< 2 Chronicles 32 >

1 After Hezekiah's faithful work, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, invaded Judah and attacked its fortified towns, planning to conquer them for himself.
Mushure mezvose zvakaitwa naHezekia nokutendeka kwakadai, Senakeribhi mambo weAsiria akauya akapamba Judha. Akakomba maguta aiva namasvingo achifunga kuapamba kuti ave ake.
2 When Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come to attack Jerusalem,
Hezekia paakaona kuti Senakeribhi akanga auya uye kuti aida kurwisa Jerusarema,
3 he talked with his army commanders about blocking up the water sources that lay outside the city. This is what they did.
akabvunza machinda ake navatungamiri vehondo nezvekuvharwa kwemvura yaibva muzvitubu zvaiva kunze kweguta uye vakamubatsira.
4 They directed a large group of workers to block all the springs as well as the stream flowing nearby. “Why should the kings of Assyria come here and find plenty of water?” they asked.
Hondo huru kwazvo yakaungana, vakavhara zvitubu zvose norukova rwaiyerera ruchipfuura nomunyika iyi. Vakati, “Ko, madzimambo eAsiria angauyirei achizowana mvura zhinji.”
5 Hezekiah set to work and rebuilt all the parts of the wall that had fallen down and constructed towers on it. He also built another wall outside the first wall. He reinforced the Millo in the city of David. He also made a large quantity of weapons and shields.
Ipapo akashanda nesimba akagadziridza zvikamu zvose zvorusvingo zvakanga zvakoromoka akavaka shongwe parwizi. Akavakazve rumwe rusvingo kunze kwerwakanga rwuripo akasimbisa Miro yaitsigira guta raDhavhidhi. Akagadzirawo zvombo zvakawanda nenhoo.
6 Hezekiah put army commanders in charge of the people. Then he summoned the people to gather in the square at the city gate. He spoke to them confidently, telling them,
Akagadza vakuru vehondo pamusoro pavanhu akavaunganidza pamberi pake pachivara chepasuo reguta akavakurudzira namashoko aya:
7 “Be strong and be brave! Don't be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria with his large army, for there are more with us than with him.
“Simbai mutsunge mwoyo. Musatya kana kuora mwoyo nokuda kwamambo weAsiria nehondo huru yaanayo, nokuti kune simba guru kwatiri kupinda raanaro.
8 He has human help, but we have the Lord God on our side to help us and fight our battles.” The people were encouraged by this speech of Hezekiah, king of Judah.
Iye ane ruoko rwenyama chete, asi isu tina Jehovha Mwari wedu kuti atibatsire uye anotirwira hondo dzedu.” Vanhu vakawana kusimbisiswa nokushinga kubva pane zvakanga zvataurwa naHezekia mambo weJudha.
9 Some time later, when Sennacherib was attacking the town of Lachish with his armies, he sent his officers to Jerusalem with this message for Hezekiah, king of Judah, and for everyone from Judah living there.
Shure kwaizvozvo, Senakeribhi mambo weAsiria nehondo yake pavakanga vakakomba guta reRakishi, akatumira vakuru vehondo yake kuJerusarema neshoko iri kuna Hezekia mambo weJudha nokuvanhu vose veJudha vaivako achiti:
10 “This is what Sennacherib, king of Assyria, says. What are you going to trust in to help you survive when I come to attack Jerusalem?
“Zvanzi naSenakeribhi mambo weAsiria: Munozvisimbisa neiko, kuti mungaramba muri muJerusarema rakakombwa?
11 Can't you see that in reality Hezekiah is telling you to die from starvation and thirst when he tells you, ‘The Lord our God will save us from the king of Assyria’?
Hezekia paanoti, ‘Jehovha Mwari wedu achatinunura kubva muruoko rwamambo weAsiria,’ ari kukureverai nhema kuti mufe nenzara nenyota.
12 Wasn't it Hezekiah who destroyed the high places and altars of this god and told Judah and Jerusalem, ‘You must worship at this one altar, and offer sacrifices on it alone’?
Hezekia haana here kubvisa nzvimbo dzakakwirira dzamwari iyeyu nearitari achiti kuJudha neJerusarema, ‘Munofanira kunamata pamberi pearitari imwe chete uye munofanira kubayira zvipiriso pairi’?
13 Don't you know what I and my fathers have done to all the nations of the earth? None of their gods could save them or their lands from me!
“Hamuzivi here zvandakaita namadzibaba angu kuvanhu vedzimwe nyika? Vamwari venyika idzodzo vakagona here kununura nyika yavo kubva muruoko rwangu?
14 Which one of all these gods of these nations that my fathers destroyed has been able to save them from me? So why would you think your god can save you from me?
Ndoupi mwari wenyika dzose dzakaparadzwa namadzibaba angu akagona kuponesa vanhu vake kubva kwandiri? Zvino mwari wenyu angagona sei kukununurai kubva muruoko rwangu?
15 So don't let Hezekiah fool you, and don't let him mislead you like this. Don't trust him, for no god of any nation or kingdom has been able to save their people from me or from my fathers. So it's even less possible for your god to save you from me!”
Zvino musatendera Hezekia kuti akureverei nhema uye akutsausei zvakadai. Musamutende, nokuti hakuna mwari worudzi rupi kana umambo hupi zvahwo akagona kurwira vanhu vake kubva muruoko rwangu kana ruoko rwamadzibaba angu. Mwari wenyu achakundikana zvakadii kukurwirai kubva muruoko rwangu!”
16 Sennacherib's officers continued criticizing the Lord God and his servant Hezekiah.
Makurukota aSenakeribhi akataurazve zvimwe zvakawanda achishora Jehovha Mwari uye achipikisana naHezekia muranda wake.
17 Sennacherib also wrote letters insulting the Lord, the God of Israel, taunting him by saying, “In the same way the gods of the nations did not save their people from me, so the god of Hezekiah will not save his people from me either.”
Mambo akanyorazve tsamba achituka Jehovha, Mwari weIsraeri achitaura izvi pamusoro pake: “Sokukundikana kwavamwari vedzimwe nzvimbo kununura vanhu vake kubva muruoko rwangu, saizvozvo mwari waHezekia achakundikana kununura vanhu vake kubva muruoko rwangu.”
18 The Assyrians also shouted this out in Hebrew to the people of Jerusalem standing on the wall to frighten and to terrify them so that the city would be surrendered.
Ipapo vakadaidzira muchiHebheru kuvanhu veJerusarema vakanga vari parusvingo, vachivatyisidzira vachivaita kuti vatye kuti ivo vagopamba guta.
19 They talked about the God of Jerusalem like they did about the gods of the other nations, gods made by human beings.
Vakataura pamusoro paMwari weJerusarema zvavaiita pamusoro pavamwe vamwari namamwe marudzi enyika, mabasa amaoko avanhu.
20 King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, appealed about this in prayer to the God of heaven.
Mambo Hezekia nomuprofita Isaya mwanakomana waAmozi vakachema mumunyengetero kudenga pamusoro penyaya iyi.
21 The Lord sent an angel who wiped out every warrior, leader, and commander in the camp of the Assyrian king. So he returned home in disgrace. When he went into the temple of his god, some of his own sons killed him with their swords.
Uye Jehovha akatuma mutumwa akaparadza varwi vose navatungamiri navakuru pamisasa yamambo weAsiria. Saka akadzokera kunyika yake achinyara kwazvo uye paakapinda mutemberi yamwari wake vamwe vavanakomana vake vakamuuraya neminondo.
22 The Lord saved Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem from King Sennacherib of Assyria and all other enemies, giving them peace in every direction.
Saka Jehovha akanunura Hezekia navanhu veJerusarema kubva muruoko rwaSenakeribhi mambo weAsiria uye kubva muruoko rwavamwe vose. Akavachengeta kumativi ose.
23 From then on he was very well respected by all the nations, and many brought offerings to Jerusalem for the Lord and valuable gifts for Hezekiah, king of Judah.
Vazhinji vakavigira Jehovha zvipo kuJerusarema nezvipo zvinokosha kuna Hezekia mambo weJudha. Kubva ipapa akatanga kuremekedzwa zvikuru nendudzi dzose.
24 Around that time Hezekiah fell sick and was about to die. So he prayed to the Lord, who replied by healing him and giving him a miraculous sign.
Pamazuva iwayo Hezekia akarwara akasvika pakuda kufa. Akanyengetera kuna Jehovha iye akamupindura akamupa chiratidzo chechishamiso.
25 But because he had become proud, Hezekiah did not acknowledge the gift he'd been given. So the Lord's anger fell on him, and on Judah and Jerusalem.
Asi mwoyo waHezekia wakazvikudza uye haana kugamuchira tsitsi dzaakanga aratidzwa. Saka hasha dzaJehovha dzakava pamusoro pake napamusoro peJudha neJerusarema.
26 Then Hezekiah apologized for his arrogance, as did the people of Jerusalem, and the Lord's anger no longer fell on them during Hezekiah's lifetime.
Ipapo Hezekia akatendeuka kubva mukuzvikudza kwomwoyo wake, sezvakaitawo vanhu veJerusarema, naizvozvo hasha dzaMwari hadzina kuuya kwavari pamazuva aHezekia.
27 Hezekiah was very rich and highly honored, and he built treasury storerooms to hold silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields, and all kinds of valuable things.
Hezekia akanga ane pfuma yakawanda kwazvo uye nokukudzwa, uye akavaka matura okuchengeta sirivha yake negoridhe namatombo anokosha, nezvinonhuhwira, nenhoo nezvimwe zvinokosha zvose.
28 He constructed buildings to store supplies of grain, new wine, and olive oil, and stalls for all kinds of animals, including cattle and sheep.
Akavakawo matura okuchengetera zviyo zvaaikohwa, waini itsva, namafuta; uye akavaka matanga emombe dzamarudzi akasiyana-siyana namatanga amakwai.
29 He built many towns, and he owned large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, for God had made him very wealthy.
Akavaka misha uye akatenga makwai nemombe zhinji nokuti Mwari akanga amupa pfuma yakawanda.
30 Hezekiah blocked off the outlet of the upper Gihon spring and made the water flow down to the west side of the City of David. Hezekiah was successful in everything he did.
Hezekia ndiye akavhara mvura yaibuda muchitubu chepaGihoni ichiyerera nokumusoro akaivhurira kuti iende nezasi kumavirazuva kweGuta raDhavhidhi. Akabudirira mune zvose zvaiita.
31 But when ambassadors of the rulers of Babylon came to him to ask about the miraculous sign that had happened in the country, God left him to himself test him, so he could know Hezekiah's true thinking.
Asi pakatumwa nhume navatongi veBhabhironi kuti vamubvunze pamusoro pechiratidzo chechishamiso chakanga chaitika munyika, Mwari akamusiya kuti amuedze uye kuti azive zvose zvaiva mumwoyo make.
32 The rest of what Hezekiah did, including his acts of loyalty, are recorded in the vision of the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
Zvimwe zvakaitwa naHezekia panguva yokutonga kwake zvakanyorwa muchiratidzo chomuprofita Isaya mwanakomana waAmozi mubhuku ramadzimambo eJudha neIsraeri.
33 Hezekiah died and was buried in the upper cemetery of David's descendants. All Judah and the people of Jerusalem honored him at his death. His son Manasseh took over as king.
Hezekia akazorora namadzibaba ake akavigwa pachikomo pane makuva ezvizvarwa zvaDhavhidhi. Judha yose navanhu veJerusarema vakamuremekedza paakafa. Uye mwanakomana wake Manase akamutevera paumambo.

< 2 Chronicles 32 >