prenašamo umiranje Gospoda Jezusa, da bi se lahko tudi v našem telesu razodelo Jezusovo življenje.
11 While we live we are always under the threat of death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal bodies.
Kajti mi, ki živimo, smo zaradi Jezusa nenehno izročani v smrt, da bi se tudi Jezusovo življenje lahko razodelo v našem umrljivem mesu.
12 As a result, we are facing death so that you may have life!
Tako potem v nas deluje smrt, toda v vas življenje.
13 Since we have the same spirit of trust in God that Scripture refers to when it says, “I trusted in God, and so I spoke out,” we also trust in God and speak out for him.
Ker imamo istega duha vere, glede na to, kakor je pisano: ›Veroval sem in zato sem govoril; ‹ tudi mi verujemo in zato govorimo;
14 We know that God who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus, and will bring us into his presence with you.
vedoč, da tisti, ki je obudil Gospoda Jezusa, bo po Jezusu obudil tudi nas in nas postavil z vami.
15 It's all for you! As God's grace reaches many more, thankfulness to God will be even greater, to his glory.
Kajti vse stvari so zaradi vas, da bi lahko obilna milost zaradi zahvaljevanja mnogih prekipevala v Božjo slavo.
16 So we don't give up. Even though our physical bodies are falling apart, our inner selves are being renewed daily.
Zaradi tega razloga ne omagujemo; kajti kljub temu, da naš zunanji človek umira, je vendarle naš notranji človek iz dneva v dan obnovljen.
17 These trivial troubles we have only last for a little while, but they produce for us an ever-increasing degree of glory. (aiōnios g166)
Kajti naša lahka stiska, ki je samo za trenutek, opravlja za nas veliko večjo, presegajočo in večno težo slave; (aiōnios g166)
18 We don't concern ourselves with what can be seen, for we look forward to what can't be seen. What we see is temporary, but what we can't see is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
medtem ko ne gledamo na stvari, ki so vidne, temveč na stvari, ki so nevidne. Kajti stvari, ki so vidne, so začasne, toda stvari, ki so nevidne, so večne. (aiōnios g166)

< 2 Corinthians 4 >